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Posts posted by Guy360

  1. I am more of a libertarian.  Less government intrusion into our lives.  Socially acceptable for individuals rights.  Conservative economically.  Pro-business and growth.  No free lunches for those capable of earning a living.  Everyone treated equally with no special privileges for specially designated groups.


  2. I have been living here since 2002.  Over the last 10 years, I brought 6 friends over here from the USA.  3 of them came over kicking and screaming that they would never live in Thailand and only a 2-week vacation would prove that.   All 6 now live here permanently and those who came over bitching about Thailand had purchased tickets for a return flight before they even left.  Not one of these friends is sorry they came here and moved here permanently.

    As for being happy, that comes from within wherever you are.  One must fully embrace his inner scumbag to be truly happy.  To love yourself and accept all your attributes as well as your faults and be totally comfortable in your own skin.  Loving yourself is a good start.  That is the best way to embrace life.

  3. 7 hours ago, Pesche said:

    A genuine example of Thainess...

    Funny that you don't recognize the several others that helped the woman rather than concentrate on the thief.  There are thieves all over.  Her wallet would have been stolen in Detroit, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, South LA, etc as well as other cities throughout the world.  There are bad people everywhere but fortunately, they are far outnumbered by the good ones.

  4. The suggestion by a Thai that some foreigners deserve a good kicking is spot on.  As a foreigner living more than 14 years here in Jomtien, I have seen the very ugly side of foreigners who truly deserved a good hard kick in the ass.  I am embarrassed by the way some foreigners handle themselves by getting drunk, picking fights, getting unruly, or truly mistreating or disrespecting local Thais.


    Don't get me wrong.  Many Thais are to blame, too.   This just proves there are the good, the bad and the ugly in both foreigners and Thais.



  5. A fool and his money are soon parted.


    Those who fall for these scams have fallen for scams their entire lives.  They have been screwed by their wives, children, bosses, and associates in their native country.  They are lousy businessmen, foolish airheads, and most of all, extremely low self-esteem.  Only someone who fits that description would allow himself to give money, fall in " love", open a business he knows nothing about, invest money, and/or marry a foreign woman (regardless of what country) in so short of a time without ever doing any due diligence in the first place.


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  6. The key with plastic snakes is to move them around into different positions every few days.  That will keep the pigeons and owls confused.  I have two of them on my balcony where pigeons used to love to roost as well as on top of my air conditioner.   I put a snake on the top of the AC unit and one near the railing of the balcony.  I change their position every day or two and since doing that....no more pigeons.


  7. 8 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    I think i did this by driving out to her friends,and texting her later to tell her to mind her own buisness in such matters,and i was the Guv'nor not her,have not heard from her,to be honest not that bothered,i guess she lost face,and is stewing somewhere,mate she needs me far more than i her,that's the bottom line. But sometimes i think they have no memory retention,i have warned her before over other issue's but it seems to be forgotton in a matter of weeks.

    The tail should never wag the dog.   As nearly everything in life, whoever cares less, wins.  She will realize that she needs you far more than her saving face and her pouting routine.   Just be steadfast in what you do and how you do it.  Explain as you would to a small child, that it is your money, not hers.  When she goes out she can leave or not leave a tip, however, when you go out you will be the one to decide and you will NOT ALLOW her to make you lose face by acting the way she did.


    There are two types of Thai ladies.  Those who are extremely frugal and those who spend every baht they and you have.  It is far better to be with the former rather than the later.     It is up to you to set the parameters.

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