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  1. Fam will get a payout and the kid will reincarnate... win win ! I think Bob is pulling our collective chains, but he has brought out the quality expats here ???? I hear many Western guys remark how "free" they are in Thailand and the Philippines. Is it freedom or an opportunity to be selfish and no consideration for others? They often rail about life in their home country, but I suspect many guys would be quite content there if they could break the law with impunity and enjoy a relatively high economic position back home, like they have in SE Asia. In reality some are just envious of the Western super wealthy and powerful that seem to be above the law, so they come to SE Asia, to engage in the same selfish behavior. On another forum I once remarked how polite Australian drivers were, stopping at cross walks and yielding to pedestrians. (Really enjoyed visiting OZ) One guy trolled me that, like @Ralf001, he loved driving in The Philippines, where he didn't have to stop for pedestrians and resented USA law enforcement for enforcing cross walk rules. His post got 50 likes and he was elevated to Hero of The Board, 555. (Remember the Thai cop that killed a Thai lady doctor in a Bangkok cross walk?) Yes there are expats here that respect others, but Thailand is a magnet for guys that want to live a "It's all about me!" life. No wonder the locals look down on us...
  2. Whatever. For open mined readers, dressing well and being polite has always gotten me good things. Members like @DrJack54 reminds me why I no longer post on this forum????
  3. I no longer live in Thailand but I found the Thais remarkably helpful in matter of visas. I never used an agent to procure two different Thai visas for purposes of retirement. Same for opening a bank account, dress for success, be polite and if one branch won't open an account for you, try another one. If a guy wants to use an agent, cool, it's his money. I reckon if obtaining a visa is so complicated that I need an agent, I question if I really want to live there. (Any country, not only Thailand)
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