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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. The whole point is that without extra productivity we get the same thing we got when foolish YL increased the minimum wage by 100%. The result is known to those who lived here at the time. All prices shot up and the people with minimum wage still could not cover their daily expenses. So just increasing the salary won't work, because everything will become more expensive right away.

    The point about people having cars and bikes is a good one I have seen the same quite often here in Thailand. No money to drive the car but owning a car and getting killed by the monthly payments.

    Ha! What absolute rubbish. Prices are always 'shooting up' - 'naman paerng' is the usual. I noticed no difference other than the Thai businessman recruiting ever more low wage immigrants. You're a Daily Mail reader (with a VPN laugh.png ) right?

  2. What a red herring this is, and anyone believing anything else is deluded. No one has any reason more than I to loathe the RTP, BUT there are some genuinely good and able police officers, including some from the top. This is merely another 'red' - aka Taksin allied - cleaning of the opposition exercise. What happened to the Russian kidnap case involving soldiers on Phuket? Who won? None so blind as those who will not see.

  3. Has anything changed after all this supposed checking? Solid proof now. Price of noodles/food courts. Price of eggs. Price of lottery tickets, which according to today's 'Happiness to the people' purports a month in jail. Which hasn't deterred sellers opposite my local police station today selling them at 120 baht per ticket. Seriously, anything actually improved/changed here. Veridical evidence only please.

  4. I've just had a Thai working on my house and the difference between him and the Burmese is astounding. All he does is complain of being bloody tired. He's only 45! Another Thai professor told me the same thing, the Burmese, whilst not yet up to specialisation, don't complain and rip through the building in half the time. The Thais are on a hiding to nothing with any so called competitiveness once their neighbours' skills are updated.

    But you've got to ask yourself why it is that the Burmese in Thailand work harder for less money than the Thais.

    Burma is bad place, very few foreign companies want to re-locate their manufacturing plants to Burma, and this is partly because Burma has far less democracy and freedom than Thailand. It's simply untrue when people claim that Burma is open for business nowadays. Even during the last few years, with the 'new' system in Burma, it still turns out that Thailand has received far more foreign investment than Burma.

    Basically, one of the few ways for a Burmese man to make money is enter into Thailand, and work hard. If Burma was an okay place, well, practically all the Burmese in Thailand would go back home in Burma. A lot of the Burmese working in Thailand are illegal migrant workers, they have rights, and are scared of being sent home, that's one of the reasons why they tend to shut up and work hard. They work like slaves, and that is because, well, they are.

    Is it right for Thais and foreigners in Thailand to exploit the cheap labour by giving them jobs ? Thailand itself keeps the Burmese in Thailand as slaves, a lot have no work permit and no rights. A lot of the Burmese work hard, but lose a lot of money by being forced to pay bribes, and being extorted by Thai people. Thailand will make sure that the Burmese in Thailand are second-class workers or slaves, it is cruel, but that's what's happening. The Burmese in Thailand will never be allowed to compete with the Thais on a level playing field. I reckon it would be a better idea to simply remove all the Burmese, and pay the Thais a better wage to encourage them to work harder.

    I needn't 'ask myself' anything. The rest of your post is a given. However, you must ask yourself, if the situation between the Thai and the Burmese were reversed, would the Thai be as bloody indolent? From long experience of both nationals, I don't think so. The overwhelming difference is the Thai sense of 'entitlement'. No other SE Asian country comes close to this.

  5. .........

    I can't believe what I am reading.......

    300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

    I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

    That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

    If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

    People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

    Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

    Source: Just one guys opinion.

    What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

    Sneering at the cheese and yogurt does in no way detract from the thrust of the lobster's post. Thais Are (in the main) Lazy. Everyone including Thailand knows this. That's why they prefer to hire the Burmese and Khmer. Not simply because they cost less.

    <deleted> are you talking about dageurrtype ?

    I was asking about what cheese and yoghurt lobster was buying to fit into his budget.

    No you weren't. You were implying that to be able to afford cheese and yogurt, one must be a veritable Creosus compared to the poor downtrodden Thai.

  6. .........

    I can't believe what I am reading.......

    300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

    I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

    That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

    If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

    People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

    Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

    Source: Just one guys opinion.

    What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

    Sneering at the cheese and yogurt does in no way detract from the thrust of the lobster's post. Thais Are (in the main) Lazy. Everyone including Thailand knows this. That's why they prefer to hire the Burmese and Khmer. Not simply because they cost less.

  7. In and around our village there is little to no industry. Some female villagers seem content to doing a chore/job on occasion e.g. cut rice. There seems to be little prospect for employment, educational standards seem low, skilled workers seem non existent, and frankly it seems like the main interest is in socializing vie various ceremonies which are frequent.

    My wife has solicited men in the village to do various odd jobs for us at a higher than average wage, but few seem to want to engage in physical labor.

    I feel ya brotha thumbsup.gif

  8. "stating that as he is a soldier and not a politician"

    Prayut is a holder of public office - Head of Government. The military does not have the rank of Prime Minister though it would be closer to reality if it did.

    Prayut is a politician. He negotiates government positions with a variety of special interest groups that seek out special treatment. He uses the treasury to buy potential protester silence, cooperation, and loyalty. He has imposed on the Thai public HIS ideology and national policies. It is irrelevant how he became the PM from the viewpoint of a politician. The fact is that HoG is the highest political position in a nation.

    He may not seek election as PM when he decides to allow elections, but that doesn't diminish his actions as HoG. And last known, Prayut did retire from the armed forces as a soldier, albeit he has retained his position as Chief of the NCPO.

    Prayut is a politician, just not an elected one.

    No. He's not.

  9. I've just had a Thai working on my house and the difference between him and the Burmese is astounding. All he does is complain of being bloody tired. He's only 45! Another Thai professor told me the same thing, the Burmese, whilst not yet up to specialisation, don't complain and rip through the building in half the time. The Thais are on a hiding to nothing with any so called competitiveness once their neighbours' skills are updated.

  10. The reports allege that Thai immigration officials collaborated with the traffickers by transferring Rohingya held in Thailand to the custody of the traffickers. A high-ranking police official confirmed to journalists the existence of the camps and acknowledged an informal policy called “option two,” which relies on smuggling networks to expel Rohingya migrants, including asylum seekers, from Thailand. http://burmatimes.net/thailand-protect-rohingya-boat-children/

    The Immigration Department in this country has always been a disorganised mendacious corrupt rabble, a law unto itself. And now it has been given carte blanche to up the ante on their 'take'. Given the increased xenophobia (if that were possible) of those currently at the trough. But more so, given the have Lotsa Guns. They say the Land Department most corrupt? Funny if not so sad.

  11. Here is what I find a little baffling.. There must be hundreds if not thousands of NGO's when you combine Thailand, Myanmar, Lao, and Cambodia.. And I believe that a majority are sent to help the impoverished, especially those who are most at risk of being trafficked so how did this happen without any NGO's knowing? I am sure there must be Intel on where these camps are or usually are.. So why not get a jeep and some body guards and look around? There would be obvious risk but if you are in Thailand or Lao or anywhere in the region the locals or whoever is doing the trafficking would not want to start killing NGO's.. right??? You would think with all the Intel and satellites with super cameras they could target the trafficking camps and then simple send some NGO's in to check it out.. you would not have to go paramilitary or send in a killer drone. .. Just saying..

    Absolutely. Where was Alan Morrison?

  12. Does this minimum wage apply to non-Thai workers? Major stores on Phuket are being stuffed with Burmese and Khmer now, so I'm guessing Thailand is now taking a leaf out of the UK's book and encouraging immigrants from poorer countries in order to maintain their obscene profit margins, thus depressing the already piss poor daily wage. Way to go Siam.

  13. Yup ^^^, I think it's a Golden Tree Snake too, beautiful, quick, harmless to humans.

    I've had one or two living in my roof space over the years. Never seen them both at the same time, so could be just the one biggrin.png Beautiful things. I had to rescue one from mob attack by a gang of Tookays recently, who also help keep the rats in check. Agreed, no problem at all with them. Pity a farang neighbour recently thought it best to bludgeon one to death 'to protect his family'. Some people move to a tropical country and think they're bloody Tarzan. A lot of very ignorant people here.

  14. My decorator, having been startled by a Tookay, flung a pot of acrylic paint over my tv screen, then smeared it trying to get it off. He's about to use paint thinner to remove it. I've told him to stay his hand until I'm able to research an alternative. I've just tried distilled water and white vinegar, no chance. Any suggestions please?

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