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  1. Future Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  2. The Trading Game by Gary Stevenson.
  3. The UK company's VAT treatment is correct. You are receiving a service in the UK (shipping a container from one location in the UK to a different location in the UK). VAT is payable on this service. If you are exporting the container then VAT will stop being charged when the container passes the ship's rail.
  4. Mods do not, and cannot, read every post. We rely on members pressing the report button when forum rules are breached.
  5. @RuamRudy I think you will find the details you need here: https://www.mrta.co.th/en/lost-and-found-centre/11131
  6. You might want to look at a 1 year pre-paid sim card. Most companies sell them for something like 1,900-2,000 baht paid in advance for the year. It depends which sim you choose, but some will offer a set amount of data per month, while others (such as True) offer an unlimited data plan for the year (slightly more expensive). Some also offer free calls within the same network. Unlimited data is attractive - not because he needs unlimited, but because you won't get any surprises and also because there is no chance of him being out of data when he needs to contact you. In terms of making calls most people use Line app to call nowadays anyway, making the actual telephone a bit prehistoric. You can get these sim cards from Lazada or Shoppee.
  7. No. A good translation company will: 1. Get the documents they need from you (copy of your passport, copy of your partner's ID card, the affirmation, etc. 2. Translate the affirmation document 3. Make an appointment for the legalisation at the MFA (or get an express appointment if time is short, at a cost) 4. Take the translation to the MFA and get the document legalised 5. Either contact you so that you can call into their office to collect everything, or post the documents back to you via EMS This is the easiest, because all you have to do is attend the translation office at the beginning, supply the documents and pay. Up to you if you attend again in person to collect the documents. Remember to take your passport and your partner's ID card with you when you attend the office. It will save all kinds of problems. Personally, I use Express Translation which are located at BTS Chit Lom. http://www.expresstranslationservice.co.th/cms.php?id_cms=6 https://maps.app.goo.gl/wVGBe3Uj6QLiC9d76 https://maps.app.goo.gl/NWXuG1vN45Ya2npo6
  8. Have you turned on roaming on your mobile telephone? You will need to do this to receive TruemoveH SMS. It sounds illogical as you are within the UK and you are not roaming - but it is necessary. What I do is before I need to receive an SMS I turn off mobile data on my mobile phone, then I turn on roaming on my mobile phone. I request the SMS, then once I have received it I turn mobile roaming off on my mobile telephone and turn mobile data back on. It sounds the wrong way of doing it, but give it a try.
  9. If 2 per cent is 500 billion baht then 64 per cent would be 16 trillion baht, or about USD460 billion. The US currently has something like 34 trillion dollars of public debt, which is something like 74 times the amount Thailand has. I'm not saying this is good or bad, just giving the numbers.
  10. Maybe, but maybe not. There is always a lot of cash flying around at this time of year as debts are repaid, bonuses given, new investments made, loans given, etc. No. They would just be happy the deal has been successfully concluded. The AML reporting limit for cash transactions is anything over 2 million baht in cash.
  11. No, the person who gave the deposit is not entitled to their deposit back. All you have to do is make sure that the condo is available to rent to them on the day they agreed to move in. If you keep your part of the agreement and they do not keep theirs then their deposit is forfeit.
  12. Yes, the school could sue you for damages in the Civil Court, and the damages would amount to the cost of hiring a replacement teacher to cover the contract you broke. Would they do so? In reality it would depend on (a) How much money was at stake as they would have to pay to hire lawyers and lawyers in Thailand are not cheap, and (b) Whether or not the school believed you were still in Thailand or liable to ever return to Thailand. If, for example, the school believed you had left Thailand and were never likely to return, there would be no chance of them suing you because they would be spending money with no chance of ever getting it back. Perhaps you had to return home to look after an aging parent with long term health issues. Who knows?

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