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Posts posted by BB24

  1. Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

    "Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

    You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh?

    Not exactly, BM.

    It's more like we've got to take the possibility that vile monster could win seriously, and pull out all stops to prevent that. There is a danger of being overconfident and overestimating the intelligence of American voters.

    Brexit does show voters can get things horribly wrong.

    The Brits in supposedly voting for racism, xenophobia, nationalism have in effect broken up the United Kingdom. Sad and so stupid.

    I think it best you stick to commenting on the topic of this thread because drawing comparisons with what's happening in the UK and what Donald plans to do shows how far off the mark you are.

    You wouldn't know about nationalism until your country is swallowed up by some North/South American group with smarmy, uncaring, unelected foreign bureaucrats making all sorts of decisions on your behalf, for better or worse. Brexit, for most people, was as much about simply taking back control as it was to stifle the free movement of huge numbers of people, leading to saturation of public services etc. Britain never agreed to those policies, it was always only about the single market. It is not about being xenophobic or preventing people coming in full stop. Certain immigrants have made the UK a better place, but enough is enough, there's no more room. If it leads to the breakup of the UK, so be it. Having been constantly heckled and berated by a neighbour all your life - Scotland - it would be kind of a relief when they finally move out and who wouldn't want to see the potential reunification of Ireland?

    But I think Americans should be careful of patronising the other side and in their disdain towards Trump. Those in favour of staying in the EU had a similar condescending attitude towards the Leavers, including the government! It can come with consequences, often leading people to want to put two fingers up to the status quo.

    What happened in UK is directly relevant to the US and the world.

    The people are going back to 'the right' - it was a natural consequence of being forcibly dragged too far 'left' by the looney left Liberals and vested interests.

    It had to happen in UK and it will happen all across the EU - and it is the right thing to happen.

    Because - the alternative would be like Nazi Germany when the people had a gutfull and they went too far right too quickly.

    The people of UK and Europe are learning (yet again) that the politicians cannot solve the problems they created.

    Germany was a problem from 1930 and the politicians of Europe did nothing for nearly 10 years - and then it was too late.

    This is the worst example of how frustrated people can over-react to their lives being oppressed unfairly,

    and how incompetent politicians (guided/manipulated by their vested interests) ruin real people's lives.

    There are now systems in place in all Democracies that allow the people to more easily change things that are wrong.

    What started in UK will spread across the western world - yet again the UK will be the impetus for the re-civilisation of the world.

    The notion that being 'nationalistic' is somehow wrong - was created by the looney left Liberals who want "no borders" and who "love refugees".

    And the vested interests of the ruling elite have been able to put economic success in this khrapp 'global market' above the success of the people.

    Who cares if a power drill made in China only costs $10 if you aint got a job ??!!

    The US will be next to take back their country and Trump is the Boris Johnson of US politics.

    They all rubbished his comments as racist and divisive, and personally ridiculed him (his hair too)

    But the people saw though all that media lies and distortions, and saw the truth.

    The polls again and again said the bexiters would lose - the betting odds were way against the brexiters - they were all wrong.

    The people of the US will be just the same - more and more they are seeing the substance behind what Trump is saying.

    They want to take their country back too - they dont want unfetted immigration - they dont want the ruling elite getting rich off cheap products made overseas.

    They are sick of the destruction of their jobs and the loss of working/middle class - all in the name of success in a 'global economy'.

    Take the odds on offer and make some money like many did on the Brexit vote biggrin.png Trump is gonna win.

    I am happy to update all on the latest (positive) news media statements from and about Trump: but I will also post links as per the rules thumbsup.gif

  2. See truck in mirror on highway - either go much faster until it disappears, or give it lots of room and get out of its way.

    When approaching left-hand corner on undivided road - stay well left and watch for truck on wrong side.

    When approaching right-hand corner on undivided road - stay well left and watch for truck on wrong side.

    Extreme defensive driving is the only common sense approach to take on the highways over here - its the wild west with lots of cowboys and no sheriffs.

  3. OMG. Being lectured by THE cut and paster of all time (only an idiot would not see I am pasting a headline), AND

    One of the ooney Liberals thinks Bin Laden is happy Trump is saying negative things about Islamic Terrorists.

    Understandable though - common sense aint something normally associated with or demonstrated by looney Liberals.


    US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said it is a "great thing" that the people of the UK have "taken back their country" in voting to leave the EU.


    The US billionaire answered: said: "I think it's a great thing that's happened. It's an amazing vote, very historic.

    "People are angry all over the world. They're angry over borders, they're angry over people coming into the country and taking over and nobody even knows who they are.

    "They're angry about many, many things in the UK, the US and many other places. This will not be the last."

    Mr Trump said UK divisions "will heal" as "it is a great place", adding: "I said this was going to happen and I think it is a great thing.

  4. OK

    Prediction: today you will read this. Enjoy the coffee smile.png

    If you take out Scotland and Nth Ireland - and just count the England and Wales votes:

    56.3% voted to leave !


    So Scotland and N.Ireland don't count then?

    See previous post about Scotland and Ireland becoming independent - I should have referenced that - my bad.

    Another my bad - 53.6% - just noticed my mis-type

    Need a coffee ...................


    On the day the British people voted to leave the EU, the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president took a business trip to Scotland.

    The idea that the president should be experienced in business is as old as America. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were all farmer/planters. Abraham Lincoln started a general store…

    The Constitution requires that the president be a “Citizen.” When our country was founded, the term “citizen”… meant a “townsman,” a person without rank or noble birth who had to work a trade or a business for a living. The ideal American president, in other words, is someone with an honest job who sees the public fisc as a burden to manage and not as money to spend.

    It is a good thing for a presidential candidate to have a business… Someone who has never created a job, never met a payroll, and never built anything must bear a heavy burden of proof to convince citizens that she should run the economy.

    Who is more likely to be a corrupt puppet of special interests, a business leader who takes time from running for president to reopen a golf course in Scotland, or a politician who received millions of dollars from banks, corporations and lobbyists for doing — as her supporters keep telling us — absolutely nothing at all to earn it?

    Every step Trump takes in Scotland…is a reminder that he is a practical businessman who understands the economy, that he is too rich to be bought for favors, and that the world knows he puts America first. He is exactly the president we need.

  6. While Trump cant remember minor issues at a deposition about a court case from a few disgruntled Liberals who have no real case, Crooked Hillary cant remember SERIOUS issues that have caused death.

    Get real - Trump University (one of his many companies) failed to please a few Liberals over a few thousand, versus HRC who as Secretary of State that caused people to die, created ISIS, destabilised Lybia, fraudulently made millions for the Clinton Foundation, deliberately abused national security, and deleted 30,000+ emails proving ........ something !!! (or were they all cooking recipees smile.png )

    Can you please PM me your dealer's contacts, as you seem to have a particularly good supply of psychotropics.

    Is he from "Lybia"?

    No point - you are not actually in Thailand wai.gif


    As Donald Trump flew into Scotland today after the UK's seismic break with the European Union, parallels have been drawn with the anti-immigration message that led to Brexit and his rise to presumptive Republican presidential candidate.

    Many have pointed out the similarities between Britain's decision to leave the EU and Trump's campaign - and believe it is an indication of how Americans will vote on November 8, which could see Trump in the White House.

    The Donald's arrival in the UK will be seen by many as a meeting of minds - two worlds colliding with shared views including a disgruntled electorate; lost national pride; isolationism; and the issue of immigration.

    And today, he promised close ties between the U.S. and UK if he becomes President.

    'Brexit is further proof that Donald J Trump will be the next President of the United States,' wrote Broderick Greer on Twitter.

  8. NEWSFLASH: Successful businessman sued in the 'land of free litigation' by a disgruntled/dishonest person.

    Each year, 15 million civil cases are filed in the U.S.

    Unfortunately; many people are looking to come across a big paycheck, resulting in frivolous lawsuits.

    Trump refuses to ever 'settle' as many businessman do - he thinks it will only encourage more lawsuits (which it does).

    In other legal systems, the loser in a suit must pay a large portion of the winner’s legal fees, which encourages litigants to exercise more caution. In the U.S., each party pays their own fees, giving people less of an incentive to be careful with lawsuits.

    Many lawyers offer free services - no win no fee - because they know most people will settle to avoid court costs.

  9. Amazing how the 'left' refuse to accept anything when they are over-ruled by the people. Protests and complaints and insults and abuse.

    The people are going back to 'the right' - it was a natural consequence of being forcibly dragged too far 'left' by the vested interests.

    It had to happen in UK and it will happen all across the EU - and it is the right thing to happen.

    Because - the alternative would be like Nazi Germany when the people had a gutfull and they went too far right too quickly.

    The people of UK and Europe are learning (yet again) that the politicians cannot solve the problems they created.

    Germany was a problem from 1930 and the politicians of Europe did nothing for nearly 10 years - and then it was too late.

    This is the worst example of how frustrated people can over-react to their lives being oppressed unfairly,

    and how incompetent politicians (guided/manipulated by their vested interests) ruin real people's lives.

    There are now systems in place in all Democracies that allow the people to more easily change things that are wrong.

    What started in UK will spread across the western world - yet again the UK will be the impetus for the civilisation of the world.

    Prediction (5 years). The UK economy will recover and move forward strongly - break from EU starts within 1 year finished within 2.

    Holland and France and Greece and Denmark and Sweden will vote to leave the EU.

    Prediction (10 years): Scotland will be independent. North and South Ireland will be single independent. England and Wales will remain united.

    The United Kingdom will be England and Wales and the other territories.

    The Monarchy of United Kingdom will adjust - as it has since the 1600s.

    The UK, Scotland and Ireland will form a common block covering things like Defence, Trade, Legals/Courts, Passports, Finances and Other Common Institutions.

    Prediction (10-15 years): The EU will dissolve (and Euro) back to being what it was originally intended to be - a common free trade block with easy Visa for travel/work/holidays.

    The UK will re-join the EU - under the terms and limitations as accepted by the UK people at a referendum (with nil chance of any increase in role unless agreed to by the people in a referendum).

    Many years ago a politician called Enoch Powell predicted all this would come to pass.

    He was ridiculed and accused of being a rascist and a bigot (xenophobe didnt exist yet).

    We all thought he was wrong - but he was right.


  10. From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

    Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

    I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

    Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

    This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

    People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

    Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


    Well said. And it is just the beginning.

    And next will be the USA - Trump will take back what the Bushes and Clintons and Obama have sold out or given away - the US people will again become first.

    Come 2017 there will be a wave of anti-elitist sentiment sweeping across Europe,

    By 2020 I doubt the EU will exist - maybe as a 'trading block' which is all it was supposed to be!!!

  11. Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

    Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

    Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

    (mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

    While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

    Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

    (mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

    What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

    So (human) rights, economy and trade are left-wing issues.... brilliant!

    Brilliant ,, is failing to READ a post.

    (mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

    Europe = left-wing

    Rights = left-wing

    Economy = status quo

    Trade (with Europe) = status-quo/left-wing

    Human (rights) = left-wing

    Future (?) = left-wing (?)

    Well, I can tell you I am about extremely right wing when it comes to economy and trade (libertarian) and I don't find human rights or rights, trade etc. to be a left-wing thing or even a status-quo thing. I think the US constitutional writers would be very surprised to hear that rights were a left-wing thing. Facists and Communists typically are those that have problems with rights.

    You have no idea what you are talking about - you do not understand the difference between US and UK/EU politics.

    This is about UK politics - not US politics - and your political values are way from the reality of the geographic location being discussed.

    You are so wrong - the EU is a left-wing bureaucracy dominated by left-wing agendas - such as the the RIGHTS of EU people to enter/work in the UK (whether UK people like it or not).

    Your comment about Fascists and Communists makes no sense. Communists are far left-wing. Fascists are far right-wing.

  12. Read the headline - saw the picture - unbelievable.

    Young people are getting worse - my old man was right.

    Climbing a mountain, riding a scooter without a helmet, taking a zip-line ride, playing with a monkey, riding a pushbike on highway, not using a condon, drinking way too much.

    Those things are reckless, foolish, or stupid - all natural for young people to do.

    But this is beyond all of that.

    Wonder if they have medical insurance (here and when they get back home).

    Hope they dont need it. Hope being the operative word.

  13. Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

    Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

    Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

    (mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

    While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

    Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

    (mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

    What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

    So (human) rights, economy and trade are left-wing issues.... brilliant!

    Brilliant ,, is failing to READ a post.

    (mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

    Europe = left-wing

    Rights = left-wing

    Economy = status quo

    Trade (with Europe) = status-quo/left-wing

    Human (rights) = left-wing

    Future (?) = left-wing (?)

  14. While Trump cant remember minor issues at a deposition about a court case from a few disgruntled Liberals who have no real case, Crooked Hillary cant remember SERIOUS issues that have caused death.

    Get real - Trump University (one of his many companies) failed to please a few Liberals over a few thousand, versus HRC who as Secretary of State that caused people to die, created ISIS, destabilised Lybia, fraudulently made millions for the Clinton Foundation, deliberately abused national security, and deleted 30,000+ emails proving ........ something !!! (or were they all cooking recipees :) )

  15. Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

    Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

    Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

    (mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

    While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

    Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

    (mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

    What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.


    The three core principles of Donald J. Trump's immigration plan

    When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.

    Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

    1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

    2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

    3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

    Make Mexico Pay For The Wall

    For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries). They have even published pamphlets on how to illegally immigrate to the United States. The costs for the United States have been extraordinary: U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc. Indeed, the annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011. The effects on jobseekers have also been disastrous, and black Americans have been particularly harmed.

    The impact in terms of crime has been tragic. In recent weeks, the headlines have been covered with cases of criminals who crossed our border illegally only to go on to commit horrific crimes against Americans. Most recently, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, with a long arrest record, is charged with breaking into a 64 year-old woman’s home, crushing her skull and eye sockets with a hammer, raping her, and murdering her. The Police Chief in Santa Maria says the “blood trail” leads straight to Washington.

    In 2011, the Government Accountability Office found that there were a shocking 3 million arrests attached to the incarcerated alien population, including tens of thousands of violent beatings, rapes and murders.

    Meanwhile, Mexico continues to make billions on not only our bad trade deals but also relies heavily on the billions of dollars in remittances sent from illegal immigrants in the United States back to Mexico ($22 billion in 2013 alone).

    In short, the Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners. They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up.

    The cost of building a permanent border wall pales mightily in comparison to what American taxpayers spend every single year on dealing with the fallout of illegal immigration on their communities, schools and unemployment offices.

    Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

    Defend The Laws And Constitution Of The United States

    America will only be great as long as America remains a nation of laws that lives according to the Constitution. No one is above the law. The following steps will return to the American people the safety of their laws, which politicians have stolen from them:

    Triple the number of ICE officers. As the President of the ICE Officers’ Council explained in Congressional testimony: “Only approximately 5,000 officers and agents within ICE perform the lion’s share of ICE’s immigration mission…Compare that to the Los Angeles Police Department at approximately 10,000 officers. Approximately 5,000 officers in ICE cover 50 states, Puerto Rico and Guam, and are attempting to enforce immigration law against 11 million illegal aliens already in the interior of the United States. Since 9-11, the U.S. Border Patrol has tripled in size, while ICE’s immigration enforcement arm, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), has remained at relatively the same size.” This will be funded by accepting the recommendation of the Inspector General for Tax Administration and eliminating tax credit payments to illegal immigrants.

    Nationwide e-verify. This simple measure will protect jobs for unemployed Americans.

    Mandatory return of all criminal aliens. The Obama Administration has released 76,000 aliens from its custody with criminal convictions since 2013 alone. All criminal aliens must be returned to their home countries, a process which can be aided by canceling any visas to foreign countries which will not accept their own criminals, and making it a separate and additional crime to commit an offense while here illegally.

    Detention—not catch-and-release. Illegal aliens apprehended crossing the border must be detained until they are sent home, no more catch-and-release.

    Defund sanctuary cities. Cut-off federal grants to any city which refuses to cooperate with federal law enforcement.

    Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa. Millions of people come to the United States on temporary visas but refuse to leave, without consequence. This is a threat to national security. Individuals who refuse to leave at the time their visa expires should be subject to criminal penalties; this will also help give local jurisdictions the power to hold visa overstays until federal authorities arrive. Completion of a visa tracking system – required by law but blocked by lobbyists – will be necessary as well.

    Cooperate with local gang task forces. ICE officers should accompany local police departments conducting raids of violent street gangs like MS-13 and the 18th street gang, which have terrorized the country. All illegal aliens in gangs should be apprehended and deported. Again, quoting Chris Crane: “ICE Officers and Agents are forced to apply the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Directive, not to children in schools, but to adult inmates in jails. If an illegal-alien inmate simply claims eligibility, ICE is forced to release the alien back into the community. This includes serious criminals who have committed felonies, who have assaulted officers, and who prey on children…ICE officers should be required to place detainers on every illegal alien they encounter in jails and prisons, since these aliens not only violated immigration laws, but then went on to engage in activities that led to their arrest by police; ICE officers should be required to issue Notices to Appear to all illegal aliens with criminal convictions, DUI convictions, or a gang affiliation; ICE should be working with any state or local drug or gang task force that asks for such assistance.”

    End birthright citizenship. This remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. By a 2:1 margin, voters say it’s the wrong policy, including Harry Reid who said “no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.

    Put American Workers First

    Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”

    The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.

    Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world.”

    Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:

    Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

    Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

    End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

    Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.

    Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.

    Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.

  17. I think that this outcome is the beginning of Europe world becoming 'right' again. The 'leftist' Governments of Europe have gone too far in deciding what is best for the people.

    As is the want of those of the left, the power to control the people has been more and more centralised, resulting in an incompetent and corrupt bureaucracy that refuses to listen to the people because they know what is best for the people, and who panders to the minority groups and their own vested interests.

    The people of the UK have spoken and most of the rest of Europe will follow suit. They may not be perfect, but they want to control their own destiny, and that is the right of every individual in any democratic state.

    Best news I have had for a long time. 24th June - Independence Day for the UK.

    And even more looking forward to watching the movie which was released worldwide yesterday (Independance Day 2).

  18. In the most consequential 4-4 deadlock of the term, the Supreme Court has all but killedPresident Obama’s most significant attempted reform of immigration policy — which would have allowed up to 4.5 million immigrants to apply for protection from deportation and work legally in the US.


    Today's 4-4 Supreme Court ruling has blocked one of the most unconstitutional actions ever undertaken by a President. The executive amnesty from President Obama wiped away the immigration rules written by Congress, giving work permits and entitlement benefits to people illegally in the country. This split decision also makes clear what is at stake in November. The election, and the Supreme Court appointments that come with it will decide whether or not we have a border and, hence, a country. Clinton has pledged to expand Obama's executive amnesty, hurting poor African-American and Hispanic workers by giving away their jobs and federal resources to illegal immigrant labor – while making us all less safe. It is time to protect our country and Make America Safe Again and Great Again for everyone.

  19. A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

    AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

    In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

    The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

    This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

    • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
    • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
    • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
    • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
    • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

    Pass a federal law making it a serious felony to employ anyone that is not a US citizen (or has an employment Visa) - 5 to 10 years in jail (no second chance).

    All of a sudden who is going to risk going to jail for 5-10 years to employ an illegal immigrant???

    Trump will close the borders to America and will remove illegal immigrants, and deport any legal immigrant that commits a serious crime.

    Trump will stop employers giving work to illegal immigrants - and that will remove the incentive for them to come and stay.

    Trump wont get rid of or stop 100% - but he will do something because he is the only one that accepts and talks about 'the problem'.

    And Trump will build and maintain statistics on all immigrants - legal and illegal.

    Pass a law that makes it a felony to hire an undocumented worker?

    There is a law on the books and every employee/employer must file the IRS Form I-9.

    Failure to comply can result in a $9,000 fine for each case.

    The undocumented workers just use a fake ID to get jobs. No companies I know hire them without filing the I-9 form with the Internal Revenue Service.

    The bookkeepers and accountants make sure every worker has the required ID. They don't risk the $9,000 fine unless they are stupid.

    These workers Social Security withholdings are putting $13 billion into the fund.... but they will never see the benefits.

    • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
    • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
    • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.

    Penalties are far too lenient - no disincentive .......................

    Employers are required to make a good faith effort....................

    And proving an Employer DID NOT make a good faith effort is extremely hard - so it is rarely if ever enforced.

    If a court determines that you've shown a pattern of breaking the law in hiring undocumented workers, the court could sentence you to up to six months in jail.

    DITTO. It is just too easy - plead guilty and pay a small fine (sounds like Thailand :) )

    Trump will address this.

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