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Everything posted by 1duckyboy

  1. Making a video of someone naked without their permission is against the law in Thailand. So the nightclub owner has admitted doing this many times to prevent being blackmailed. What's to prevent him from blackmailing his victims? That's why it's against the law.
  2. With the 11 MFP leaders banned for 10 years from having any connection, direct or indirect, in the forming or involvement in a political party, Pita and his associates have to be careful or the new party will be dissolved again, not that the powers that be need a reason.
  3. So the Thai minority of a condo development can vote down costly preventative maintenance (roof, plumbing, etc.) to the complex and the foreign condo owners can watch the quality of their abodes deteriorate and lose value.
  4. An easy half a million new voters for Democrats.
  5. She grabbed the first guy and he shook her off. She then approached the second guy and he was having none of it. Good on him.
  6. The sheep has been shorn.
  7. Blackball him through immigration.
  8. "According to the Chulalongkorn academic, CHD620 would undoubtedly be viewed as “low-quality” in comparison to MTU396 since the Chinese engine has never been used with any operable submarines, including those of the Chinese navy." I guess it would a waste of time asking for a volunteer manned submarine corps.
  9. Isn't possession of two yaba tablets legal now?
  10. Asean Now needs to dial back the adjectives switch on it's AI.
  11. If the ten year old rice can be sold, the earnings may ameliorate some of Yingluck's crimes, paving the way for her return.
  12. The Thai official's reaction is the biggest joke of all.
  13. Never be worth more to a Thai dead than alive.
  14. He plans on suing the airline. The airline may reciprocate.
  15. One would hope the fine for a second offense in five months would be large enough to discourage such shameful actions. !00k will do nothing.
  16. At least the car drive observes local customs, doing a runner after the accident.
  17. Amsterdam just put a halt to the building of any more large hotels in an effort to curb mass tourism. Thailand charging 300 baht tourist fee isn't going to stop anyone but will get more local pigs to the trough.
  18. Don't know how it is in Thai prisons, but in Western prisons these two wouldn't live to finish their sentences and they wouldn't go painlessly.
  19. Thai and foresight are mutually exclusive.
  20. How much evidence is needed to not "set up a committee to investigate the matter" and instead forward evidence to a prosecutor. Next will be the transfer to an inactive post, with pay. Then evidence disappears, witnesses change their stories or a misunderstanding is declared. TIT
  21. Who is this "latest report" from? I guess they're not counting expats who breathe the air.
  22. With ewaste banned in China, Thailand is now China's ewaste toilet.
  23. "The case is still under process and no official charges have been issued against any parties." Waiting for the envelopes to fatten up now that the attempted bribe is public. The $wi$$ guy knows the game.
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