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Everything posted by 1duckyboy

  1. This a day after it was announced Chinese police would patrol Thai streets with Thai police.
  2. One would expect a former Minister of Public Health to have a real doctor of public of health degree.
  3. As per standard practice, a photo of the victims receiving a basket of fruit and everything is fine again.
  4. This is exactly how its done in California. Most California physicians recognize marijuana's medicinal value and will give a prescription to a patient. The patient then gets a card allowing them to buy and possess marijuana. Because marijuana is still a controlled substance, dispensaries have to be licensed and their number and locations are controlled by state and local governments. There is not a proliferation of weed dispensaries and those that exist are low profile, as befitting a pharmacy/chemist.
  5. There will be a ruling that Big Joke can't be considered for the RTP Commissioner position while he is under investigation. Sound familiar?
  6. Good luck getting past the Election Commission, courts and Senate. I wish you well.
  7. I don't understand whey there isn't a public outcry against the election stealing, broken promises and Thaksin's anticipated early release. The Thai people seem so apathetic.
  8. Child shot twice, so gun mishandled twice? The coverup begins.
  9. He's not on his knees, everyone else is, to him.
  10. "Pattaya City Vows to Finish Roadworks on Beach Road and Second Road before Upcoming High Season in October" Of what year?
  11. Nor necessarily, the courts/commissions have the ability to strike down any election results, as we've seen recently
  12. "fatigue", and "stress" but no objective medical data showing a medical problem but likely good enough for a pardon.
  13. "Unease" and "concern" are not objective, measured results of the tests given. No tangible reason was given for the vague, unsubstantiated feelings of "unease" and "concern" of medical staff.
  14. "concern", "unease", but no medical diagnosis whatsoever. Medically speaking, Thaksin is currently a well man.
  15. A prisoner has access to a cell phone? Only in Mexico (cartels) and Thailand (politician/billionaire).
  16. "That threat was over website links providing incorrect “misinformation” according to the government that Thailand demanded to be removed." Did the government want correct "misinformation" then?
  17. "General Prawit has had a distinguished career in both the military and government and may end up uniquely positioned to be elected as PM at this time" Saw this coming when Pita couldn't get elected PM. "distinguished" is not what I would call Prawit's career. If the power that be can dredge up Pita's media stock holdings how about MFP demanding more facts about Prawit's watches and rings inquiry? Yeah, I know, it will never happen.
  18. Broke my femur into three pieces in motorbike accident in America. The leg wound up 1cm. shorter. The femur is the strongest bone in your body and it takes a great deal to break it. He's lucky he's still alive. *^#@ happens, especially on a motorbike in Thailand.
  19. dddave is the only person who has any real knowledge about what is happening at the south end of Jomtien Beach Road. The rest of the comments here are just uninformed blather.
  20. Where do they pull these figures from every week? Never mind.
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