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Posts posted by jadee

  1. I married a Thai in 2007 and bought a condo in my name in 2010, so yes, it's possible. But according to Thai law, everything bought after marriage should be split in case of divorce, no matter who bought what, or whether one person worked 100% and one person stayed at home doing sweet FA... but hey, that's what you get when you walk into the slaughterhouse.

    I swear, getting a marriage licence should be like getting a driving licence - you should have to do a theory test beforehand so you know what you're getting yourself into. The marriage rate would probably collapse. Or just get guys to have a 1-hour chat with a family lawyer before signing their life away. 

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  2. Seems every mainstream media outlet is covering GME/Wallstreetbets right now. I was trying to find out where it started and this NYTimes article pinned it down to a guy called 'Keith Gill' who goes by the name 'Roaring Kitty' on social media https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/29/technology/roaring-kitty-reddit-gamestop-markets.html
    Apparently, he put $53,000 into GME back in 2019 and he's been making youtube and tiktok videos about it ever since. Also, Michael Burry (portrayed in the 'Big Short' movie by Christian Bale) had 5% of his $330 million Scion management fund in GME, so he likely made more from GME than he did from the housing bubble in 2008. 
    There's also lots of focus on wallstreetbets - some people just pile in, or invest for fun, just to be part of it, but there are some people who really do look at the underlying dynamics and do due diligence. 

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  3. Sorry if this comes off as a rant, but all these people going on about how "covid is the death of walking street" completely overlook these 'youtubers' who just film everything and everyone a post it online. That just killed it - like who wants to fly halfway round the world just to be videoed talking to hookers? I get it - it's a public place, anything can be filmed etc etc but seriously, it really killed the vibe LONG before covid was a thing. 

  4. I have to agree with No.3 in the video - wearing masks. I've lived here throughout the pandemic, and I've always been skeptical about whether the official figures were true, or whether the Thai government was 'managing' them.
    Back in Jan/Feb when Thailand was 2nd after China in terms of the number of infections, I was initially very worried, and then numbers in other countries started shooting up while Thailand's didn't. I always felt that if the numbers were true, it was the fact that everyone was wearing masks. 
    I keep up with international news and have been shocked how people in other countries are so resistant to wearing masks. I'm from the UK so I understand that it's not natural and uncomfortable, but I still find it shocking. 
    It was only a couple of days ago when the US CDC director came out and said it bluntly: masks are the most important public health tool there is in terms of fighting the pandemic. And yet there are still people who won't wear them. 


    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I walked pat the Q on Sukhumvit yesterday.  The price tag to buy a condo there ranges between 30 MB for 95 SqM, and 175 MB, granted the top units are 3 bedroom 4 bath, or 4 bedroom 5 bath, and between 300 SqM and 366 SqM, but seriously 450,000 baht per SqM average price is a little crazy, especially for the Nana Area. However, obviously some folks have the big money as I watched as 2 Ferrari's drive out from the gate as I walked on by heading out to eat dinner, and listen to some music while having a drink last night.

    The contrast between rich and poor in Bangkok is insane; the uber-luxurious Q is virtually surrounded by all manner of adult establishments like bj bars etc 

    • Haha 2
  6. What fascinates me is the psychology of why people want to believe the moon landings were faked (or any other conspiracy like flat-earth, covid-hoax etc). I think it boils down to fear. Uncertainty freaks people out so it's more comforting to believe that someone or some group of people are 'in control' even if it's evil or a lie. The truth that there are many things beyond anyone's control is scary - it's easier to just put on a tin foil hat and pretend the world is a mess because the lizard people are doing a <deleted> poor job of running the show. 
    You see the same thing in play right now with covid - all those Trump supporters at rallies, not wearing masks or socially distancing, saying that covid is a hoax, or that it's caused by 5G, or made up by the Democrats or the 'deep state'. They are comforted by the notion that someone (or some group) are actually in charge and in control, when in fact it's the opposite: 40,000+ covid infections and 1000+ deaths in the US every day (yes STILL) and no end in sight. 
    If I was in the US administration, I would much rather have nut jobs focus on the moon landings than look at real conspiracies and cover-ups that are actually happening right now; like how Trump told Bob Woodward on the phone that covid was highly contagious and then told the American people that it would 'just disappear'. Stuff like that. 

  7. I know this is such a silly comment to make about a superhero movie but it really annoys me that Wonder Woman's new armor is gold - it's such a soft metal, completely unsuitable for armor. I know it looks cool, but for a super hero who comes from another planet, it annoys me that they couldn't come up with a fictional, exotic, high-strength, cheesy-sounding element, like 'unobtainium' in Avatar. 

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  8. A few months ago I met a British guy when I went to get my car serviced and we got chatting. The subject of visas came up and he revealed that he gets an extension of stay through a Thai friend of his - they aren't dating or married - he just say he knows her and gets it renewed, he said. If this is true, I don't see much reason why you couldn't just get a 'stand in' for your deceased spouse and keep it going - immigration don't seem to check that much. The important thing is just having 'proof'.

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    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  9. The study's finding that income has been slashed by 47% isn't surprising but so many Thais who relied on tourism were probably being paid a pittance - the bulk of the money goes to a select few at the top (owners/managers/operators) - the ordinary workers will probably just return to their villages. Yes, they can't match their former salaries, but they'll have minimal overheads too. 

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  10. The best ways I've found for keeping a laptop cool in Thailand: 
    1) keep it in an air-conditioned room
    2) clean out the vents (use a can of compressed air - can buy from Tesco/MrDIY/Lazada)
    3) Use a USB-powered cooling stand - the most effective one is the single-fan; very low noise and high cooling (buy from Lazada/aliexpress/mall). 

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  11. I feel genuinely sorry for any Thais who have lost their income due to no tourists, but I'm curious about what percentage of the money from tourism actually helps working people as opposed to benefiting a tiny minority of wealthy individuals and groups who control tourism. 
    Take a resort - for example. It will be owned by one or two people or a family, and they'll take the lion's share of the profits during good times and they'll be taking the biggest financial hit right now. Sure.
    Yes, with low booking numbers, their staff may be laid off, but even in good times those workers are getting a pittance of a slave wage, so they're probably kept on, doing other duties - they won't see much change. 

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  12. thanks HauptmannUK - very interesting facts about MG. I knew it was originally British but didn't know modern MGs had so much GM tech. I guess many cars contain parts from other automakers.
    I knew about GM's takeover of Daewoo after it went bust as I bought a Chevrolet Aveo in 2010 and was surprised that it was basically a Daewoo with a Chevy badge slapped on!
    The fuel economy wasn't great and the servicing costs at Chevrolet were sky-high, but the 1.4l 4-cylinder engine was reliable and ran well. 

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