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Posts posted by ujayujay

  1. 17 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Then I am glad for you that you had no issues...but as you rightfully say, one must know where to look and have some basic knowledge in vehicles....as I am a perfect dummy and remember that on my last new car I bought here at home, I had to look at the instruction booklet to find where the oil measure gauge was under the hood:cheesy:

    So your cognition about used Cars is obsolet......:coffee1:

  2. 4 hours ago, JAG said:

    He is far from an idiot.


    He managed to be elected as Mayor of London twice in succession, as a Tory, when Labour was in power nationally and he had somewhat lukewarm support from his own party establishment. They shouted "Boris you Tory w****r" after him as he cycled around London, and went and voted for him!


    He is also an accomplished journalist (editor of the Spectator) and author of some very well written and entertaining books and television programs, on varied political and cultural issues. His TV series on Ancient Rome and its influence on Europe was very good.


    He cultivates the mop headed buffoon look. His flowery language -"get up to some eye popping things", is very much part of that persona.


    He is probably the most competent, and from the lefts point of view most dangerous Tory politician of his generation. Just look at the hatred he inspires from the left leaning press in the UK.


    He is also surprisingly liberal (note small "l") in many of his policies.


    He is no paragon, but he is no idiot.


    I like him, if not all his policies.

    Boris Johnson, Synonyme for: Rubber Spine goes with the Wind:coffee1:

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Air Smiles said:

    Even if bike driving the wrong way up the hill(perfectly normal in thailand) he couldn't have been travelling that quickly, the truck driver might not be entirely blameless, that looks like a straight piece of road in the picture and early hours so low traffic,  ...the truck may have been speeding and not paying attention to what was in front.

    Wrong way is wrong way. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    Rosie Gizauskas ............really


    Hey big Jizauskas doa piece on the very spendy (not) contingent from the orient north and see who is paying the bills in this country 


    is it the 15 million a year from China or the 10 million from the west



    oh and absolute troll headline from TVF...........................immediately unsubscribed


    and no I did not read the paper article after reading the authors name

    TV will miss you:cheesy:

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