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Posts posted by newnative

  1. 33 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    Some posters have a very skewed idea of what Pattaya offers.  Yes, there is the bar scene of course.  But the majority of Pattaya has none of that, and  no doubt many people who live in Pattaya partake in none of that either.


    I have lived in Pattaya many times, typically 3-6 months at a time.  Like other posters who replied, I too have never partaken in the bar or P4P scene.  I like Pattaya for its boardwalk for exercise, large shopping malls, restaurants,  largevariety of shops etc etc.


    The only reason why I have never settled in Pattaya is because long-term I prefer a rural location with a garden for my ham radio antennas 🙂

          Sometime you might explore the Darkside area of Pattaya, if you haven't already.  That's where my spouse and I have ended up and we are liking it.  Wide variety of housing available and there are still some rural areas.  We are near Lake Mabprachan but can be places like T21, Index, Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, Central Festival, etc., in a half-hour or less, non-rush times. 

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  2. 38 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

    The compact you refer to is unlikely to survive legal challenge.


    "The Supreme Court has also held that congressional consent is required for interstate compacts that alter the horizontal balance of power among the states."


    Since this arrangement appears to be a power grab by Democrat states, only if they are in full control of Congress could they get the required consent.


    One law professor has argued that Congress cannot consent to the NPVIC, because Congress has no power to alter the functioning of the Electoral College under Article I, Section VIII.


    The CRS report concluded that the NPVIC would likely become the source of considerable litigation, and it is likely that the Supreme Court will be involved in any resolution of the constitutional issues surrounding it.


    Given that the Supreme Court ist dominated by Republican appointed judges, it is highly unlikely they would sanction this compact.


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact#:~:text=The National Popular Vote Interstate,and the District of Columbia.

          Yes, there's debate regarding the compact--I side with those who believe states have the power to manage their electors--but I find it encouraging that 17 states, both with large populations and small, have voted to recognize popular vote as the way to elect presidents in the 21st century.  Also encouraging that other states are looking into it.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, GypsyT said:

    I found it! Nuevo California for home sick Gringos.... like me (who some times miss LA / CA of '80s). The location is great, short drive from BKK. Way too expensive for me but seeing is free.

    I'll go and see since I plan to scout the whole beach area south of Bangkok, in Samut Prakan.

    Nobody knows anything about that beach, or if there is a beach?




    Looks like copy cat of fake Italian Villages which come-n-go like Sattahip Vine area or Khao Yai's "Palio". When I was there they wanted entry fee! No double pricing here... I though stupid to pay to see houses for sale and asked a local man and he told "Go back side dirt road, no fee". I did and there were nothing to see. Many shops closed and the whole place was semi run down.



    The houses, from the photos I saw, look like the Silk Road project in Pattaya.

  4.      If I recall the article I read regarding Swift's endorsement, it seemed to be more of a mixed-bag than what you would garner from reading the Post's take.   I don't think the endorsement changed too many minds when it comes to voters who were already going to vote one way or another.  I fall into that category--I was already voting for Harris.  Jesus Christ endorsing, along with already 'saving' Trump, would not change my vote.   

         I think the Swift endorsement will be a small net plus by getting younger voters, especially women,  interested in the election, getting them to register to vote, and then getting them to actually vote.   Young voters 18-29 have the lowest voter turnout rate in the US.  Harris is winning this group but she needs to get them to the polls.  The Swift endorsement might a bit help with this.

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  5. 4 hours ago, LisuLover said:

    95% of party people would have been upset and disturbed by unpleasant, violent fighting in public.

         And, the rest of us who aren't 'party people' aren't 'upset and disturbed' at all.  At least I am not.  And, I doubt '95%' of the 'party people' are, either.   This is a nothing story, blown up because there's not a lot of other news to report.   It's the same thing with the hyped 'tourist gets gold necklace stolen' stories.  Yawn.  Gotta fill the space with something.   If it was even reported at all in western cities and newspapers, it would warrant a one or two sentence blurb under a "Police Beat' column.  Two drunk guys get into a fight at a bar in a tourist city.  Stop the presses!


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  6.     Well, let's see.  You can't believe a single word that comes spewing out of Trump's lying mouth so likely there will be another debate.   What's he got to lose?  After being pulverized in the last debate, he's at rock bottom; there's just up left.  Unless he's even worse, if that's possible, and manages to break through rock bottom.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    I just stated I could resettle anytime at Koh Phangan. Later  I had to argue why Koh Phangan is better than Pattaya because Pattaya had everything I wanted 😂



         So, I'm not sure I'm understanding your post.  For me, it's not a question of whether one place is 'better' than another place.  For me, it's what place has more of what I want in a place to live, knowing that no place is going to have 'everything', including the place I do live, Pattaya.   

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    I was not bashing pattaya here, I was just stating Koh Phangan have better diving, trials for motorbikes and hiking, padling, and have quite a large diversity on such a small Island compare to Pattaya, and not what so ever traffic. Easy  Island hopping, or just fly out from Koh Samui just one hour ferry transport from habour to airport. 



         I think you need to distinguish between an interesting place to visit vs. a place you would want to live year-round.  It can be a big difference.   For me, from your description, Koh Phangan would fall into a place I'd probably only enjoy for a visit, since I don't ride motorbikes or dive ,or do much hiking or paddling.  None of those activities would appear on my needs list when I am looking for a place to live year-round.   I have visited a half-dozen islands and did enjoy the short visits but for year-round living?  Not for me, but, perhaps, just the ticket for someone else.

          A place having 'better diving' doesn't count for much if you don't have any interest in diving.  On the other hand, I eat 3 meals a day and love to eat out so a place having lots of different restaurants does count for much. For me, it comes down to checking the needs boxes.  

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  9. 21 hours ago, Hummin said:

    I just do not need to convince you, but when living in Pattaya, it for enjoying all of its oppertunities and venues. Living in the back side districts of pattya in a town house, or inside fences in a western soi with no view? I I was living in Jomtien or Pattaya for sure I would have beach view, and live central as possible. 


    Just accept we have different views and check lists for a good quality life. 

         That's the great thing about Pattaya.  It can accommodate lots of 'different views and check lists for a good quality of life'.  You'll have your view and checklist, and I'll have mine, which likely is far different, but nothing wrong with that.  What floats your boat. 

        When my spouse and I were younger and first moved to Pattaya, like you, we wanted a location to live at with a beach view.  And, preferably oceanfront.  We're in a beach town, we want to be on the beach, right?

         And, we got it.  We started with an oceanfront 1-bedroom condo at VT3.  Then moved to a 2-bedroom oceanfront at Lumpini Park Beach in south Jomtien, followed by a 3-bedroom oceanfront condo in Wong Amat--with a number of other condo stops in-between--not all oceanfront but all with ocean and beach views.  It was great for that stage of our lives.

        As we got older, we found we wanted more privacy, more space, and more bedrooms to accommodate visits from family.  Again, no problem with Pattaya accommodating one of our changing needs.  We are now in a large 4-bedroom pool villa on the Darkside, which fits where we are now in our lives.  

         Although our housing need changed, other needs didn't.  We still like to see movies in English.  I still like good and interesting shopping choices--I have several favorite Japanese import stores I like here and I bought a beautiful antique Japanese wall scroll this weekend.   We've been car shopping this year and we appreciate all the many car brands we now have to choose from in Pattaya--and, good to not have to go a long distance for service.

        We're both trying to stay in shape so we like that we are able to have a membership to use the very nice gym at one of Pattaya's big resorts.  We love to eat out, that didn't change, so, of course, we like the extensive dining choices Pattaya has to offer, with new restaurants opening all the time.  

        Spouse still likes to play badminton and there are 3 or 4 courts, maybe more, in Pattaya, including one less than 5 minutes from our house.  We still like the good health care Pattaya has and being close to both Bangkok and the airports when we travel.  

        As I said in an earlier post, Pattaya checks more of the 'needs' boxes we have, and it can still check them when some of the needs change. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    I also use Jomtien IO & had no problems reporting Online when I got back from the UK in May 2023 but things changed (I think earlier this year) so it didn't work when I tried it in August having got back from the UK in May, lots of other guys have reported similar experiences.

    Thanks, Mike.  I didn't realize it has now become a problem--and it was working so well!  Darn.

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