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Everything posted by 1duckyboy

  1. "concern", "unease", but no medical diagnosis whatsoever. Medically speaking, Thaksin is currently a well man.
  2. A prisoner has access to a cell phone? Only in Mexico (cartels) and Thailand (politician/billionaire).
  3. "That threat was over website links providing incorrect “misinformation” according to the government that Thailand demanded to be removed." Did the government want correct "misinformation" then?
  4. "General Prawit has had a distinguished career in both the military and government and may end up uniquely positioned to be elected as PM at this time" Saw this coming when Pita couldn't get elected PM. "distinguished" is not what I would call Prawit's career. If the power that be can dredge up Pita's media stock holdings how about MFP demanding more facts about Prawit's watches and rings inquiry? Yeah, I know, it will never happen.
  5. Broke my femur into three pieces in motorbike accident in America. The leg wound up 1cm. shorter. The femur is the strongest bone in your body and it takes a great deal to break it. He's lucky he's still alive. *^#@ happens, especially on a motorbike in Thailand.
  6. dddave is the only person who has any real knowledge about what is happening at the south end of Jomtien Beach Road. The rest of the comments here are just uninformed blather.
  7. Where do they pull these figures from every week? Never mind.
  8. So the RTP still haven't received the requested CCTV footage of the incident. I sense where this is going, nowhere.
  9. If the judge pled guilty/cooperated, his sentence may be halved.
  10. "Makeup, get that brown off of Ms. Wallace's nose during the break."
  11. If the Lithuanian tourist isn't present for the perp's trial, is he set free? If so, I sense the wheels of justice will grind slowly.
  12. "It brings to an end his long flight from the clutches of Thai authorities". Someone grease the clutches?
  13. It takes two persons to pass an STD.
  14. Nope. Last time the police cleared prostitutes off the beach promenade the girls just moved to the other side of Beach Road, about 20 metres.
  15. Keep the young ignorant and they will grow up to be sheep.
  16. The Rolex served it's purpose, she was indeed impressed.
  17. Follows the typical Thai business model, when business is bad raise prices. A shame the proposed departure tax won't be going to businesses that need it, but to government backhanders. Too bad foreign residents have to pay Thai taxes but can't vote..
  18. The bad actors in Thailand’s cannabis industry So "bad actors" = foreigners.
  19. Yes, especially for someone who killed so many, including mothers, indiscriminatly. She may get inmate justice.
  20. Never seen a PCX taxi. They're expensive, use more fuel and are harder to maneuver/park in town than the usual 125cc bikes.
  21. For the last few months I've been reading about numerous crackdowns and officer transfers leading up to the elections but no no convictions/sentences. Am I being naive.
  22. And the other half are RTP and Immigration officials.
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