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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. "I heard a "Thai girl shout I can't sit here!" A farang girl immediately in front of her had reclined her seat and encroached on the"

    I can see this Thai gal sitting in this bad seat on a hot day and maybe she was having a bad hair day also. She asked nicely and did not get a reaction. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AT THIS POINT?


    I said "maybe" she asked nicely and you misquoted me. If it is your opinion that she asked nicley, that is fine, but it is subjective and not factual. What I do know is that I saw her agressive behaviour and heard her abusive taunts to the farang girl. The thai girl pursued the confrontation even after the farang girl adjusted her seat upwards.

    I feel that the thai girl was way out of line but of course it is your right to disagree.

    Like they say, "Up to you" :D:o

  2. I understand the OPs concerns, but once you leave your home country it is totaly different. I have been on a retirement visa since 2003 and I do not plan on buying any real property here, ever. Rent is cheap and I like the idea of being flexible and mobile.

    One of the downsides to asia is that westerners are mostly tolerated but not totally accepted. Its just the way it is...

    South America anyone? :o

  3. All,

    I rode on the Pattaya/BKK bus both ways today. I was very observent of the distance between seats.

    These busses are old and some have had used seats from other busses install haphazardly. I am talking 4 inches for leg clearance. Then the seats in other locations reap the benifit with extra space. You can actually see old mounting foot prints on the floor to sort this out.

    Original post....

    "I heard a "Thai girl shout I can't sit here!" A farang girl immediately in front of her had reclined her seat and encroached on the"

    I can see this Thai gal sitting in this bad seat on a hot day and maybe she was having a bad hair day also. She asked nicely and did not get a reaction. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AT THIS POINT?

    From info given and what I have seen on the bus I award this CASE to the Thai gal for applying just the amount of fiber to get the job done without creating a riot. The Thai gal also has taught the falang gal to make an adjustment the first time she is asked or else face the wrath of the Thai.


    Hold on Big Cowboy, who said she asked nicely? (Thai girl)

    I was there, you were not.

    Hope you get an abusive, agressive girlfriend buddy (whatever her nationality) :o

  4. And BangkokSingapore, its made worse because many Thais now think westerners are better than them, and that western things are better than Thai made(going back to a post in the macdonalds thread, THAT is main reason why some thais eat macdonalds).

    Well, maybe Western food are better. Take McDonald's as an example. It's crap food, but it's clean. Because they're the largest fast food company, they're the most controlled. But if you eat Thai fast food, as in the food shops on the street, nobody controls them. Have you ever spent some time watching how they wash the dishes? Or the meat they put in the soups? Not to mention it's hanging in the sun for probably 6 hours before you eat it and develops bacteria. McDonald's burgers at least are in the fridge. So yes, Western fast food, even if crap food, is still better than Thai fast food.

    Rain Man, why do you hate the Thai people, why are you so racist, why are you implying that Thailand is not perfect?!? :D

    Just a bit of banter. Thailand is a good country and the Thais are a good people. Some folks on this forum can not tolerate dissent and love to lash out and insult anyone that disagrees with them and their personal points of view.

    Like they say here, up to you (them) :o

  5. hey mask for me b120 (almost us5!) to blow on a dumb-axx movie is more than i spend on food all day. i think rg can be about b70 still now. the cinema is fine there. THATS the point and the point we all SHOULD be in thailand for - same darn thing, 25% of the price. if you guys dont mind tossing about all this money why did you ever come here???

    Well there you go, you spend 120 baht a day on food so I can understand why you have to budget your movie sessions.

    I spend 400 - 500 baht per restaurant meal (for 2) on average, and that's only 1 meal, but still very good value compared to dining out in my home country and probably about 25% of the price.

    RG is 80 baht minimum now, so you'll to cope with a 10 baht increase there. Oh my, what is happening to this place!

    One question Severedhead, how much do you pay for accommodation?

    Strop is Ho-So, so money is no object. However he loves to instruct others how to spend their money :o

  6. You guys taken a walk around soi 7 and 8 lately? 10 years ago you wouldn't have seen such obesity but these days there are more bigger ladies than ever before.

    Has anyone else noticed this trend of Thai women getting quite large?

    Please don't blame it on American food, they are usually eating moo yang and khow neow (BBQ pork and sticky rice). Most of the girls would rather their Thai food over American fast food.

    So what's going on, are they just eating too much and don't care or what?

    All is not lost. A few curves and wearing one's beer glasses = WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!

  7. This thread is danger of going on longer than the infamous "processed chicken" thread which ran for many days and ended in flame wars and bannings :D

    Now that you mention it, I believe the Farang girl was nibbling on some BBQ chicken... :o

  8. I agree with this, and I'll go further and say the one who exhibited such hotheaded performance more than likely has used lots of Ya ba. Even when they're not on it, I've been told it alters their behavior badly, and they become unpredictable. I saw a similar outburst in Phuket once at a restaurant, with one of them going ballistic for no apparant reason. Someone then explained to me that she had taken lots of ya ba before.

    You see how easy it is to be an armchair expert?

    Yep, what ever the agressive girl's occupation, I'd bet she was a yaba user. She made it clear three times that she wanted a scrap (seat recline, getting off the bus and waiting on the farang girl to get off the bus.)

  9. By the way, both girls were very pretty, but man, I pity the poor guy that wins the heart of that little Thai tigress :o:D

    I'll bet anything they were bar girls.

    Steady Tropo, we are close to being in agreement :D

    Sorry. Maybe we should get together for a cup of coffee... I'll pay. :D

    Deal :D

  10. Typical racist angry anti-farang behavior. Have seen similar on the BKK - Pattaya bus and from low class black trash women in NYC.

    So, the girl on the bus was being racist, in your opinion? (Very possible) But the second part of your statement isn't racist? :D How can you deride (possible) racism in another, yet practice it yourself? :D

    Lancelot, I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Thai reactions to a farang female/Thai male relationship can be very varied. I've come across it myself - including unwarranted near violence from a particular Thai female friend of my BFs. Luckily, my BF did take my side & told her what he thought in no uncertain terms. From then on we avoided her.

    I actually think the farang girl behaved very well in this (from your account). As a woman, it can be very scary having an angry woman "in your face". I find angry women to be very unpredictable sometimes. To completely ignore the rant & also hang back when getting off the bus seems to have been the best reaction she could have made. Yes, perhaps she could have adjusted her seat a little, but as said before, if someone was ranting at me, I wouldn't either, whereas a polite request would have made me instantly comply.

    Perhaps, as you said, she did ask politely first. But the sort of people who will ask politely are more the sort of people who will sit & silently seethe, if not complied with, rather than the type that will go ballistic, in my experience.

    Hi NR :D

    Good for you that your Thai BF for stood up for you; he is a good guy. The poor Farang girl"s Thai BF totally ignored the situation; he wanted no part whatsoever.

    FWIW, the Farang girl kept her seat fully inclined for 1.5 hous; she only reclined it about a half-hour before we arrived in Pattaya. I think the Thai girl was itching for a scrap and she finally had her excuse. I had to chuckle when the Farang girl tuned out the rant and donned her headphones. That was a classic :D

    The scrappy Thai girl was pretty but man I pity the guy that becomes her BF.

    Lion taming anyone ? :o

  11. Thais are not politically correct and often say what they think. If you gain a few pounds, you are suddenly fat but if you lose a few, you will be "gung heng" too skinny :o

    Funny, but the longer I stay here I notice that I am becomming attracted to "curvy" girls, ones that have some shape. For me attitude is most important; at the end of the day, ya still gotta talk...

    (No, I'm not hitting on you CG; you've already set me straight about a certain dining establishment, LOL!)

  12. OK, lets look at this from another angle: Somebody goes to a McDonalds and orders a hamburger and the waitress delivers a (more expensive) cheesburger. The customer again politely says that he wanted a hamburger. Staff says no way and to pay up for the difference...

    The majority of responders to my OP say that I was wrong and thats cool; we all have opinions. A few even opined that "I hated the Thais" and made references as to the location of my head. Thats another tactic-demonize those with whom you disagree with. Whatever.

    Thailand is corrupt and for those who disagree just google "corruption rankings" and see what you find. Your entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.

    You guys can have the last word, you will take it anyway. Some of you joined one year ago and have thousands of posts to your credit.

    Knock yourselves out boys :o

  13. In the recent year i have seen on many occasions tempers flaring at minor occasions that previously were no issue at all. And not just between Thais and Foreigners, even more so between Thais themselves.

    Personally, i believe that the present uncomfortable political and social climate leaves an impression on people here. I am a lot more careful nowadays in potential conflict situations than i was previously.


    Agreed. Seems that the famous thai smile is seen less and less, especially in BKK...

  14. This thread just kills me. I just can't stop laughing. :o:D

    It's like a composite of every ridiculous Thai Visa cliche in the world -- I love it. (Ok, maybe it's missing a bar girl in there somewhere.):

    sweeping generalisations based on, like, two incidents

    cheapness (omg, I got ripped off 5 BAHT! Thailand is a cesspool of corruption and exploitation!)

    bitterness about the Thai people


    eating complete junk in a country filled with delicious, fresh food

    (sorry, I shouldn't be mean, but this post just makes me laugh too much!)

    CG, you can lash out and be as mean as you like, I'm not worried about it.

    If McDonalds food is junk, why do so many Thais eat there?

    I already knew I was being overcharged before I handed over the money. I was just trying to point out the overcharge to the staff, but decided to let it go and paid anyway.

    I don't have a problem with the Thais or any nationalities for that matter. But I do disagree with incorrect behaviour and yes sometimes I point it out.

    It's an old tactic to demonize those you disagree with "omg, I got ripped off 5 BAHT! Thailand is a cesspool of corruption and exploitation!"

    Anyway, glad that I kept you laughing

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