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TheAppletons last won the day on April 20 2015

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    Siamese dream

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  1. "Tax evasion is illegal" - thanks for that news flash. Not filing when you have zero assessable income, however, is not illegal - it's prescribed in the tax code.
  2. The disclaimer is hilarious. A self-professed tax advisor advising people not to regard his video as professional tax advice; instead one should seek advice from a qualified tax advisor, presumably not him.
  3. The paranoia runs deep here. Best exchange in CM is probably Mr. Pierre. https://mrpierre-exchange.com/
  4. Never in my wildest imagination did I think watching someone with intellectual disabilities taking a beating could be so much fun.
  5. Looks like one might have a choice (in other words, either/or): "(b) General rule. The credit for foreign income taxes provided in subpart A, part III, subchapter N, chapter 1 of the Code (the “foreign tax credit”) may be taken either on the return for the year in which the foreign income taxes accrued or on the return for the year in which the foreign income taxes were paid (that is, remitted), depending on whether the taxpayer uses the accrual or the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting for purposes of computing taxable income and filing returns." https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/26/1.905-1
  6. Some posters seem to have the greatest difficulty grasping the simplest of concepts, even when repeatedly taken by the hand and led to the solution. Perhaps those posters should seek help from a cycologist.
  7. It's even simpler than that. If you have no assessable income (whether by DTA or LTR, whatever), you don't need to file a tax return because the TRD mandated threshold for filing is assessable income of 60K/120K/220K (reference previously quoted in this very thread.)
  8. The number of people who think a YouTube video is a credible source of information would be hysterically funny if it weren't so pathetic. Imagine, when you were still working, if you went to your District Manager, CEO, Commanding Officer....whomever....and made a recommendation to him. When asked to justify your recommendation, you tell him you saw a video about it on YouTube, lol. You'd be laughed out of the office and, quite possibly, out of your job.
  9. MDAC takes less than 10 mins online to fill out. Confirmation is instant.
  10. Charlie Brown, my main man.
  11. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a farmer burning his crops? One is lighting up a joint while the other is lighting up the joint. (Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week. Please remember to tip your servers and bartenders.)
  12. What are you Smokin', Joe?

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