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Posts posted by MeanUncleBuck

  1. So two people having sex in a tuk tuk is an afront to Buddhism, but whipping your cock out to pee (they deleted p i s s) anywhere you want is perfectly acceptable. Animals pee (p i s s) wherever they are at the moment and they have sex wherever they want. If animalistic behavior is okay one moment then it must be okay all the time. Thai people, you have to choose; up to you.

  2. I arrived in Thailand on 29 July and my non O visa expiration was 26 October. I had a difficult time getting a bank account opened without a WP and did not get the 400,000 baht into the account until 29 August; therefore, I had to get 60-day extension due to being a few days short of the 2 month seasoning requirement for an extension based on marriage.The 60 day extension expires on 25 December and my wife an I went to Samutprakan immigration today to get the extension based on marriage. We turned in all the documents and the woman at immiragtion said that we have to come back on 13 January to find out if they will give me the extension based on marriage but she also said that I needed to do my 90-day report on 13 Jan while I am there.

    ​It is apparent that the reporting dates are based upon the expiration date of my original visa (26 Oct). Will my 12 month extension based on marriage also be based on that expiration date, meaning that due to the 60-day temporary extension I will only get 10 months on the initial marriage extension?

  3. I know that I must have 400,000 THB in a Thai bank account in my name for 2 months in order to qualify for an extension of stay based on marriage. I need to know what date will immigration use for the two months? I entered the country and my passport was stamped on 29 July of this year. The admit until date is 26 Oct 2015. With the problems I had getting a bank account opened without a WP I was finally able to get my funds in the bank on 29 Aug. Will I be alright to get the extension based on marriage or did the funds have to be in the bank by 26 Aug? If the later is the case then I will have to apply for a one month extension of stay while the funds incubate for an additional month. Thanks.

  4. What a drama, better to simply visit as many branches of as many banks as possible until success, as oh so many previous threads over so many years have instructed.

    Hmm, there must be something wrong with my keyboard, I thought my "drama" basically described me doing just that. Or better yet maybe all future bank account seekers should just go to Krungthai Bank since they are willing to do the extra work required to open an account without a WP and they say so on their website.

    I mean that's what you needed to do from the very outset. The problem you describe and "your" solution to it is probably the most often discussed subject on TVF over the past ten years hence the solution is widely known because of those threads. And limiting the solution to just Krungthai is silly since the problem is branch management which is infinitely variable in terms of quality and professionalism, among all banks in Thailand. As an aside, I've been here for eleven years and have held/currently hold accounts with most of the banks, the only one I do not hold is TMB. This is because there is one single branch manager on Chan Klan Road who insists only work permit holders can open an account there and he refuses to budge on this issue. On my rare low days, when I need cheering up, I go and visit him and try to open an account, just to bait him, it's worth noting that this is not a problem with other branches of TMB.

    As someone previously stated, I need to bank within close proximity to where I live because the branch you open the account with is the one you must use for any type of account changes. It was not really feasible to go to every branch of every bank I saw or came to so I hit the ones near my apartment. As it turns out, all totaled, I visited 9 branches of various banks. BoB wanted the letter from the embassy and all other branches, many different branches of the same bank, all refused to open an account without a WP except for Krungthai. Given how I was treated by the staff at the Krungthai branch near me, I have glowing praise for that bank and nothing but condemnation for all the other banks. I will always recommend them and advice avoiding the other banks. Of course, your mileage may vary.

  5. What a drama, better to simply visit as many branches of as many banks as possible until success, as oh so many previous threads over so many years have instructed.

    Hmm, there must be something wrong with my keyboard, I thought my "drama" basically described me doing just that. Or better yet maybe all future bank account seekers should just go to Krungthai Bank since they are willing to do the extra work required to open an account without a WP and they say so on their website.

  6. UPDATE:

    The less than enthusiasitc woman that works in the office of my apartment complex finally, after continual asking by my fiancé, got a copy of the owner's ID card and tabian baan to me this past Thursday. On Friday I went to the nearest mall which contains the following banks: Kasikorn, Siam Commercial, Krungthai, Thanachart and BoB. I did not bother with BoB because the require a certified letter from the US Embassy confirming I am a US citizen. I checked with the embassy a week ago for a notary appointment since the ID and tabian baan were taking so long to get to us but there were no appointments until September.

    I dressed as if heading to a business meeting and headed to the mall. First stop was Kasikorn Bank because Faz was certain that I could get an account there with the documentation I was bringing. I printed out in both English and Thai the requirements for an individual to open an account from their website and brought them along with the copies of the owner's tabian baan and ID card. The people in the bank seemed to want to help me but after looking at my passport their next question was, "where is your work permit?" The insisted that I had to have a WP or they could not open an account but no one there spoke English well so they made a phone call to get someone who could speak English. Regardless of how politely I explained that I had all the documents required by them on their website and that I had lots of money that I wanted to deposit into their account the guy kept saying the only way to open and account was with a WP. I explained, again very politely, that that was not the only way to open an account, it was the easy way and maybe he could put someone else on the phone that understood other ways to open accounts. This went on for 10 minutes all together and I walked out of the branch without an account.

    Next I went to Siam Commercial Bank. They do not list any requirements for opening an account on their website so I went in without documentary backup. When I entered a woman came up to me and asked how she could help me and I told her I wanted to open a savings account. She asked me for my passport which she carried to a woman in the back. After they talked for a few seconds she came back to me and asked for (drumroll...) my WP. Of course I told her I don't have one and she went back to the woman with that information. By then I had walked to the back of the bank where there were 4 desks with women assisting customers. The woman she had been talking to spoke English and told me from across the room, I had to have a WP to open an account. I politely told her that no, that was not true but that was the easy way, without a WP was more work so most people don't like to open accounts for those people. Mind you, she never bothered to come over to me, she spoke from as far away from me as she could, talking loud enough for everyone in the bank to hear (although few could understand) but she insisted that no, without WP no bank could open an account for me. Apparently all the workers at the desks speak English because the all smiled and shook their heads affirming what their boss told me. All I can say about this woman is that she was bitchy from the get-go while I maintained my cool and smiled while I told her that I would get an account with some bank and when I did I was going to come back and wave their passbook in her face (sorry, she just pissed me off with her unprofessionalism).

    I then went to Thanachart Bank but it was basically rinse and repeat what happened at Kasikorn, down to the person on the phone to tell me that without a WP I could not get an account. I then went to Krungthai Bank with documentation from their website that stated, among other things such as a WP, that a passport and a visa with at least a three month validity was required. I walked up to the desk and told the young lady there that I wanted to open a savings account, she told me to sit down and she started the paperwork. She had to get some help from a co-worker that spoke better English to help her and it seemed to be something they either never or seldom had done but after about 45 minutes I had a Krungthai Bank savings account with my passbook and debit card. I had to fill out some paperwork stating I was US citizen and a W9 form but all that aside, I have my bank account and as of this afternoon I have my 400,000 THB in the account.

    My entry date into Thailand was July 29 and I got my money in the bank on August 29 so that should meet the 2 month requirement for getting an extension based on marriage, right?

  7. As someone pointed out previously,you can learn to sleep on the floor.

    I had back problems when I moved in with my good lady mostly due to a mattress with the consistency of porridge. Instead of buying new we put blankets on the floor and we sleep there.

    NO more back problems at all. Im not even sure I could go back to sleeping conventionally.

    In the immortal words of Mrs Nik , "up to you!"

    What about blanket burn on your knees?

    That's not sleeping is it. The OP didn't say he had trouble using the mattress for activities that could give one's knees blanket burn; he only mentioned sleep.

  8. Thanks Faz, I really do appreciate your help. I will get the immigration forms filled out and take them to the immigration office in Samut Prakan this week. I will also carefully read everything you linked (much of this information does not stick when you read it while you are not yet living here) and attempt to become an expert at all things immigration that pertain to me. You have answered all my questions (indeed it is easier when I give correct and proper information) and I believe I have all I will need to open my bank account. Thanks again for your patience and help.


    (but you can call me David)

  9. Before you open an account bear in mind that any changes to the account ( new passport number, telephone number, closing account, etc.) must be done at the branch you open the account with. This can be rather inconvenient if it is far from your home or work. I suggest you also bring some type of bill with your address on it as supporting evidence for address.

    The Thais don't make anything easy do they; but then they are still using the antiquated passbook system here. As for a bill with the address, my name is not on any of the bills so I am not sure that will prove anything. As I said in my initial post, I have been here less than two weeks. Do you think a bill with my fiancé's name and the address along with a letter from the apartment complex confirming that I live at that address will be acceptable? If not I will have to wait until we get married and her tabian ban is updated to include me. We are doing what we need to get married either sometime this month or very early in September.

    Also, can anyone tell me if I must have my money in a Thai bank account for 2 months for the initial visa extension based upon marriage or do I merely have to show I have the funds? If it is the former rather than the later then one way or another I must have an account opened before August 20 as the use before date on my visa is October 20.

    I suppose your home Country make it easy for foreigners to reside there then?

    Your not listening!

    You rent an apartment, that apartment has an owner. Get a copy of their ID card and Tabian Ban as proof of your address and you should also have rental agreement.

    In theory when you rented that apartment you should have completed a TM28 (change of address) and submitted that to your local Immigration office. Your landlord should also have completed a TM28 (alien taking up residence) and submitted that to Immigration, but my guess is you are oblivious to any requirements to live in Thailand.

    What worries me is that you state your Visa has a 'must use before date', which suggests your on a double entry Tourist Visa?

    Firstly, you can only get an 'extension of stay' based on marriage or retirement by being on a Non Imm O Visa.

    Secondly you will be working illegally without a Work Permit.

    I think you need to do some research and open some specific topics on TV to get some answers, otherwise your going to find yourself in the shit. Your the foreigner in their Country. Sorry if my post appears condescending, it's not meant to be, but I am worried about your naivety regards living and working in Thailand.

    Your Thai g/f won't be able to help you, regardless of how nice and helpful she may be. She is a Thai citizen and has different rules to you or I.

    Condescending or not, I will take your reply at face value and accept it at that. As a matter of fact my home country does make it easy to reside there as a foreigner. Once you are accepted you receive a green card and it is good for two years. You do not have to report anywhere or do anything except follow the laws of the US and you are fine; after two years renew the green card and life goes on.

    The most important thing you said in your above post is "in theory." My fiancé (a bit different from a gf,) moved into this apartment about a month before I moved here; I am not on the rental agreement. When I arrived the people in the apartment office didn't want anything from me. My fiancé had to go get someone from the office to program the door with my fingerprints so I can enter the building and I told her that I thought I should go with her so they could copy my passport and have me fill out any required paperwork since I am a foreigner. She told me to wait because it wasn't necessary and she came back with someone from the office who didn't ask me for any ID, did not ask me to fill out any documents, she merely programed me into system to open the doors.

    As for my visa, I am sorry but I made a mistake that opened up the door for criticism on that too. I mistakenly said there is a use before data when in fact it is an enter by date. My visa is a single entry Non Imm-O. Now on that I may be confused and I will reread much of what I have read in the past about when the visa is good until. I also know that I must have WP in order to work in this country, I am not an idiot. When I have gone through sufficient Thai lessons that I think I can pursue a job I will do so and obtain said WP.

    As for the apartment not having me fill out a TM28, I will go to the office and ask them for the form and fill it out, after which I will ask for copies of their Tabian Ban and ID to take to the bank.

  10. Before you open an account bear in mind that any changes to the account ( new passport number, telephone number, closing account, etc.) must be done at the branch you open the account with. This can be rather inconvenient if it is far from your home or work. I suggest you also bring some type of bill with your address on it as supporting evidence for address.

    The Thais don't make anything easy do they; but then they are still using the antiquated passbook system here. As for a bill with the address, my name is not on any of the bills so I am not sure that will prove anything. As I said in my initial post, I have been here less than two weeks. Do you think a bill with my fiancé's name and the address along with a letter from the apartment complex confirming that I live at that address will be acceptable? If not I will have to wait until we get married and her tabian ban is updated to include me. We are doing what we need to get married either sometime this month or very early in September.

    Also, can anyone tell me if I must have my money in a Thai bank account for 2 months for the initial visa extension based upon marriage or do I merely have to show I have the funds? If it is the former rather than the later then one way or another I must have an account opened before August 20 as the use before date on my visa is October 20.

  11. It seems to go back to, "it is up to the discretion of the individual branch." Just like everything else, there may be rules but they are looked upon as guidelines and any bank manager may do as they please.

    I have had to suspend my search as my fiancé had to go back to work and most branches close at 3:30 and I do not yet speak Thai (begin classes on Monday). It seems they will allow me to open an account once we are married and on her family's tabian ban. After that I can deposit my money and get a visa extension based on marriage.

  12. If you walk a lot you will encounter everything from very poorly maintained sidewalks to motor bikes riding on the sidewalks. When a vehicle has parked on the sidewalk and you have to walk around on the road you must look out for the motor bikes that ride in any space not taken up by a car, truck, van or bus and that means between lanes and next to the curb where you may be trying to walk.

    The BTS and MRT do not go everywhere and taking to the water is not a viable option as the routes and available destinations are quite limited. This means you will eventually find the need to take to the streets. The most common modes of transportation (often to get to the BTS/MRT) are bus, song taew and taxi. Within Bangkok and the surrounding areas the traffic is so congested that is doubtful you will see any accident more serious than a fender bender. I am sure that the majority of the persons killed each year are riders or passengers of motor bikes (mopeds) because of their incessant compulsion to drive as if they are invulnerable or will live forever.

  13. Please don't start down the whining farang road. If you were "understanding" how things work here you wouldn't be having the problems you are. For some reason, some people seem to manage to create problems for themselves where none really exist and, of course, it's Thailand to blame, not them.

    Don't misunderstand me, I am not on the whining farang road, my point about understanding how things work in Thailand is solely related to the fact that rules are arbitrary and each branch decides what rules the want to follow at any given hour on any given day.

  14. Additional information:

    My fiancée talked to Kasikorn again (the first time she did not emphasize that it should be a TBH account) and she was given another number to call. The person that she talked to at the new number said that bank requirements are that one must have a WP to obtain an account; however, it is up to the individual branch's discretion as to whether or not they follow those rules. She suggested that we visit different branches until we find one that will allow us to open and account. I have only been in Thailand one week and already I am understanding all that I have read for these many months about how things work here.

  15. I Moved to Thailand last week from the U.S. with a Non-O visa. My fiancée and I plan to get married within the month and in order to meet the financial requirement of 400,000 TBH in the bank I am attempting to open a TBH bank account; however, bank after bank tells me that they cannot open an account with this type of visa. Bangkok Bank ran us around from branch to branch before someone said we had to go to the main office in Bangkok. There I was told that I have to have a certified letter from US Embassy confirming I am a U.S. citizen. Apart from allowing the oppressive overreach of the US government keeping its nose in my business, does any know the purpose of this document? Also, has anyone had success opening a TBH account with a Non-O visa? My fiancée just got off the phone with Kasikorn Bank and they listed the types of visas for which they will open a TBH account: Non-OA, Non-O Business, Non-O WP, Non-O Investor.

    Apparently it is OK to open a foreign currency account with any type of visa. I need to understand my options and what others have done because according to the information I have been given, even after I get married, I will be unable to open an account that will meet the requirements of the extension of stay based on marriage. Thanks in advance for your advice, experiences and advice.

  16. Today I went to the Honorary Consulate in Atlanta, Georgia with the intention of obtaining a single entry tourist visa. My plans were to enter Thailand next Wednesday and within one month get married to my fiancé and then convert the tourist visa to a Non-O based on marriage. The lady at the consulate examined my paperwork and said that without a return ticket she could not issue me a tourist visa; I was despondent. With seemingly nothing to lose I told her the reason for my trip which wasn't truly tourism. After hearing my story she said that with that information she could help me by issuing me a single entry Non-O visa. So I am now the proud owner of a Non-O which will make my life simpler since after we are married we will no longer have to convert a visa.

    For anyone considering obtaining a visa from the Honorary Consulate in Atlanta, the lady there is very friendly and easy to work with. Feel free to tell her all the reasons for wanting a visa and she will work with you to make your Thailand dreams come true.

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  17. Greetings everyone,

    I posted last week about coming to Thailand on multi-entry tourist visa and later in the year getting married and then converting the tourist visa to a non O based on marriage. I have heard of people having trouble at the DC embassy when you don't have a return ticket so I that I would go another route.

    I am 50 and I have the funds to apply for a Non O-A long stay visa. After my Thai fiancé and I are married and I am ready to get a job I will want to change the basis of my stay from retirement to marriage so I can get a work permit. I presume that after one year this won't be a problem, rather than showing the financials for retirement I will show them half of that as well as the marriage certificate and the other documentation required of me and my wife. What I really would like to know is if I can make this change before the year is up and if I can what would be the process? The reason I might want to do this before a year is up is I will try to bet a job as soon as I can after we are married. I appreciate the collective knowledge of the people on this forum I look forward to your replies.


  18. Thanks for the replies. I have considered applying by mail but mailing my passport makes me a bit uncomfortable but I suppose everyone that has applied by mail has done so I suppose I can. As Joe suggested, I will contact the embassy to see what they require for the itinerary. I will be living near enough to Bangkok to make the needed trips to convert the tourist visa to a Non-O based on marriage and having the required funds will not be a problem. Again thanks for the swift replies.


  19. Greetings everyone,

    I am planning on traveling to Thailand on a double entry tourist visa at the end of July. I will be coming to live with my Thai fiancé and we will be getting married at the end of December over the New Year holiday. After we are married I will convert the travel visa to a Non-Immigrant visa based on marriage. I am 50 years old but I do not have the money to retire so I will have to work which is why the marriage based visa and not retirement based. During the time before we get married I will be attending a Thai language school. I currently live in Virginia, close enough to make the trip in person to the Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. so I figure that is the best course of action. I have some questions that I hope can be answered by the TV members:

    1. The instructions on the Thai Embassy website says, in addition to other required documents, " Itinerary (specific date and month ) ; for person who apply more than 1 entry." What exactly are they expecting on the itinerary?
    2. I have only purchased a one-way ticket. Will this be a problem for a tourist visa?
    3. On the visa application in the purpose of visit section should I say travel? or study Thai language? or should I tell them about my upcoming marriage? Also, if I am asked at the embassy should I tell them everything?
    4. Since I will be entering on July 29 and our wedding date is Dec. 29, will the one month remaining on the extension of the visa be enough time to change the tourist visa to a Non-I based on marriage or would it be prudent to obtain a 3 entry visa rather than 2 entries? The cost of the additional entry is 40 USD which is less than the 30 day extension cost for the first entry.
    5. For anyone who has obtained a visa from the D.C. embassy in person, can I get the visa the same day or will I have to stay overnight and return the next day?

    Thanks for any help that I can get. Also, for those of you who have the urge to tell me not to come there and marry a Thai, type your message then delete it and then drink another beer and enjoy your day.

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