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Posts posted by 4MyEgo

  1. 7 minutes ago, atpeace said:

    Thanks.  It is a good buy and I have the CoR but I think I can do it without the seller.  I just need a sales contract, copies of his ID, and power of attorney.  I don't want to register in Chon Buri but I can if I have no other choice.  Not even sure if I can register in Chon Buri my immigration office is in Ubon.  You're right this is confusing...


    When I 1st came here 10 years ago, I was going to buy a 2nd hand car, lucky I didn't, as I have heard other farangs that I know, say the odometer on their car was turned back 150,000km's as a minimum, (bought from a dealer). There was money outstanding on the car that they didn't know about, (private) one guys motor blew up 3 months after he had it, (bought from a dealer).


    I purchased a new car, have had it for 9 + years, my advice is, if you can buy 2nd hand  from a farang, you have a better chance it's legit.



    • Confused 2
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  2. On 9/23/2024 at 11:33 AM, DonniePeverley said:

    I will look into the humidifier issue. Honestly, back in the UK and no a/c system and waking up is a breeze. In Thailand even if i get my full quota of sleep i am waking up in such an extreme rough way. 


    You can sleep without the air conditioner on, i.e. turn it on for 30 minutes at 26 degree on slow speed, turn a fan on speed 2 at the most, then turn the air conditioner off, if the room is well insulated, the room should remain cool.


    If the above doesn't work, again, air conditioner at 26 on low speed and keep a small bottle of water next to your bed.


    I wake up once twice a night, it's normal as we get older, I take a swig of water, go for a P, then back to bed, and at around 4am will wake up again, take a swig of water and go back to bed, either having gone to the toilet again or not.


    If your unit is old, lift the cover, check if you have cleaned the filters, if they're clean, ask yourself when the last time you had your unit cleaned, usually every year or two or three depending on how often you use it, costs about 500 baht.


    The part you say it keeps blowing, well if it's an inverter, the air conditioner will go to the idle position when the room is at the required temperature, e.g. if it's on 26, it will go to idle when it reaches 26, it will blow air like a fan until the room temperature drops again, then will start blowing cooler air in again, and repeat throughout the night.


    Hope this helps, try it when you get back. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Dakhar said:

    Being sought after as a "tax target" to pay for a debt that foriengers didn't create or have anything to do with is anoying.

    One can't really make roots in Thailand as foriengers are in a state of continuous "tax limbo" as the government schemes of ways to dig deeper into their "guests" pockets. 


    Franky, the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore.



    Don't listen to all the noise, just keep enjoying your life and play deaf to the noise.


    When the noise gets loud and has your attention, i.e. it's become annoying as you mentioned above in your post, just look for ways around it, and to be honest, it really isn't that bad with all the deductibles they give you.


    But I agree with your points.

  4. 21 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Mine is 6 months old, so kinda due a clean but I'm slightly nervous about getting it cleaned. A well known company put gas in unnecessarily and on a later clean managed to cause a fault, so they are out for sure, can others be trusted?


    I get our units cleaned every 2-3 years. 


    It all depends on how often you use them, we only use them at night going to bed and also press the auto clean button on the control every week or so.


    I have used 2 different air con cleaners, both useless and always try to extract extra baht from me, but I tell them up front, only clean air conditioners, no gas, no need, when they argue, I tell them I was a refrigeration mechanic many years ago and they shut up as they know they're game is up, suffice to say, unless there is a leak, there is no need for a top up of gas.


    These guys are rough as guts, and if I wasn't worried about falling off the ladder, I'd do it myself, hang on a second, the wife is younger than me by 2 decades.



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  5. On 9/19/2024 at 2:23 AM, KhunHeineken said:

    Do you know the answer?  Yes, or no? 


    It's important because we have a member suggesting you just have to be inside Australia at the time of applying, which I found surprising. 



    Too easy....


    Generally, this means they must be residing in Australia and physically present in Australia when they lodge their claim.




    • Thanks 1
  6. On 9/19/2024 at 4:25 PM, oldcpu said:

    He never called back. 


    Clearly he was not in a hurry to give a foreigner a Thai TIN. 


    As usual the left doesn't know what the right is doing.


    The top makes amendments and passes new legislation, then the ones at the other end of the food chain have to take task, now that means more paperwork, and it's not as if they haven't already got a sheet load, just look at immigration offices around the country, they prefer you use an agent, brown envelope, less paperwork for them.


    I agree with you, it's never going to get off the ground and will MORE than likely be for those foreigners earning money in Thailand who are residents, like teachers etc etc.


    I will continue to carry on as usual, until someone taps me on the shoulder, or as that confused member KhunHeineken states, that when we go to immigration, we will require a tax clearance certificate....LOL 

  7. 18 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    if the member is Australian, he can watch the youtube video I have posted with some input from a Chartered Accountant in Australia. 


    It's the youtube video that deals with Article 18 and Article 19 in the Australia / Thailand DTA. 


    It's the youtube video that disagreed with your "Forget about Article 19" post in the Australia Forum, yet, you change forums, and post under Article 19 you have to pay tax on this forum. 


    If the member watches the youtube video, they will see you can not "Forget about Article 19." 


    Like Articles 18 & 19 which I won't get into with you for because I have to agree to disagree and shut that one down.


    But I take it you can read, and understand the difference between a resident and a non resident for tax purposes and where incomes are sourced from ?


    After you have read the below, you may wish to explain to me what a non resident is, in plain English.


    Overview of Thailand’s Income Tax System


    Thailand operates a progressive income tax system like Australia, meaning higher incomes are subject to higher tax rates. The tax year aligns with the calendar year. Tax residency is determined by physical presence within the country for at least 180 days, with residents taxed on worldwide income remitted to Thailand and non-residents taxed solely on income earned domestically.

    Your residence status and income source influence your tax obligations.



    Register for a Thai Tax Identification Number (TIN): Thai Tax Identification Number is necessary if you have taxable income in Thailand. The TIN is used for all your tax filings and communications with the Thai Revenue Department.

    Tax Residency

    Unlike Australia, Thailand determines tax residence based on physical presence, not domicile. This distinction can have notable implications for expats, impacting the degree to which their global income may be taxed.

    In Thailand, individuals are considered tax residents if they spend 180 days or more in the country within a tax year (1 January to 31 December). Non-residents are generally taxed only on income derived from Thai sources.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    These villas had brazenly encroached on the mountainside in the Bo Phut subdistrict, a popular tourist hub.


    15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    “These properties had no right to be here.”


    Now that we have taken possession, we will wait for 12 months and then extend the boundaries to take in the 46 villas, then subdivide them and sell them with money going into the system, our tea money system....LOL 

  9. On 9/15/2024 at 2:56 PM, norbra said:

    Step 1.My Australian aged pension is assessable income ,verified by Australian Tax Office.


    Step 2, visit BKK revenue department to apply for a TIN.

    My application was rejected as I didn't meet required criteria :

    "Having income from employment in Thailand"

    My experience for what it's worth

    There are many levels of criteria for TIN applications


    I have been trying to tell Mr Know All, F All, that is, but he just doesn't get it.


    On 9/15/2024 at 3:39 PM, KhunHeineken said:

    Apply again next week and you will probably get one.  TIT.  :smile: 


    Won't accept the facts.


    On 9/15/2024 at 3:46 PM, norbra said:

    Maybe you would be interested to learn that criteria also excludes students and holders of  "retirement visas"as they are prohibited from working in Thailand 


    There you go, it's all about those residents who work in Thailand.


    On 9/15/2024 at 3:55 PM, KhunHeineken said:

    Sure, but money in a Thai bank, earning interest, could meet the criteria of being an "investor."  So, whilst prohibited from working, the hold of a retirement visa is still earning money in Thailand, no matter how big, or how small. 


    Like I said, go to a different office, at a different time, with a different member of staff, and you may get a different result. 


    You are deflecting again, fully aware that banks tax the interest you earn.


    Fact of the matter is a lot of member in the same boat as norba have gone to the the revenue department in their respective areas and have been told the same, don't work in Thailand, no TIN.


    If and when they pass the worldwide income, then things might be different, that's a HUGE if.


    You should really go back to scaremongering members about all the new DTA's that are being made.....LOL


    Perhaps we should change you from Mr Know All, to Mr Know Idea 🙂


  10. On 9/14/2024 at 2:46 PM, Chadnik said:

    So, can i just shop for CAC and stress cardio and see what comes of that??



    I had my heart attack almost 2 decades ago, stent inserted, meds since.


    Cardiologist said, diet, exercise, maintain a healthy weight, don't smoke, don't drink, and you will live 20 to 30 if not more years.


    I have done that just that and no issues thus far, that said, I would visit him every 2 years for a check up at my wanting to, then 3 years when returning to my home country after moving to Thailand, and he would want an echocardiogram stress test every 5 years, all good.


    I asked him about a CAC test and he said, I wouldn't worry about one, and that he didn't recommend them for his patients, unless very old with complications.


    Make of that what you will. I thought he might be trying to save the system $'s as Medicare might have paid for it, and I told him that I would pay for it, and that I could even do it when I returned to Thailand, he looked at me, and said, look, I have been seeing you for almost 2 decades, your blood work is good, your weight is good, your diet is good, save your money, but if you want it, then it's up to you, but as I said, I don't recommend it to my patients, unless they are very old with complications.


    Perhaps it's best not to know, if you don't have any issues, who knows what one will find if they look into it....LOL


    I haven't done one based on his professional opinion.


    Sorry that I can't offer you any advice on it.


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