I always get a chuckle when the topic of recreational cannabis in Thailand comes up. I lived there for about 17 years but won't go into the specifics of how or if I was able to get cannabis there, but as a hint, I like cannabis and strongly believe in the benefits is give me, so take it from there.
I am now back in Canada and have been here for about 5 years after leaving Thailand for family reasons. Cannabis just happened to be legalized for recreational use about a year after I returned, allowing not only its sale but also its legal cultivation for personal use. I grow a few monster plants of a hi-potency hybrid (White Widow) in the garden each summer that gives me enough product for my smoking, edibles and even sharing with younger relatives. The total cost is a little over a hundred dollars and gives me nice bud for only pennies per gram. I AM SPOILED!! And if I want a nice concentrate vape pen or some other treat for a change, there are a variety of stores to shop at close by.
So, being that spoiled and wanting not only cheap but hassle-free access to cannabis, I'm not going to fly halfway around the world to a country that is living in the dark ages in that regard. I was there when the current PM inserted himself into the leadership role in Thailand (as PM elect for life) and am very aware of his prudish and puritanical approach to existence, believing everyone should abstain from anything enjoyable, so I'm afraid that until there is a change of leadership -- one that takes a realistic approach to the nature of people and an understanding of the physical and social safety of cannabis, nothing of substance is going to happen.
The current leadership seems to take the same dull-minded approach I read in another post where someone starts comparing cocaine and opiates to cannabis because they all come from plants. That's about as stupid and simple-minded as it gets, yet lots of morons walk around with such ideas and it never seems to occur to them that millions of things come from plants, both good and bad. Amazingly, there are still A LOT of people who seem to believe everything shown in Reefer Madness.
And that's my post for the year. ????