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Posts posted by masquerade

  1. Dead bodies always soil themselves, was that really necessary to include in the report.

    I've seen a few dead bodies and can't remember any of them having shit themselves.

    What time frame are you talking about that this happens?

    It is common for a body be it human or animal to defecate during a seizure of some kind (heart attack or stroke).

  2. Any news on the fate of the tiger?

    Must have been quite a sight seeing the old abbot pulling along a 300lb tiger. Here Kitty!

    Prayers and chanting and burning incense. He'll be right as rain in a month or two.

    Who? The tiger or the idiot who thought he walks on water. Should give him a job working with another likewise dumb ass the General/PM both have their heads in the clouds.

  3. At least now it's much better then the so called "democracy" from previous government, the thai military have Thailand in their heart, the previous police mafia dominated "government" only had money and corruption at their best interest.

    In last decade, nothing has been done as much as in the last 1 year.

    As long as this man stay in power, Thailand will progress.

    The police mafia haven't gone anywhere, they are still here and much alive, they just have a new Don. The Thai mob are going nowhere in the near or extended future it's just that the family has grown a little.

  4. “The students nowadays fail because they just don't give a shit about studying and reading and they know that if most of the class fail, the whole class will still pass to the next course and finally graduate. Why? Coz you can't fail students in this country and make them repeat classes,” Wright said in the post.

    The problem of the Thai education system in a nutshell.

    clap2.gif + 1.

    Nothing will change until there'a complete overall haul of the system and that's not going to happen because it suits everybody the way it is.

    A few years after the Asian Economic Community comes into being, Thais will have their eyes opened at how disadvantaged they are (self imposed). Much poorer countries such as Burma, Laos, and Cambodia produce students whose English proficiency should shame Thailand into action. At the moment, they are shielded but when AEC fully kicks in, they will get a rude awakening. I don't think their IQs are especially low but the common Thais are academically lazy. When they are being house boys or maids to educated Indonesians, maybe they will insist their children do better in school. Of course currently, the schools are more day-care than education institutions.

    Anyone or anybody that has zero commonsense cannot have a healthy IQ.

  5. This don't look good for OZ it is your problem and you dump it on Thailand could let him return to Oz then deported him back to the UK if that is where he is from.Funny a prison colony refusing a criminal, now that is classiccheesy.gif

    Got to fully agree with you, the Aussie Government, i.e. Immigration have not the balls to deal with this bloke back home, so dump the problem on someone else, Typical faggot attitude of today's politician and public servant in Australia.

  6. Just do it and then tell the public ! Telegraphing punches serves no investigative purposes unless that's the intention of course. However it does get your picture and quotes in the media and make everything look good.

    If the ' boss ' and others are overseas Thailand doesn't have much of a track record on bringing fugitives back

    You have experience doing police work. Or just need to hear yourself talk and find fault.

    Aren't you a little piece of work, even though I had many years in profiling, it doesn't take much experience to profile you. A mouth, pathetic bully and one that would run and hide behind Mummy's apron strings at the first sign of trouble. A person who would sell everything and everybody down the drain to save his own bacon. Coward, I believe is the clinical word for you. Now these are only my own observations based on my past learning, so don't take it personal. Oh yeah! nearly forgot, see others can play your game and target others with unwarranted pathetic comments, how does it feel sunshine?

  7. Amazing Thailand..... If you do your job you get a bonus and if your 'inefficient' you get moved to the inactive post department. Discover Thainess.

    A bonus is a fairly standard thing in the Thai workforce. Mine last year was 4 months salary.

    You have got it all wrong and don't understand how the system works, the wages are crap and then they pay you extra for time they think you contributed to the organisation. In your case you were only worth-full input was 4 months. I do not know if you are Thai or not, but you are not thinking like one.

  8. It is bad enough having to put up with all the duplicated and repeated sub headlines as you are having trouble to fill the pages, now you are presenting garbage stories as these. Come on TV lift your game, we are your income stream.

    The owner and his staff have gone native. Criticism may lead to you being taken off the menu.

    Oh no, not again, I'm getting bored at continually having to bypass their system to get back on again.

  9. Ready for action.... What does it mean? Kind of warning for people who are on the list. Pay or we release the list.

    I don't think that is what the article or the government is saying at all. I think that they have probably done their homework on this first list to the point of air tight cases against to those on the list. I would very much doubt given the political climate in Thailand at the moment that anyone on that committee is looking for a payoff.

    Who is a naive little Vegemite then?

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