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Posts posted by Simon6973

  1. I am a Tefler here in TL and I have to admit that in 80% of lessons I am bored rigid and just willing the clock to move on . This is mainly because I find the students a little dull and basic - is this my problem or theirs?

    Should I be enjoying myself - well not really as it is a job but I used to love doing Tefl until I came here - ie: with Spanish and Italian kids - here it's just not the same (as expected).

    How can we make the students more fun?


  2. Hi, I'm curious about working as a "voluteer", but not through some community or company, since thats pretty much allways really expensive..

    I would like to have food and a room as my "payment".. Is this possible?

    I have an international Cambride diploma that would confirm that I'm at least above average among non native english speakers..

    I'm from Sweden by the way.. 24 years old!



    Well I think you're in luck.

    I can help you out - I'm fed up with being paid 200B an hour so I can sub you some of my lessons . This is the real deal - proper language school in a nice suburb of Bangkok. You get to meat real Thai people on the long trip to work and see some different neighbourhoods that the tourists never get the chance to see.

    It's great that your English is above average (for non natives) as at the moment there is a real influx of pidgin speaking bush men from Papua New Guinea.

    I'm sure I can sort you out with some food that the locals eat and I even have a Thai friend who runs a guest house - only 70B a night - I can get you a deal on that .

    You are in luck my friend - in fact it is your lucky day - Simon will help.

  3. why all this talk of degrees anyway?

    I didn't think you needed one to teach in Thailand ? - I don't have one and never did - no one asks to look at it so what are you all worrying about?

    You don't get paid anymore for having one so what's all the fuss about?

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