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Posts posted by roobaa01

  1. Gday 


    This is the crux for my pension is too low to be taxed in Germany. However in Thailand it's a different story. The DTA stipulates that the German government is the tax sovereign if you are registered with a fixed address in the country. Maybe I'm wrong but this appears like a conondrum to me.

    PS my net pension after deductions of health insurance in Germany is the 525k



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  2. Gday

    Another aspect pertaining the Thai tax horror the Global income taxation like mentioned in the Bangkok post article. There are foreigners who are still a resident of their home country i.e. Germany . German tax law stipulates as long as you maintain a legal address registration as first residence one is subject pay tax by law in Germany. 

    So how would that play out if Thailand amending the law to global income . USA similar.




  3. Gday 

    Another horror news about Thai taxation . As from the 1.1.2025 anyone having stayed in Thailand for 180 days , would be requested to present a Thai tax no-nif or Thai income tax certificate applying for extension of stay retirement/marriage. Source : mario swiss blogger on YouTube claimed to have been advised by his lawyers. His lawyers were advised by Thai immigration.




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  4. 8 hours ago, jojothai said:

    People need to know that if they are over 65 they have the 160,000 and an extra 190,000 allowance for over 65. 

    People need also to know that another THB 60.000 is granted if I are married to a Thai national. Thereto I think there is also a THB 100000 threshold for pension . Hence in total then 450000 plus the first THB 150000 income are tax exempt . So to my believe the 600 k.




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  5. 1 minute ago, IgboChief said:


    The money really does not matter.

    Extension money needs to be seasoned and you need a "Banking Letter", at Savankhet only an Electronic statement of an current account.

    Extension needs Wife and neighbour to be present, at Savanakhet only signed copies of Tabien Ban and ID card.

    Extension puts you 6-8 weeks under consideration, at Savanakeht you get everything next day.

    Extension gets you 365 days, at Savanakhet you get 365 + 90 days when timing it well and you don't need 90 reports and rubbish when you leave the country often (as I do).

    Extension is quiet unfriendly and nerve wrecking, Savanakhet staff was always neutral/fast/nice.


    So for frequent travelers its the much easier option and I am happy it exists.

    It's 4 weeks under consideration not 6 to 8 weeks. No witnesses are requested for renewals, only for the first time. Immigration unfriendly depends how I address them. Frequent traveller multi-reentry does the same. Expenses are higher going to savannahket. It's also time consuming.




  6. G' day


    If I calculate a fiktiv Pension income Overseas of thb 490000 annually from Europe I would

    receive the first then thb 150000 tax free, then tax rebate thb 100000 as pension receiver , another  tax rebate THB 120000 for being 65 + , then tax rebate thb 120000 for being married so it comes down to zero right. Hence why would I need to file a tax return?




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  7. Gday

    I have been consulting a tax expert in Pattaya

    who advised not to act in any respect this year for tax

    matters have not been clearly laid out. Thereto no implementation rules exist thus far. Hence I will not apply for any Thai tax I'd no. The main reason I'm not applying I'm still registered with my residency in Germany thus I'm still requested to pay tax in Germany even if staying 14 months in Thailand.




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  8. Gday

    On the THB 400000 income  u pay 10 % but I have thresholds or deductibles. U married even reduces your income even further. Like some people wrote already U can take undeclared USD 20000 into the country that's no nearly thb 740000 enough for one year living w/o paying tax on it. Then have money remitted THB 250000 also not taxed. So where is the problem keep the USD 20 k at home sent your missy to the money changer.

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