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Everything posted by jonbsails

  1. Don't much care. Aliens here are certainly not as bad as the current crop of ILLEGAL ALIENS Americans must endure back in the States. I left my Sig-Sauer in America when I came here. It is coming out of storage the moment I open my door at home.
  2. Big Mike "Obama", after 8 years of seeing Barry ruin America was asked "why don't YOU want to be President?" Big Mike said....."I did NOT like the way his dictate."
  3. Cracks me up when someone asks a simple question, then, instead of answers....they get questions...or irrelevant info. Who cares WHY some wants to know the deposit? I know I want to know. I live in the middle of nowhere, ran out of gas cooking, and wanted to know the deposit to have another tank. That way when I run out, I have plenty of time to get another bottle, instead of all cooking ceasing until I get more gas. Does that satisfy the people that instead of simply answering a legitimate question they ask questions ( a pet peeve)...?? Just answer the freaking question or don't say anything . So, for the person gracious enough to actually answer that question, I thank you.
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