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Posts posted by Sonhia

  1. Good on him. Well done!  He is only human not indoctrinated


    Extoring money, corruption, fraud, beggimg, as most Thai monks do,  is far worse than sleeping with the opposite sex, which Thai monks do as well!


    Farang!  Make an example of him the low life scum because he is not perfert Thai? Feed him to the dogs. Burn him alive. Stone him. 555 


    Tables turned and they cant take it... Typical.


    He was not trying it on with minors, youngsters, as Thai monks do, not all, but the point is, Thai are just as bad and in some cases far worse.


    I once lived in a small Thai dump of a village, normal Thai style, near Ubon, the monk at that time had A/C, hot running water, the mod con's, wifi etc...and banging the local women and possibly men, and was getting away with it!!!!!!!


    Thai are good at judging others, but not themselves!

    • Like 2
  2. Good on him. He is only human not indoctrinated. 


    Extoring money, corruption, fraud, beggimg, as most Thai monks do,  is far worse than sleeping with the opposite sex, which Thai monks do as well!


    Farang!  Make an example of him because he is not perfert Thai. Feed him to the dogs. Burn him alive. Stone him. 555


    Tables turned and they cant take it... Typical.

    • Like 1
  3. Yet another coup in the pipe-line possibly? The (300th 555) 20th or so in recent history. Something else to be proud of?  Much the same as human plus animal rights violations and much more...


    Why foreigners invest here is beyond me. Nothing but extortion, corruption, racism, lawlessness, violence, impolitness etc... are guarenteed.


    Good luck if you stay!? You may regret it? I did! That is why I'm  moving on... Gettimg out before the storm. As Thai put it in a negative sense, "UP TO YOU". Yes! UP TO ME!

    • Confused 1
  4. With modern tech, putting together a pricing audit as such, is very easy to to, but this is Thailand, so it comes as no surprise hospitals have not submitted respective reports on time. No doubt the books have been, will be or are being cooked with fat cats licking up as.much double cream.as possible whilst patients suffer. Corruption springs to mind. Typical.Thai mind set.

    • Like 2
  5. Typical response. P.R spin. Tourism is down, declining, with foreigners going elsewhere to spend there money they've probably worked very hard for at cleaner, less polluted or violent destinations with far less racism, victimisation, lawlessness plus the obvious scams, corruption and extortion, whereby they feel more welcome, safer and respected as visitors with far better customer service and  language communication, namely the universal language of travellers being English which most Thai have very little or no command of in mostly all Thai tourist hot spots. And to think foreigners have been visiting Thailand for decades in there millions and yet Thai still are unable to speak basic English.

    • Like 1
  6. Typical response. P.R spin. Tourism is down, declining, with foreigners going elsewhere to spend there money they've probably worked very hard for at cleaner, less polluted or violent destinations with far less racism, victimisation, lawlessness plus the obvious scams, corruption and extortion, whereby they feel more welcome, safer and respected as visitors with far better customer service and  language communication, namely the universal language of travellers being English which most Thai have very little or no command of in mostly all Thai tourist hot spots. And to think foreigners have been visiting Thailand for decades in there millions and yet Thai still are unable to speak basic English.

  7. What a joke!


    History clearly shows the undemocratic way inwhich Thailand has been and is being administered.




    Typical Thai mind-set, they cannot accept fault or wrong doing. For a country that has done very little, compared to many other countries, Thai blow hard on a very small trumpet. Which county in recorded history was the biggest Empire? It sure was not Thailand. Does Thailand manufacture it's own vehicles? No! What has Thailand contributed to the world? Aids? Sex industry? Corruption? Extortion? Racism.....?



    • Like 1
  8. Thailand is worst for most things!!!


    Children die for lack of education plus investment and law enforcement.


    This is Thailand!


    Too busy taking photos,  extoring money, pointing fingers, eating and shouting at each other!


    Children are dieing and they seem to careless. Face and ego trips seem more important than life and children.




    And they call this Paradise!

  9. Suspects foreigners?


    After all, Thai blame everything on foreigners! But not on Thai.


    Today, in Pattaya or is it Phattaya,  I saw a Thai male on a motorbike, at the intersection near Greek corner bar, I'm  sure some readers will know the location, with no helmet using his mobile phone smoking then throwing the butt on the ground whilst parked on the pedestrian  crossing, then with typical Thai ego impatience, jumped the red light.


    This is Paradise and foreigners want to retire here!

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