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Posts posted by rubyjuan

  1. the one week i spend in Vietnam in Hanoi, to be honest ,was one of the worse ever in terms of ladies.

    No bars, no disco, no public display of ladies, massage places can only do massage (u know what i mean..), almost no english spoken and no interest, I sensed, to hanging out with a farang.

    Very, very different than thailand.

    But yes, very attractive ladies. Since I am very attracted to the "chinese look" kind of ladies I might look for a different approach, through the internet, for example.

    If whores are your thing...then I can understand that.

  2. the one week i spend in Vietnam in Hanoi, to be honest ,was one of the worse ever in terms of ladies.

    No bars, no disco, no public display of ladies, massage places can only do massage (u know what i mean..), almost no english spoken and no interest, I sensed, to hanging out with a farang.

    Very, very different than thailand.

    But yes, very attractive ladies. Since I am very attracted to the "chinese look" kind of ladies I might look for a different approach, through the internet, for example.

    If whores are your thing...then I can understand that.

  3. You guys need to spend some time in Vietnam. There is a different level of class here. Thai and Filipina women are looking for you to provide for them, where Vietnamese will out - work you amd be home in time to cook dinner. They have educations, too. And, the average Vietnamese woman is way more attractive. ..I lived in Thailand for years, been to the PHL, and have now lived in Vietnam for two plus years, there's no comparison.

  4. Teaching at a government school is a joke, plain and simple. I did it for two years and it was a joke. Yeah, the kids are fun, the Thai teachers despise you because you make a few hundred dollars more than them, but what they don't realize, is that they often get a free place to live, they can stay in the hospital for a week, virtually for free, they get zero percent loans and they get a pension for life, among other things. If you're a teacher, and want to teach, go else where and make some money.

  5. I am sure it is Sinusitis, likely due to pollution and changes in weather etc....

    What you describe sounds like sinusitis. Could be allergic or infectious in origin and if infectious, could be virus or bacteria. (Does not sound in the least like meliodosis!)

    You need to see a better ENT. Where are you located?

  6. I lived in Mae Sot for two years. Mae Sot is on the border of Myanmar and is a mixture of Thai and Burmese, legal and illegal. Women used to wonder, why they were attacked by local Burmese, while they are out in the bush, in the middle of the night, while they are riding their push bikes, drunk as skunks....stupid!!

    I am thinking this girl is either on the run or had a bad trip. Letting your 21 year old daughter got to backpack in Thailand, on her own, is flat out stupid!!!

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