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Posts posted by zackattack

  1. My name is Kevin Matthew Wall and live in Nong Ki buriram I sustained a vicious attack by a motorcycle gang of youngsters between the ages of 13-18 and I will tell you this they were trying to kill me I stayed in a coma for almost 3 months in the hospital in buriram for 6 months then mother took me to Tampa bay general brain injury hospital and it took me till right now just to go out and walk I used to be a excellent athlete and these lousy no good Thai people injured a man for nothing at all just because they are jealous and weak, and can never fight one on one

    Yeah you hear all this talk about muay Thai kick boxing yeah right I'm Santa Claus to

    Believe me what I say China is going to come here and obliterate these stupid cockroaches who have disabled a very good loving man

  2. And another thing I'm a second lieutenant in the United States of America Army and love my country USA with great pride and love so the haters who are on here just keep hating because their has to be some kind of reason why you hate us so badly.

  3. No one on here is billionaire so it's pretty easy to down a guy who is in a position maybe to make my country USA great ? again because the lack luster President Barack Obama that I voted for hasn't changed anything but give Iran a crapload of free money

  4. Thanks I've been married 13 years now did the village way not to disrespect mom and then went on to the county register office took the house book with us and registered it and made the stamp and nothing else to do and we have been married like regular people ups and downs but all in all a good day

  5. Just to add I've been married for 13 years now and have the most gorgeous looking little boys Alexander and Zachary Wall so in my opinion they are American/Thai citizen they have dual nationality which is quite favorable to me.

    I believe their is alot wrong with this country, but no more than with my country United States of America look at my country if we aren't going after someone or something we aren't happy but that's my country and I'll stand up for it no matter what the cause is.

    You know alot of products ask me how we can be so strong of a country well the secret is

    We don't do it for ourselves we do it for the guy that is next to us and so on and so on

  6. Can't anyone just have fun as long as the girls are not below the age of 18 their shouldn't be no concern, we mostly are all in the land of smiles because it is 1)a place where the women are beautiful from head to toe,2) they substantially know how to treat the man,3) somehow they always look great even when they're not trying to


    2nd lieutenant

    Kevin Matthew Wall

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