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Posts posted by Loeilad

  1. 4 hours ago, doremifasol said:


    I didn't underestimate anything, just spoke from personal experience.

    BTW, if I am asked by my boss to join in a corrupt activity I actually do have a choice,

    I just say no.


    Would that make me an outcast? So be it.



    Your reply just shows the paucity of your thinking...and do you seriously think your boss is going to keep you on if you refuse?????

  2. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes, 95% of them are giving the rest a bad name.

    QED - doremifasol - A classic example of underestimating the extent of corruption in Thailand - In reality, the culture of an institution  dictates the behaviour of its members - if you are asked by your boss to join in a corrupt activity you have in effect, no choice. You either take part of become a pariah.....your job most people underestimate the extent of corruption in Thailand and there is a n example -  are zero and by not whistle-blowing you re of course just as corrupt as your colleagues

  3. I always speak Thai, have no camera and haven't had a problem for years.....so I'd suggest the reasoning of other posts is flawed.

    I would suggest that the police are in fact more wary of simply demanding money of anyone than they used to be.

    Is this to be taken as a sign of improvement? I would think only a simpleton would come  to that conclusion.

    Thai suffers from an inherent acceptance of graft and corruption at all levels coupled with a blind faith in the symbols and figures of authority....... Until this vicious cycle is broken Thailand will never develop as a nation.


  4. On 4/8/2016 at 6:14 AM, LawrenceN said:

    This is a good idea. All of the countries with tigers remaining should trade wild tigers regularly to counteract inbreeding. The stocks of wild tigers are too low now to sustain healthy populations. I worked on an eco-tourism project at the edge of Khao Yai National Park a few years back. One of the guides was a "reformed" poacher. He said that when they do see tigers in the wild now, they often show signs of inbreeding, such as kinked tails.

    What you say about inbreeding is true, but you can't just get a tiger from anywhere...they have to be the same subspecies and checked for genetic history - you certainly can't just release then into the wild and hope for the best

  5. 13 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Have to say they are correct they have to do as they were told after the unfortunate death of the King. I have not blamed them for that situation also although I recived a months free viewing from them I can see why they may not feel they are responsible for the black outs. They are in a no win situation.

    However that aside there programs and films are just on a continuous loop go to sleep watching the maze runner turn the tv on next day and low and behold the maze runner is back on. had enough going down to the very very basic pakadge.  why pay for rubish have all the films sport I ever need via the Internet now. 

    Except they have had no such order.....and the channels are still missing


    youy might also check out which channels were stopped and which continued........there is no rhyme or reason least of all from the junta.

  6. I contacted True about the absence of Australia plus and Deutche Welle and was told it was down to orders from on high..


    " kindly be informed that TrueVisions Group Company has to obey broadcast regulation commanded by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC)."

  7. You are naive and uninformed to the point of risibility...all information regarding this incident has cone from the police....I'm pointing out that there is no accountability here...whether or not the story is wholely or partly true is completely irrelevant...It seens you  are just the kind of person this junta relies on to get by.

    There ALWAYS needs to be a full inquiry

  8. 8 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    It shouldn't be hard to sort this out.

    1.Police set up a roadblock requiring all vehicles to stop for inspection.

    2. This car crashes through this and several other roadblocks.

    3. Occupants of fleeing vehicle open fire on police at each checkpoint.

    4. Police return fire , disable the vehicle and in an exchange of fire, the fleeing gunmen are killed.

    What is it about this story you find hard to believe? This isn't  Kansas. 

    well assuming you weren't  there, what is the source of your information?

  9. 2 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Boris had this to say on the matter.


    It is a “myth” and "<deleted>" that the free movement of people is one of the European Union’s founding principles, according to Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.


    well it isn't "Article 48 of the Treaty established the principle of the free movement of workers and outlawed discrimination between workers of the member states (the prohibition of discrimination between nationals of the member states was also set out in Article 7)."

  10. It's a dog's Brexit - the referendum is only advisory and the whole thing needs to be scrapped......I can't find anyone with a reasoned argument to continue with this farce and it is gradually descending into a fiasco.....well let's face it you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.


    White can't cope - 10000 more civil servants needed


    the debacle continues...........let's hope common sense prevails in the end! (or hopefully before the end!)

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