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Posts posted by PBR STREETGANG

  1. Hi all, I wanted to give an update on my move up here to CM. The mover showed up on time (8am) at my place and we had his pickup truck packed full in an hour. We stopped for fuel and I gave him half of the expense (4000B). We stopped for a quick lunch along the way and another stop late afternoon. We got in to CM at 9:30pm, found a temporary place for me and my stuff, unloaded, paid the remaining 4000B, then he was off. So the totals were 8,000 Baht for the move, twelve hours on the road, and two bowls of noodles. Nice guy, not much English, uneventful trip-although we were stopped at a checkpoint and he was prepared with a hundred Baht-I think we were overloaded-but let go without a problem. If anyone needs his number, just message me.

    Thanks again to everyone for the suggestions.

    Also, this guy travels all over the country---

  2. The Original Burger at Rock Me was decent. A good size but slightly undercooked for a medium rare. It was also quite peppery which seems to be common with Western food. The fries were very good. Burger and a small Chang-220 Baht.

  3. I'd pay the bill as usual and make a copy of it. Also, take a picture of the meter reading (if possible) during the billing cycle-if the meter is faulty, you could have bills in the future that aren't in your favor.

  4. Hi all, I'm headed for CM next week and will need a temporary place to stay while looking for a rental. I don't have a lot of stuff, but enough to fill a pickup truck including a mattress, fridge, and a TV. A hotel room might work, but I'm not sure if they would put up with me and a room packed with stuff.

    Suggestions, anyone?


  5. @piewarmer-you've mentioned two important subjects that concerned me while I was in Saraphi-spotty Internet and transportation. As there seemed to be no public transportation on the routes I traveled, I may need to invest in my own. As for the Internet, I use it constantly and will need to find a place that allows me unrestricted access. I've allowed myself a month to get a lay of the land and find a spot that fits the bill.

    Good comments and suggestions everyone-keep them coming.

  6. According to the trusty tape measure, with a pad and sheets-9 inches, so it's probably 8". When I was was negotiating price, I said I only had 6,000 Baht on me. The old woman asked to see it, I counted it out, she laughed, said OK, then I picked out some bedding. A thousand Baht per foot, I guess. A pretty good deal considering the prices I've seen elsewhere.

    Now I've just got to find truck to haul it and my other stuff up to CM and I'll be in business.

  7. I'm making a move to Chiang Mai and the one area that I really like is Saraphi. It's got a fairly peaceful setting but a long and winding road into the city. It also looks to be prone to flooding. I'll probably rent for a month and scout out a rental house. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  8. I bought a 6 foot latex mattress last year and it's been great. It took about a month for me to adjust, but well worth it. After finding the right one, it was delivered the same day and simply dropped it on top of the existing 'mattress', that's as hard as a rock. 6000 Baht including sheets/pillowcases/comforter. My best investment so far.

  9. I lost contact with an old friend several years ago-his name's <deleted> and he's from Chichester, England and living in Pattaya. He'd be about 50 now. The last time I spoke with him, he was golfing and working for Siemens in Chachoengsao. I owe him a beer or two.



  10. Hi all, I'm planning to relocate from Sri Racha to Chiang Mai at the end of September. I've got a big mattress, a refrigerator, TV, and kitchen/bathroom items and clothing. I'm thinking that a mini van or pickup truck should do the job. At this point, I'm the only passenger. I'm shooting for the 30th of Sept./1st of October, but am flexible. Ideally, this would work for someone headed north from Pattaya or Bangkok. As of today, I have a quote for 8K Baht for a round trip including fuel. The train is also another idea that I'll check out this week.

    Please post here or PM me for more details.

    Thanks all.

  11. New York Pizza on Third Road is by far the best pizza I've found in Pattaya. I order the medium (16"?), thin crust, extra cheese, cooked 'well done'. About 400 Baht. The owner is from New York. They deliver as well.

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