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Everything posted by Tarteso

  1. There may be someone who does not think the same
  2. Not true, Ex-wife was detained in 2012 with traces of 0.5 milligrams of cocaine in her bag, after a trip in Vietnam..With that amount, surely, they could have bought the big plot of land. Frank bought the land, after 17 years of successful television shows, he invested 870.000.-Euros in a 37 hectares for create the sanctuary. After divorce In 2024 it was bought back from his addict ex-wife again for a price of 325,000 Euros. The husband has never been involved in drug or consumption issues. This being the cause of the divorce.
  3. The arrest was caused by not having all the permits and authorizations in order..I hope he is released soon, at least on bail. He is currently undergoing treatment for Cancer. Pic made last month.
  4. Many times the police themselves ask Frank to go to the airport to pick up protected animals that are being trafficked, because they simply don't know what to do with them. Pure hypocrisy.
  5. He bought the land from his ex-wife for 225,000 Euros, to put it in the name of one of his 3 sons who works with him at the sanctuary.
  6. Not true. I know this guy for years. This is a long and complex story, where the resentment and hatred from a broken marriage. A classic and recurring theme between Falangs and Thais. He is a healthy guy who is not a drug addict and who dedicates his life to caring for animals and raising his three children. In this case, a worker who had been fired has taken revenge by reporting “illegal” animals. Last year he paid 225,000 Euros to his ex-wife Yuyee for the purchase of the shrine, but look like she want more money and she wants him out of Thailand or in the jail.
  7. RIP Driver fatigue?… Strange many Thai drivers usually take Yaba to resist so many kms.
  8. Saturday night😊
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