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Posts posted by TP1

  1. Thank you all very much for your advice and contribution.

    I understand it comes from experienced and good photographers.

    But before I get more confused and disappointed thinking of the vast amount of money I have to spend to get a good camera, I decided to go for this one for now.

    I don't even know if this hobby will last and for how long.

    You are very right what you all say but let me start with the basics and later I can upgrade.

    Many Thanks to all of you and I will start posting my creations after I receive the camera.

    Your advice and instructions for a better use will be always welcome.

    Many Thanks again.


  2. Fiddlesticks, that was great help.

    Thank you very much.

    Photography is a new hobby for me and I was inspired by the amazing photographs displayed on this forum by other members including your good self.

    The compact I've got it's an old one and has passed it's sell by date.

    So I decided to get a new one that will give me more options help me to learn and get better photos.

    As you said in the future I can add more lenses and be more adventurous.

    I've read some reports on the internet about this camera and seems to be OK for me for now.

    But I thought it's better to ask for first hand experience before I press the button and buy the camera.

    Your advice was much appreciated.

  3. In my life I've learned not to expect anything from anybody but always to stand on my own feet and make my own decisions.

    I spend my own money here for my own pleasure and satisfaction and I would never expect any help from any government or any individual.

    If you not able to even mention one thing then why your reply?

    I did give you my answer but I don't think you are able to comprehend it.

    Or you wished for different answers that are not forthcoming.

  4. I was bitten many times in the past by the same bad snake.

    At the beginning I didn't notice the bite but eventually it became very painful.

    I didn't go to the doctors but instead I found a good solicitor and got rid of the bad snake.

    It did scared me for life that's why I'm not going to get married again.

  5. I used to go commando in my young days.

    Unfortunately now gravity has taken over so have to wear briefs.

    I buy them from M&S when I'm in the UK, haven't found any suitable alternative in Thailand.

  6. I do travel a lot on buses and I usually use Chan Tours or Nakhon Chai Air.

    Never encountered this problem.

    Buses are usually on time with a 5 or 10 minute the most delay.

    As about the lemonade and I presume you mean Sprite, your best bet is 7/11 where you can fill your own cup to the top with any ice or not.

  7. Hi,

    I'm thinking of buying the NICON D3200 from Lazada.

    It comes with 18-55 lens and the price is 13,490 Baht.

    What I would like to know is if anybody is using or has used this camera in the past.

    What is your opinion on the camera?

    I want to upgrade from a compact camera.

    Your opinion and input will be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks


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