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Posts posted by paulinbkk111

  1. Perhaps these Unis should spend more time dealing with current Indigenous issues such as prison rates, unemployment, seperated families from their culture, support services, high suicide rates and more, rather than just sitting in East Sydney with other academics discussing the semantics of an event 200 years ago. 

    But that would be too hard and they wont be able to pat each other on the back.

  2. 6 hours ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:



    One thing for sure, I bet they don't sit at home all day criticizing Thailand on a Chinese Expat Forum.


    They'll be learning the language and integrating and forming a REAL community, helping each other out, unlike the white Westerners here.



    They will be helping themselves and forming a real community for themselves.

  3. On 1/4/2017 at 6:47 AM, muzmurray said:


    Please show me where it says the school is "supposed" to pay for your work permit?


    Each establishment is different, some pay all, some half and some nothing at all.


    His first extension would be for 9 months, not 1 year.(Assuming the normal 1 year contract).

    Sure, but should be a red flag about the company.


    General rule, if a schools asks you to pay your visa, I wouldn't go near them. Even having to pay 1900bht isn't great. If they think you arent worth a 4000bht outlay at the beginning, then its a sign of how you will be treated for the next 12 months.


    Personal experience, but holds true.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Have spent the last year setting up exactly this.. From a few years ago buying 5 rai for the grand villa and maybe a bunch of rental homes around a pool (estimated 30 mil inward) to dropping off extensions back to a ME visa, going and setting up a fall back home in the west, starting a biz back there, and the full lifeboat option to be on a plane in a day or two without any real interruption to my life just in case.. 


    What I discovered this summer was

    1) the UK is probably cheaper, for the life I lead and the things I consume these days than Thailand is

    2) theres sooo much to do that I had forgotten I loved (track days, racing calendar, flight lessons, music festivals, bands, etc).. 

    3) making money is so easy back there that not only is it not costing me anything, its set to me making me multi 100k doing it. 


    I am younger than some at 43, been 'retired' here since I was 28.. Allowed myself to become brainwashed by every expats complaints of trips home, the self validation of 'how great it was to be back' or holiday makers gushing over how lucky it is to be here.. Sure it may be fine at 60 to wind down and live slow in a semi decent climate but this last year has me enthused with the action of being back in europe, my only problems involve the wife / travel / our dog / etc.. 


    Of course its cold and dark in the UK now.. So I am here.. Counting the days until the winter is over to get back. I am really wondering if I wouldnt do far better having a villa in portugal for the winter rather than here. The biz I have started can easily pay for that cost without touching any of my nestegg. 


    Very true. Australia is the same.

    Yeh back home is more expensive for services, but the quality, range of food and social events (that arent just boozing in a pub... which is fun) makes up for it.


    Horses for courses though

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, LammyTS1 said:

    He is African. He entered Europe illegally. He burned down a school in Italy. He served 4 years in prison.
    He then entered Germany after his release from prison. His asylum application was refused but remained in Germany. He committed 3 further crimes in Germany whilst awaiting deportation. Last month, this person was considered a threat to Germany due to his extreme Islamist links. He still couldn't be deported?
    Clearly the laws of Germany in relation to asylum seekers need to be changed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Sums up the whole situation. Completely insane

  6. 44 minutes ago, ballbreaker said:

    If the pump only feeds your condo then you may be on the hook for repair.


    If it falls under common property then management is responsible.



    Its for all condos.

    As far as others being disturbed, management say its just me, but I am second from top floor, so thats probably why.


    Will check the price, if not ridiculous then I will take my medicine and pay.


    So second question: anyone know any reputable (or just any) technicians? Management say its a compressor problem.

  7. Hi TV'ers,


    I have owned a condo in Bangkok for the last 7 years with no problems, until the last 6 weeks.

    A water pump next to me (I only have one neighbour) keeps making a humming noise that is making living in my condo near impossible (let alone rent it out).

    Condo management company keep saying the technician will fix, but still nothing has happened. They now want me to pay for it, even though its their problem.


    Is there any recourse to fix this? Is it worthwhile (or does anyone have a recommendation) finding legal help? Anyone been in a similar situation?


    Thanks in advance

  8. Hi all,

    Leaving my current job at the end of the month. Notice given, no problems.

    My new employer is asking when I will be cancelled at immigration, and that I need a letter from my current employer.

    Current employer said that on my last day (30th) they will notify immigration, I will have 7 days to leave the country.

    Do I just leave then just come back, or do I need any paperwork from my current employer.


  9. Hi everyone,

    Working at a large school branch in second year. have work permit and visa sorted but they never signed a second year contract with me. If I left, would I still need to give 1 month notice, or earlier.

    Also I still have 14 days annual leave remaining. Im told that I cannot take this in my final month. That for real or just BS?

    Otherwise enjoyed working there and been no other work issues.

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