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About bkkdriller

  • Birthday 04/28/1960

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  1. With the recent and upcoming changes in Thai income tax laws it may become more attractieve to make a deal with someone you trust in Thailand. You send your baht to a trusted friend in Thailand and he makes a transfer from his foreign account to your UK account. This was you will get a better exhange rate (and no transfer costs) and your trusted friends can avoid potentail income tax in Thailand. I would be very interested to do such a deal.
  2. Thank you for your reply. I find on https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/new-life-canada/driving.html that you can drive with a foreign driving license in Canada provided you also have an international license as well. Thai driving license is also valid in EU countries and also the UK.
  3. I'm planning a camper vacation in New Zealand en have 2 questions: Can I use my Thai Driving license in New Zealand or do I need an international driving license as well? All I can find is that the driving license needs to be in English which is the case for my Thai driving license (both in Thai and English). What is the Camper maximum gross weight limit with a Thai Driving license? A Full or Class 1 driving license has a maximum of 6000 kg but in other places I find 3500 kg. Any advise would be much appreciated. I have been searching the internet for many hours but not much usefull info for using Thai driving license abroad. Best Regards, henk
  4. Dear readers, I am looking for a reliable lawyer, preferably a construction lawyer in the Hua Hin area. I need advice for a dispute with my contractor about the non-fulfillment of an agreement for the remodeling of my condo. Despite good preparation with a detailed contract and construction drawings, a number of things went wrong. Although the contractor acknowledges the mistakes, he is not willing to correct them and the work is still not finished after months of delay. As a result, the contractor has paid a penalty following a delay clause in the contract. But now he is no longer willing to finish the job. Thanks in advance for any help/advice. Best regards, Henk
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