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Inn Between

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Everything posted by Inn Between

  1. I must have got this wrong! When I went to the site and selected 7 grams of Blue OG (16% THC) the price was quoted at 4,200 baht. That would be about CAD 154.00 for a quarter ounce. That can't be right, can it? Here in Canada, I can buy an ounce (28 grams) of higher-potency cannabis (even from the Ontario gov't stores) for less.
  2. How daring of you! ???? Are they supposed to be feminized? It's always tough seeing in those nasty little balls show up rather than nice little hairs after vegging a plant for so long, unless one's intention is creating seeds. Good luck with them. May they all be potent girls.
  3. Nobody loves the idea more than me that one tiny seed has the potential to grow thousands of plants, but I guess I'm a bit of a splurge spending CAD 7-15 a seed to give me a crop that will last the entire year. I love the variation I get, though. You'd be surprised how much two plants can vary from the same batch of seeds with one having more of that laid-back Indica effect and the other with a more energetic sativa effect.
  4. I've never grown autos myself, but I also don't clone. I like going from seed every time for the variation it gives me with my hybrids, and I consistently get 100% germination, so I'm a bit of the oddball in my group. Everyone else I know gets clones. What you say about reduced crop size and even lower potency is true with autoflowering plants. I lived in Thailand for a long time and dreamed of being able to grow some nice tall sativas, even if they took 12 weeks to finish flowering after completing their stretch phase, so it's good to know that people are taking advantage of that nice hot sunny growing weather. One properly grown sativa plant there could yield kilos of good buds.
  5. I'm back in Canada now and actually bought some seeds from the Ontario government cannabis store to try this year for only CAD 24.95 a 4-pack. They're called Lillooet Landrace -- apparently a variation of a strain called Timewarp that has been grown in British Columbia for ages. It's been so popular because of it's nice effects but more importantly that it has a short enough flowering time to finish properly in our short Canadian growing season. I always grow 2 White Widows in the main garden that get to about 8-9 feet tall and provide me with lots of buds to get through the year. But I'll also try the gov't plants in 5-gallon pots out by the pool and see how they go. I'd think that in In Thailand, you'd have to be sure to get a strain that's as much pure sativa as possible to grow outside. It can have a very long flowering period, and that makes sense with the small variation in the length of the day throughout the year. Alternately, one could grow autoflower plants that will begin to flower once they reach sexual maturity rather than photoperiod plants that rely on the days getting shorter to trigger their flowering. One could grow autoflowers year round in Thailand and have a constant cheap supply of medicine.
  6. "Cannabis abusers"??? Did they put too much tobacco in their spliffs?
  7. It is a rather small sampling, and I'd only hope that if very many more had been polled, the number would have risen to 75 or 80%. That would indicate the country is ready to turn in a better and more sane direction.
  8. I guess this "poster boy for the pathetic" just loves whatever attention he can get from the media. I'm surprised someone like Tucker Carlson hasn't hired him as a personal lackey.
  9. I'm so old school that I find it hard to believe internet advertising is as effective as the industry would like advertisers to believe. They do not influence my spending whatsoever, and judging by many of the comments here, the VAST majority of us are more interested in getting them off the screen rather than seeing what they're trying to sell us. Who goes online, especially to a forum, looking and hoping to see a bunch of ads? I can understand that site owners need to monetize to some degree what they've built and pay to maintain, but as has been mentioned, there gets to a point where the user experience is so diminished or the site is just so downright annoying that people will stop coming or only come when absolutely necessary. There's also the possible effect of people resenting the ads so much at a site that overdoes it that they can create some extra resentment toward those particular products or advertisers with people mumbling about how sick and tired they are of seeing that same ad again...and again...and again.
  10. I've never accessed this site on a phone -- only a "trained" PC, so I don't experience this problem. From what I see posted here, I'd have to be very desperate for some info that's only available here or a needed reply to bother fighting with a screen full of annoying adverts, especially video ones.
  11. And while they're trying to get back into Russia, the highly-educated and middle class are leaving as they can see a new Iron Curtain forming that will be even more geographically restrictive than the old one that at least included Eastern European countries that Russians, or rather Soviets, could visit, but they're part of NATO now, so they're off limit. Russian involvement in the exchange of culture and sports competitions with most of the world , including the Olympics, will be a thing of the past after Putin and his many faithful spill so much blood and do so much destruction in Ukraine that Russia and its citizens will be global pariah. Who can blame the young and educated Russians from fleeing a demonic dictator who is on a train-wreck path of both internal and external destruction, regressing their country back decades or even a century in terms of isolation and economic hardship? With no foreign investments coming into a country that has lost all trust around the world and its citizens unable to seek employment elsewhere, what reasonably ambitious Russian wants to be trapped in Putin's awful version of what he sees for Russia -- one of his old Soviet/KGB glory days where the masses were kept nicely subdued through propaganda and threats? Maybe these Russians want to think twice about what they're returning to and seek hardship asylum.
  12. It seems everyone had the same instant and initial thought that any county NOT on the list should feel shame. I'm Canadian and proud to join the list of nations seen as unfriendly (which is a gross understatement IMO) toward Vladimir The Terrible .
  13. I always get a chuckle when the topic of recreational cannabis in Thailand comes up. I lived there for about 17 years but won't go into the specifics of how or if I was able to get cannabis there, but as a hint, I like cannabis and strongly believe in the benefits is give me, so take it from there. I am now back in Canada and have been here for about 5 years after leaving Thailand for family reasons. Cannabis just happened to be legalized for recreational use about a year after I returned, allowing not only its sale but also its legal cultivation for personal use. I grow a few monster plants of a hi-potency hybrid (White Widow) in the garden each summer that gives me enough product for my smoking, edibles and even sharing with younger relatives. The total cost is a little over a hundred dollars and gives me nice bud for only pennies per gram. I AM SPOILED!! And if I want a nice concentrate vape pen or some other treat for a change, there are a variety of stores to shop at close by. So, being that spoiled and wanting not only cheap but hassle-free access to cannabis, I'm not going to fly halfway around the world to a country that is living in the dark ages in that regard. I was there when the current PM inserted himself into the leadership role in Thailand (as PM elect for life) and am very aware of his prudish and puritanical approach to existence, believing everyone should abstain from anything enjoyable, so I'm afraid that until there is a change of leadership -- one that takes a realistic approach to the nature of people and an understanding of the physical and social safety of cannabis, nothing of substance is going to happen. The current leadership seems to take the same dull-minded approach I read in another post where someone starts comparing cocaine and opiates to cannabis because they all come from plants. That's about as stupid and simple-minded as it gets, yet lots of morons walk around with such ideas and it never seems to occur to them that millions of things come from plants, both good and bad. Amazingly, there are still A LOT of people who seem to believe everything shown in Reefer Madness. And that's my post for the year. ????
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