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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. 22 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:



    It would only be a serious crime if the perpetrator was a nobody and poor and that the joke of a Police Force could bully and coerce into a signed confession. 


    No rich people ever go to jail here, and the Red Bull heir will be no exception to this rule. 

    They don't have to be 'rich', just 20K and/or White Opponent.


  2. On 25/04/2017 at 7:16 PM, RickBradford said:

    As usual, I am guaranteed to be the only person who has actually read the report this silly Reuters' article is based on, and, as usual, the mainstream media is doing its best to scare people.


    The actual report is much less alarmist, and not even new, as the authors admit:  "The implications of most findings in [the study] are not fundamentally different from those reported in 2011."


    Still, that's good for the media, as they get to scare gullible people twice about the same thing.


    The breathless Reuters line about "rising sea levels" - yes, an extra 25 centimetres by 2100. It won't even lap the front door of Al Gore's beachfront mansion.


    And just like in 2011, the report is based on those infamous computer models, which have gotten everything wrong since they were invented.


    They end with the traditional climate science appeal for lots more money: "The report also identifies many more specific data gaps and research needs..."


    Still, it gives the usual people a chance to bash President Trump (yawn) and feel all virtuous about themselves by shouting "denier" at everyone.

    Just one impact of sea levels from personal experience and backed up in this scientific PDF, if you've the patience to read it. http://www.mccip.org.uk/media/1256/2013arc_sciencereview_09_ce_final.pdf


    As to Trump, I've no feelings about him one way or another, he's simply yet another puppet, albeit a colourful one who changes policy on the hoof.

  3. 58 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Yes, and let them take the 1000 teak logs that that they 'picked' along with them.

    This case appears to have shown up just how shoddy Thai 'journalism' is, and there are those lamenting proposed further curbs on it. For years this couple were reported as being the poster children for Thailand's iniquitous 'justice' system, it only now transpires they were caught up in a logging raid and still no one is aware of the facts of this case. Surely it cannot be beyond the wit (:laugh:) of some Thai reporter to go check out whether this couple did indeed have teak logs on their land/in a lock up, or not?

  4. 17 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Well that's opinion, someone in the family tried to get a servant to claim responsibility for the crash.


    Someone in the family, maybe several people in the family engaged in quick discussions  with a senior cop to buy his way out of the whole scenarios just after the accident, and that senior cop was quickly dismissed from the force. 


    The family has readily ignored many many requests for him to report to investigators.


    The family have readily joined him in gallivanting around the world, attending  major racing events etc. 


    Have they broken a specific law? If they have I hope they get severe punishment.


    I don't know if they have broken a specific law but they sure didn't display any morals or responsibility or concern. 





    Yes they have broken a specific Thai law. Aiding and Abetting - Somcop. However, being Thailand, this law is rarely enforced much alike the, haha, 'paying a bribe' one.

  5. 20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Fascism is by definition from the FAR RIGHT. 

    That doesn't mean there isn't bad behavior from other political factions such as the FAR LEFT. But those are not fascism. 

    Sorted for you now?

    The 'Far Right' appears to be the new 'Far Left' now. What a topsy turvy world we live in. Where those who claim to be liberal are actually the oppressors. 


    Your condescension is telling. 

  6. On 01/05/2017 at 8:52 AM, Jingthing said:

    So you're supporting fascism just because it's "new" (it is not) or because you actually support fascism? 

    I don't know what your understanding of fascism is but the hurling of Molotov cocktails/beating at those who disagree with anything they say, as is ongoing in the US and marred yesterday's May Day in France comes close, in my book.

  7. 6 hours ago, tomwct said:

    You met a girl. Congrats that's what happens when you come to Thailand. You meet a girl and you pay her for her time. Happens everyday and they are easy to get along with as long as you have a pocket of cash. These are some tips for successfully retiring to Thailand. First, date many girls. Try one for a few months and go get another. Two, learn a little Thai. They will talk about you behind your back. Third, do not bring a lot of cash with you.because you'll be renting an apartment and/or a house for 2-3 years. Your first Visa will cover you for a year of retirement. Fourth, Do Not Buy Anything except maybe transportation, bike, motorcycle, or car. Put in YOUR NAME not the girl you just met! Fifth, do not retire to a Tourist Area, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, ect. You came to Thailand to experience Thailand, not the Go Go Bars. Try NE Thailand, Korat, Khon Kaen, ect. Sixth, Do Not Buy Anything until you decide to live here permanently and always seek help from fellow Expats who have lived here for a long time. Visit the villages, but stay no longer than 1-2 weeks. You do not want to live in your present GF's Village!

    What's this? Pick and mix? This is another human being you're talking about, a woman (50 years old is certainly NOT a 'girl' and is demeaning), the OP met and seems to have spent more time with her (6 weeks 24/7) than most of you Soi 6 trawlers. Yes of course there are prostitutes, apparent and not so much, here everywhere. But your post is extremely condescending. It's not a slave market you know, albeit it's difficult to tell the difference sometimes judging by the number of old men here getting a cook/housekeeper/old age care assistant and giving them a miserly stipend from their meagre pensions. Notwithstanding many of these Thai women are left destitute when her sponsor snuffs it and discovers no provision has been made for her in a Will and everything's been left to the kids 'back home'. I've noted a few of those from personal experience.


    Some of you having been 'stitched up' by some tart you met in a bar have deserved everything you got. Dear Lord ..

  8. The fact that all mainstream media were pushing, cajoling, fear mongering (Alf Garnet in response to the UK being left 'a tiny offshore island' - 'Offshore? Off what bloody shore?') should give no pause for doubt entering the undemocratic unaccountable billionaire boys club was a big mistake, as I'd warned at the time, and the UK is better off out of it. Merkel was simply the last straw, she should now keep her mouth firmly and hopefully permanently SHUT.

  9. Well five whole pages in and I've yet to see whether this driving school accredited, whether it be 5 hours or 15 has even been implemented yet. Maybe it will turn out to have been a 'misunderstanding' like most other things here. For the record, I really don't see how many hours are put in, the problems will still remain, to wit, national character traits among the majority and total lack of enforcement. And then even if 'licenses were taken away' they wouldn't care less. A Thai friend went to pick up confiscated licence (wouldn't pay up) from a local nick and was presented with an entire box full and asked to pick out the right one. The other licence holders hadn't bothered. Pointless.

  10. 2 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

    Although this is a sensible step in the right direction. It is not enough. Will the instructors teach thinking distance, breaking distance, and stopping distance, but the government is also responsible for many road accidents. There are many junctions and crossroads that do not have road markings or traffic lights. No road signs warning you to stop. Many a Thai will drive out of a soi junction without stopping or looking to see if the road is clear, because nothing says they have to stop. The government does not have a highway code that teaches the international road signs. Many foreigners can drive safely in many countries because international road signs are easy to understand by those who obey them. The biggest omission is, there is not a 15 hour course for motorcycle riders who are the cause of the biggest percentage of accidents. On top of the 15 hours training there should be a written test along with a driving test on road skills. Passing the written test should be passed before being tested on the roads.

    Agree with the first part of your post, the all important braking/stopping distance in the Land of Tailgating is not taught here as neither how to manoeuvre a traffic circle, never mind pedestrian crossings, they simply don't exist in any driver training here and best avoided. As to the 'many junctions and crossroads with no markings', where are you? Nakhon Nowhere? Even in the wilds of Phang Nga there are signs, and if there aren't, use common sense (whoops) and approach with caution as in other countries. I  disagree motorcycles are the actual cause of the majority of accidents, as another poster pointed out, anything larger should 'think once, think twice, think bike' and the same doubly so for pedestrians. You're in a metal box for Christ's sake, don't be so selfish. Also, there are written tests. However, even a 100% pass rate won't see you through if a Test Center bloke is on his period/immediately jettisoned when leaving said test center as no law enforcement/kreng jai.


  11. 8 hours ago, Crossy said:

    The problem in Thailand and many other developing countries is that students are taught to operate the vehicle, they are not necessarily taught to drive. Things like road sense, anticipation, reading the road etc. just don't get the attention they should.


    Even 5 hours of training should be enough, if performed on actual roads with a decent instructor.

    I agree. A decent well planned five hours is doable. Fifteen hours would be unnecessary and tedious for a Thai and is unthinkable. Would the fee of 6k remain the same? Doubt, already having been floated, a school would accept less and a local pay more. 

  12. 7 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    The ones who are 20-25 years older than their wives, are we talking 65 year old man with 45 year old woman, or 40 year old with 20 year old?  I just can't imagine the latter scenario working out. I guess there are always exceptions though...

    Many young Thai women want kids and nothing's more pathetic than watching a 65 year old farang man pushing a stroller.

  13. 18 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    At long last the scumbag is finally going to have an arrest warrant issued. Shame it took 5 bloody years. Now the next phase of the farce will commence, when they try to actually serve it on him. A man is dead because of him, so cancel his passport, issue the summons to Interpol, whatever is needed. Get this low life back here to face justice without ANY further delays.

    I've had an 'arrest warrant' with a term limit of 15 years issued against the farang POS who robbed me five years ago. Still unenforced, and he's a lot less money than this guy. Don't make me laugh. Yet another sop to quell the latest outrage from the proles. Be forgotten by next week.

  14. What rubbish this is. Hospitals here can and do charge whatever they think they can get away with. Who's to stop them? And if anyone seriously believes the mill that is Bangkok Hospital will adhere to this 'agreement', they are seriously deluded. The hospital system here, particularly on Phuket, is a national disgrace and points up exactly the yawning chasm between the haves and have nots. No middle ground here. And please, no mentioning of 'oh but Mission ..' blah blah.

  15. 1 hour ago, disambiguated said:

    This is incorrect.  The United States uses an adversarial system (except for traffic tickets and a few other administrative issues), but the police conduct investigations and it's up to the relevant district attorneys (local, state, or federal) whether to empanel a grand jury to press charges.


    So, an adversarial system does not imply that no investigations are conducted.


    In Thailand, the investigatory process largely focuses on the contents of each party's wallets and bank accounts, which then determines which cases result in arrests and trials. 


    Moving to an inquisitorial system simply means that the courts would often get first crack at investigating the contents of said wallets and bank accounts, rather than having to queue up behind the police.

    This is true actually. However, once all investigations, usually having to be conducted by the complainant, and processed over a period of many years, have been concluded, if you are White and your opponent Thai/wealthier than you, you'll lose in Court anyway, rendering the whole process a complete and utter waste of time.

  16. On 24/04/2017 at 7:38 PM, thailand49 said:

    They all want them when they are puppies nice a cute, when they grow up and start shitting all over the place it is let them out and disowned them. These feeders do it to feel better about themselves thinking it makes up for all their wrong during the day. How I got that opinion from my neighbors all screw up, drink, beat their women, steal, cheat etc. of course just generalizing then they throw their leftover in the empty lot for the Soi dogs to eat. Go back home and do the same stuff all over again.

    Rather alike the West then. Only in The West, they're locked up in small single boxes if or until someone comes to adopt them. If they're not re-homed within a short period of time, these healthy cats and dogs are euthanized. 27,000 healthy cats and dogs killed in just one year in just one county in the US last year. 


    I've taken in dogs and cats after having had them tested, spayed and vaccinated. The last one, a cat, turned out to have FLV and the vet wouldn't destroy it as it was otherwise strong and healthy, but I couldn't take it home as it could have endangered resident cat. So she let it out near her clinic and feeds it. Better than sticking it in some kennel or ending it's life. And no, I most certainly do not 'feel good about myself' for taking care of any fellow creature turning up and needing my help. I have empathy. You should grow some.

  17. I've the same, but hardly a deluge of birdshit, even given the size of the pool/surrounds area. I've given up chasing them off. The Koi are big enough that they won't fit in the (comparatively small) Herons' nor Kingfishers beaks. Nothing deters them so just give in, let nature get on with it and hose off the guanao when watering the plants. They bugger off after breeding season anyway.

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