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Posts posted by masquerade

  1. Is this another Manchurian candidate? Obama is desperate to disarm all citizens in America, he even congratulated the John Howard Government in Australia for doing just that as a direct result of the the Port Arthur massacre. Very similar circumstances in both cases with a white alleged crazed young man. Many on this forum are having their two bobs worth as they actually believe the trash dished up to them by the media. As in the Australian tragedy, I will let time be the judge when more people can report facts, figures and other detail.

    Once Americans are disarmed and turning on one another, the military trained police force will step in and the rest will be history if you are still alive to witness it. I prefer to err on the side of caution rather than believe any politician, media outlet or PR association. Do you not think that if the real truth is continually contorted and if you are purposely starved from receiving the real fact you will tend to believe anything that is thrown up, human nature dictates so.

    Let me see how long it takes to prove my point with the first posting condemning my synopsis without offering any credible fact supporting their argument.

    Maybe first you can come up with some credible facts.

    Bingo, it took all of 28 minutes, and he even has a mate who liked him.There you have it ladies and gentlemen, some people are so gullible. How can you even begin to counter a comment such as that it would be like trying to have a intelligent conversation with a Thai. it is just not going o happen.

  2. Thais already have the highest personal debt in SEA. Casinos will see the aquisition of property, increased family breakdown and suicides. Don't tell me only the rich here can afford to go to them, that's BS. It is a very convenie

    nt way for these people to launder their ill gotten gains. If this is another example of the <removed> so called reforms god help Thailand.

    Look at the bright side, there will be more choice with all the extra hookers when their old man kicks them out to make some more gambling money.

  3. Is this another Manchurian candidate? Obama is desperate to disarm all citizens in America, he even congratulated the John Howard Government in Australia for doing just that as a direct result of the the Port Arthur massacre. Very similar circumstances in both cases with a white alleged crazed young man. Many on this forum are having their two bobs worth as they actually believe the trash dished up to them by the media. As in the Australian tragedy, I will let time be the judge when more people can report facts, figures and other detail.

    Once Americans are disarmed and turning on one another, the military trained police force will step in and the rest will be history if you are still alive to witness it. I prefer to err on the side of caution rather than believe any politician, media outlet or PR association. Do you not think that if the real truth is continually contorted and if you are purposely starved from receiving the real fact you will tend to believe anything that is thrown up, human nature dictates so.

    Let me see how long it takes to prove my point with the first posting condemning my synopsis without offering any credible fact supporting their argument.

  4. From two different reports:

    Police constable William Robinson, who is in charge of the case, said he had been told that 15 minutes into the flight, Mr Thede had got to his feet while the seatbelt sign was still on.

    He was asked by a cabin crew member to return to his seat but refused to do so until he was given nuts and crackers, the constable said.

    Ten minutes later, he got up again, asked for more and was refused. He then shouted and was abusive, the court in Coleraine was told.

    The cabin crew member felt threatened by his demeanour and alerted the captain as they were getting close to the Atlantic Ocean, Mr Robinson said.

    The court heard allegations that Mr Thede squared up to cabin crew, blocked aisles, lifted bags in and out of the overhead lockers, kept going to the toilet and acted in such a way that other passengers felt threatened.

    Mr Robinson said the captain took the decision to divert to Belfast because of Mr Thede's "erratic behaviour".

    I doubt a captain would go to all that trouble over nothing.

    I agree, it is only the nuts on this forum that would do that. It takes a story like this to bring the grime out of the woodwork. Some of these comments are bordering on the insane.

  5. I praise the police for going to this length. Chang Mai has a lot of Chinese tourists, and they should help them. Everyone should be aware of why they are paying a fine. Well done

    For the negative ones on this topic, thinking it is just bribe money, let me go to your country and see if I get I ticket for breaking for the law. Bet I do!! Why should it be different here? Get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So what is the last on the list, you pay me 1000 baht or give me head. Male or female doesn't matter the male species here are all powder puffs.

  6. 360 Baht a day will be too expensive for the small farmer who is having to cope will falls in the selling price of rice, tapioca etc. It will mean that farmers simply employ less people and those they do employ will have to work harder. Sort of defeats the object !

    I just asked my gf what the daily rate for planting and harvesting rice was in this area (not far from Kalasin). She said minimum 350 Baht up to 500 Baht depending upon different factors such as if the farmer wants to complete planting or harvesting quickly then he will pay more, some people will not work for less than a set amount and some people have no work so they will work for the 350 Baht per day.

    I live mid north rural and same goes, not unusual to get 500 Plus baht per day for Hom (onion), big money crop.

    and hard work - I usd to pick onions behind a mechanical onion picker, even with the machine, it was back breaking as a teenager..................thumbsup.gif

    Can't disagree with that, but it is good to see the women lining up for the work and getting rewarded for it, most of the men are too bloody lazy.

  7. 360 Baht a day will be too expensive for the small farmer who is having to cope will falls in the selling price of rice, tapioca etc. It will mean that farmers simply employ less people and those they do employ will have to work harder. Sort of defeats the object !

    I just asked my gf what the daily rate for planting and harvesting rice was in this area (not far from Kalasin). She said minimum 350 Baht up to 500 Baht depending upon different factors such as if the farmer wants to complete planting or harvesting quickly then he will pay more, some people will not work for less than a set amount and some people have no work so they will work for the 350 Baht per day.

    I live mid north rural and same goes, not unusual to get 500 Plus baht per day for Hom (onion), big money crop.

  8. Great initiative by the government again to alleviate pressure on the poor.

    This co-op plan is very close to Khun Korns project with "IM Rice".

    Lets hope it gets off the ground.

    Remember red apologists anything that helps the poor is a good thing, but I await the excuses not because it is a a good scheme to help the poor, but because some are bitter and twisted the PTP didn't think of it and the Junta will get the credit for it. I imagine populist will be used by the very same people that were the loudest at defending the failed unsustainable rice scam previously. Confused bunch that they are.

    Well done Prayut and co. Great work again.

    Refer to ikke #2

  9. Does anyone have any detail on these "initiatives"?

    How many of these food centers are there? Where are they? How do rural people get to them? Does anyone have access to them, or just "poor people".

    Have any of the mentioned community markets and co-ops been opened? How many? Where?

    The PM mentioned, in his weekly speech, that rural folk should be eating bugs and frogs. Will these delicacies be on offer at these food centers?

    Refer to ikke #2

  10. Earlier the NACC had set up a panel to look into alleged corruption in the construction of futsal pitches in three northeastern provinces.

    I thought these North-easterners were the very people who voted Yingluck/Thaksin into office to 'help' them. It looks like the authorities helped themselves instead.

    What is the Vegas Line that all the involved politicians were PTP?


    The point here is that the corruption was allowed as part of how Pheu-Thai work. People who voted for them have the dream that they too can be part of a scam like this and get rich the easy way.

    They will tell themselves that they are just stealing from the 'elite' in Bangkok who can afford it.

    Ethics, morals and conscience have no part to play in this game whatsoever.

    People who voted for them have the dream that they too can be part of a scam like this and get rich the easy way.

    Those people/voters surely didn't get any of the 'get rich the easy way' part of these scams. Do you think they are so stupid to not know they were taken advantage of? Puea Thai Party obviously thinks so.

    I think that once the parents (voters), of the kids who should be playing on decent futsal pitches by now, realize (through indictments and court proceedings) that it was the very people they voted for who are the ones who personally profited by cheating their kids out of the paid for opportunity to have quality playground equipment, there will be second thoughts and, maybe, some people won't vote the way they're paid to vote next time. Maybe the voters will 'wise up' to the fact that politicians are crooked.

    I know they don' t care who paid for the pitches but they, most certainly, have to be disappointed in how shabbily they have been treated and that their political support is taken for granted.


    Do you think they are so stupid to not know they were taken advantage of? Hang on give me half a second to answer that, err YES. Really they don't give two shites, awhile back a survey was taken amongst these people on corruption and they overwhelmingly said that corruption is okay if everybody gets a share. In the villages, there is only about one in a hundred parents who care about their kids education, the rest never stop whining about the cost. Should be free education, but by the time all the educators take their share, the parents end up paying something.

    As soon as the elections are back on these people will only care about who is going to pay the most for their vote, there is no political loyalty.

    After all, TIT

  11. Suparerk added, "This announcement by the ICAO is not unexpected ... but it depends on each country, what they will do with this result. Some countries are not too strict. They may give Thailand some time."

    Further to this, any death and injury would only be coincidental and little inconvenient, but hey, they are dispensable, we have plenty more. Not that it will cost us too much anyway as we haven't yet ratified the Montreal Convention on compensation for the victims of air disasters.

  12. Is that a fact, how dandy that would be. Why don't you educate the people to the real issue here and cease writing what Prayut wants or agrees with what you write. The junta are fueling the Thaksin debate for one thing only, to stay in power as long as they can. You and your likewise snivelers are their mouthpieces, carriers of sinister twisted tidings. Read the above piece closely and it attempts to convince all and sundry that the leadership are on top of the game, but it is the common people letting the side down. Hogwash, just more underhanded loyalty to a madman and his deputies. I especially like this bit, propaganda at its finest.

    This current government, being an SPV - a Special Purpose Vehicle, with a limited shelf life - cannot be expected to launch the reform battle on every front. It must confine its energies to the ones that truly matter.

    Like lotteries, beach vendors and overpriced garbage collection but not police/judicial and education reform or freedom of rights: yeah get the picture sunshine, it will always be a matter of poor bugger me, it's my fault not the corrupt rich elite at the top. Fair indication of where we are all headed.

  13. Unfortunately any woman can be criminally abused and continually are, but being married to a Thai woman since 1971, I can unequivocally a emphatically guarantee all and sundry that they can never be lured into anything unwillingly.

    So that threesome didn't work out in 1972 hey?

    I have been happily married for 45 years with Aussie/Thai children, and grandchildren and unlike you I am comfortable and happy with my lot and know that when I comment I do with many years of practical knowledge and incite. I have followed your postings and many other regulars for some time and this above comment conclusively proves how bitter and twisted you have become. Early days your input was constructive, informative and appreciated but in later times your comments have been like a mad women's crap, all over the place with an appalling stench. Are you losing it mate, dementia starting to set in or the grog got to you. Maybe have you just a become a serial reject. You see now how stupid you make yourself look with your recent postings, time for a reality check one thinks. Have a nice day and If you feel the need to try and belittle somebody again, leave me out it as it is fruitless. Just accept your just another long term poster who no longer the credibility to be taken seriously. I wouldn't feel too bad about that, there is plenty of your mates on here just like you so you are not alone.

  14. When will all this happen? Ah the good ol' "we're going to do this/that"etc.

    I'll bet Thailand will be the "hub" of recycling for S.E. Asia.

    Maybe then some/any trash will be picked up in our village in Isaan.

    I am with you on this one, if he stays around for another two years or longer it will be more of the same. I would like to an going total cost on all these yet to be if ever to be delivered promises.

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