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Posts posted by iainiain101

  1. Well to all those following our saga, we got back to the UK yesterday, but only just!

    During my trip to Thailand, we did not have time to receive our babies Thai passport, though we were apply to apply for it. My gf had tried applying with an aproval letter from me, but they had not been happy to issue one. (strictly speaking they should have)

    Just as we were packing to leave I saw my gf putting the babies birth certificate (Thai) in a draw. I said lets take it with us as we may need it. I had a suspicion there might be a problem for the baby leaving on a UK passport with no Thai immigration entry stamp (ie Baby born in Thailand).

    At the airport immigration they will not let a child leave on a UK (foreign) passport unless you have the birth certificate. Please also allow an extra 20 minutes for them to find all the right stamps and consult superiors.

    Mum and baby are well, and I am back at work!



  2. Application was successful for a 6 month UK visitor visa. Hopefully we will travel to the UK together this weekend.

    Thanks to all who have given advice and helped, had hoped to be in CM for the Thai Visa BBQ, but work dictates! Would have been happy to buy a few beers.

    Scouse may be up in Liverpool later in August, Stella session?

    This will unlikely be my last post, as we still need to work out where we are going to try and settle.

    Allways happy to try and assist anyone needing visa help, but there are others on here far more qualified. I guess my area of expertise is now the actual logistics of biometric passports, baby passports (Thai and UK) and visa collection!



  3. My gf passport has now been returned to the UK visa centre. We are up north and where intending on traveling to the UK this weekend. I definately have to go for work committments (and to keep my job!)

    The plan was to get the confirmation of visa, book her flight on the same plane as mine, then pick up the passport with visa in Bangkok on the way. I am now told that we have to collect the passport to find out the result. This means a quick return flight to Bangkok! Leaving the north now is not an option as we have a small baby and need to close up appartment, cancel ASDL, WE-TV etc, assumng visa has been issued.

    Is there any way we can find out the result without going to Bangkok? The web tracking seems to not be working either, would this give the result?



  4. "My wife went to the Chiang Mai Women and Children Hospital, in Thai called Rongphayaban Mae La Dek. "

    We had our first child there a couple of months ago. Generally very good experience, but be aware, they practice 'natural birth' so no C section or pain killers unless it is an emergency. - big shock to the missus!


  5. Westerners in the main are not used to the normal strength of Thai (thai) food my other half came to Australia on contract in 1995 as a Chef (she had been working in a Bangkok restaurant for the 13 years immediately prior to this.

    I have to say this is one of the most annoying things on my trips to Thailand. The Thais not believing that British people eat spicy food, or having to send it back to be spiced up in restaurants! I and most of my friends eat more spicy than my Thai gf!

    I would say the majority of Brits like spicy washed down with cold lager!


  6. MORE than 4,000 foreigners have been stopped from sneaking into Britain by biometric visas, it was revealed yesterday.

    Almost three-quarters tried to use a false name after earlier asylum refusals — but were found out after their fingerprints were matched to existing records held by immigration authorities.

    Immigration minister Liam Byrne said: “We always thought our borders were at risk from people lying about their identity.

    Evidence proves that — and biometrics are the answer.

    Report from this mornings Sun. I guess this proves that the extra hassle in getting the missus over to the UK is worth it in the long run!


    //Edit: see here for full article.

  7. You need to get a copy of the refusal letter and then address each point. My gf was refused first time for reason to return, being unemployed, and not having any real knowledge on what she would be doing on her visit to the UK.

    We tried to address this with her getting a job in 7-11 (no good reason to return there!), writing a full visit agenda, day 1 meet Familly, Day 2 - Windsor Castle. etc., added a written invite to nephews 3rd birthday and I wrote a letter saying I was an upright member of local community, tax payer etc. who would ensure that she returned to Thailand as I did not want this to jeopordise our relationship in the future. She stated that she was Thai, will always be Thai and misses her familly when she is away from them and allwasys wanted to live in Thailand. This was just a holiday.

    We reapplied 4 months later and she got the VV without having to have an interview!

    Hope this helps


  8. Well I logged on expecting one or two replies!!

    Reading through it, I think that what you are saying is that a 6 month VV would be the most sensible one to apply for at the moment. Reasons being that it should be easier to achieve, it will also show a second compliant visit, it will also lengthen time spent together in relationship, even though it is not the most cost effective method.

    I will let you know the outcome when I can

    Now to wait for the Visa office to re open, and convince her to travel to Bangkok for finger prints and photo!!

    Thanks to you all.


  9. History.

    Been together since end 2004.

    In 2006 gf applied for a VV but was rejected. 2nd application was successful. She came to the UK twice on the visa for a total of about 4 months and left before it expired.

    We now rent an appartment in Thailand and have a young child. (child has UK passport) I am now back in the UK working, having spent 70 days in Thailand this year over the course of 3 trips. They would like to come to the UK for 4 or 5 months. Ideally we would then both return to Thailand for a couple of months. This is likely to be the process for the next couple of years. UK for 1/2 the year, Thailand for the other half. Still trying to find how I will do this with work!

    Basically she does not want to settle in the UK (cant really blame her), but is happy to spend 1/2 the year here with me, and I will have to find a way to spend 1/2 of it in Thailand.

    What UK visa should she apply for?



  10. Well we got the UK passport!

    When my Thai gf went for the Thai passport she was told that as I am on the birth certificate and we are not married, that I have to be physically present for a Thai passport to be issued for our child. This is done to protect the fathers rights.

    I am of course now back in the UK and they want to come over in July.

    Anyone else had experience of this, and is there anything I can do at the Thai embassy in London.

    I assume the baby travelling on a UK passport would be a problem on her return to Thailand as she would only get a 30 day stamp?

    Thanks again for any help.


  11. Note 5 – Section 7 – Declaration of Parent

    (or Guardian)

    A parent (or guardian) should complete and sign Section 7.

    If the child is illegitimate, the mother should give consent.

    If for any reason a parent/guardian is not available to

    complete and sign the form the adult responsible for the

    child may do so provided a parent/guardian gives written

    consent or writes a letter explaining the circumstances.

    This together with evidence of the parent’s/guardian’s

    identity and relationship to the child, for example, their

    passport and long-form birth certificate, should accompany

    the application. In some countries it may be necessary for

    both parents to sign.

    The above note is an extract from the notes for a C2 passport application.

    My gf and I are not married, hence our child is illegitimate? (or has this terminology changed?)

    Can I confirm that my girlfriend has to complete section 7, and that section 8 must be completed by an upstanding countersignatory that has know her for at least 2 years? (should be interesting judging by the look on her face!)

    We are both named on the birth certificate, and British nationality has been applied for. Birth date was 2007, hence father can transfer nationality independent of marital status.

    Thanks for any help with this.

    Thanks Scouse for your Birth registration thread, followed it perfectly until this!


  12. just a quick question. My Thai gf and I have just had a child. We decided to have the child in Thailand. One of the many reasons being cost.

    We thought that all medical costs for the birth in the UK would have to be paid by us, and this can run to several thousand pounds. (ie. not from the public purse) Were we wrong in this assumption? If not should the availability of funds to cover the birth need to be proven as well?


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