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Posts posted by Vallon66

  1. Thai women can be a huge pain.. No doubt. BUT....

    let's see. You took your wife to your home country where she was out of her element,you had no job, no place to live and no money...So you shacked up and sponged off mommy and daddy.. Well ok if you're under 22 yrs. old that's barely tolerable.

    Your parents or at least your ,mother whined about the smell of her cooking , .And if she complained about that it's certain your mother complained about ALOT more Which I am sure made your wife lose face, be embarassed and feel extremey unwelcome.. GOOD JOB Mom!And you never said a word because like you said, ''it;s not my house''.What a protective husband. So she left you and your mommy. What woman would'nt.

    . And then you BRAG about how she can sue you if she wants because you have nothing. Well see here's the thing ,,since you don't have a pot to urinate in in or a window to throw it out of you have no business assuming the role of a husband. MEN get married children and mommas boys sponge off thier parents.

    Then you claim how you are '' bettering yourself''.with blogs... What a joke, How about trying to grow some guts get a job and support your wife instead of mama lay your jammies out at night.Grow up.

    . Thank GOD you have no children who knows how you'd handle that.

    She's a very pretty girl..Looks like a decent one as well..

    Bottom line was your woman was looking for a man she could look up to and respect and got a childish mommas boy instead. No wonder she left you.

    Like to see her sue you...oh wait that's right, your broke..

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    An update. She is not allowed back in to my parents house as their are really upset that she did even say goodbye to them. The front door locks have been changed today because did not give the front door key back.

    I did send her a message this morning on Line to meet up for lunch, she read the message and has not replied. I have had enough of her now with this behavior and may consider informing the Home Office about her current situation as she is legally not allowed to stay in the UK any longer.

    All she has to do to secure her stay in the UK is to mention the words "abuse and threats" evidenced by changed door locks!

    Much free legal advise is available to to abused and mistreated women who are locked out of their homes.

    Bet she will have fun taking you to the cleaners !

    It's not her home, it's my parents house. She has moved all of her things out of the house and she has not given a forwarding address. She can take me to the cleaners if she wishes, but she will receive nothing as I have nothing som nam na tongue.png

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