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Everything posted by kohjumboy

  1. Thanks, Thats really good to hear as i have just contacted Bangkok Hospital Phuket for a quote. 230,000 sounds much more reasonable, you are not the first recommendation for Dr. captain that i have received so thats very reassuring, thanks for replying. Do you get halos around lights at night? particularly with oncoming car headlights?
  2. Hello lovely people, I am in the market for getting Refractive Lens Exchange surgery done, I have been in contact with all of the obvious hospitals in Bangkok and the prices i have been quoted are on par with UK prices, up to 190,000 per eye in some places. 🙄 Has anyone found more reasonable prices elsewhere please? and could you give me your experience of how your vision is now? I fully understand the procedure so i don't need any info on that or recovery times etc, I am just basically looking for prices and recommendations of hospitals anywhere in Thailand. Many thanks.
  3. I used Thantakit for a complete rebuild and they were first class from start to finish, 28 hours work, extractions, root canals, crowns and bridges, state of the art facilities and equipment with friendly competent staff, highly recommended.
  4. here's my experience Bob..... Five years ago i made the decision to leave, within 6 months i started to think i'd made a mistake...within a year i knew it. At the time i too was getting sick of the difficulties of trying to live/work in a place where i would always essentially be an outsider, i was desperately missing my family and my culture, so i sold up and left. The problem turned out to be that the country i thought i was going back to was just a figment of my imagination, things had changed massively and i ended up feeling more of an outsider here than in Thailand. I had completely forgotten the reasons why i left the UK in the first place and the rose tinted memories i had were just a pipe dream really. I had also got to the point where all of the amazing things about living in Thailand had just become normal, all the things that people love when they come to Thailand were just my everyday life, i had forgotten how amazing that was. I desperately miss my life in Thailand and i think about it every single day often accompanied by tears. My advice would be if you do decide to leave DON'T be so final about it, maybe go back for a few month's and the reassess how you feel before you cut all ties. Good luck.
  5. Thantakit in Bangkok did all my work, highly recommend.
  6. There were a number of smallish but coinciding factors that happened which caused me to leave, it was a combination of... The 7 year itch. Spending 5 weeks back there in the summer of 2018 where the weather was hot and sunny every day, very rare in the UK, also the world cup was on and England were doing well, there was a good positive feeling in the country because of a combination of those two things and i had a fantastic 5 weeks. A failed relationship with a Thai. My job was stifling me a bit. It wasn't a 100% "i have to leave" certainty decision, it was probably 60-40ish so i knew it would be tough and i would miss certain parts of my Thai life. What i didn't realize at the time was just how much i had changed and grown by living in Thailand for 7 years, after being back for a few months the honeymoon period started to wear off, by six months i thought i may have made a mistake, by a year i was certain. I had some bad luck/timing financially due to the pandemic and lost a big chunk of the house money. The amazing things about living in Thailand had just become normal to me so i took them for granted, the terrible things about living in the UK had been forgotten about. I take full responsibility for all my decisions but honestly if i could turn back the clock four years and have a word with myself i would in a heartbeat.
  7. I would buy back the house i sold 4 years ago and move back to Thailand. The biggest mistake of my life and i have regretted it ever since. Never leave. ☚ī¸
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