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Posts posted by JSN777

  1. Arm Chair critics. The majority of these post are blatantly bias, derogatory and racist. You call it Thainese - I call it Thainese bashing. As a westerner I'm pretty appalled and disgusted with what I read on this forum. The majority of you should return to your native countries as you have no consideration, compassion, understanding or respect of your host / adopted country. I do believe the country you call home is not what you remember if it ever was what depict it to be. If it was SO good why are you in Thailand ?

    How many of you ARE former Police Detectives or Agents of special services of and for your native country ?? Only those that are can offer expertise opinion. The rest of you watch to much CSI; The Bill; FBI or the Bourne Identity trilogy to base your vast worldly knowledge of outspoken ill informed opinion on. Your posts are if not more than a pathetic indictment of your pathetic and sorry miserable lives but plausible for a poor excuse of entertainment.

    I'm glad I don't know any of you as I would much rather call a Thai a friend than any of you.

    WELL SAID !!
  2. Sounds promising. Lets wait and see how it pans out. Sad to see so many negative comments but I suppose that is to be expected with around 90% of expat Thai Visa members being negative about every news story on this site. If you stay in Thailand please go home if things are so bad.

  3. I fail to understand why this would cause such chaos. This is not a completely new practice. The only difference is that 'all' luguage now has to be x rayed prior to check in whereas before it was only check in bagguage. I have recenctly flown to Cambodia on a number of occassions and cannot understand why by adding another case into the x ray machine would result in a delay of 1.5 hrs as every time i have put my checked lugauge through there have been no issues with any queus. I suspect the reason they now want all bagguage checked through the x ray machine is die to the fact that security had no way of knowing what you were actually putting through as checked baggage and carry on baggage. You could easily say a small case was hand luggauge and then put it through as checked baggage at the check in counter and it would then have not been x rayed.. I suspect the long delays highlighted in this article may be due to other contributing factors.

  4. Yet again i made thw mistake of reading the comments in relation to this article. Bit as usual so many ignorant meaningless responces (not all). As i have said in the past of this country is so bad then please go home wherever that is because by the spunds of thing many members totally despise Thailand and their people. I also wonder about Thaivisa motives at times - they seem to relish in news stories that encourage lots of negitive comments from members. Or is it really all about the number of 'hits' to satisfy your advertisers ? Lastly why is the site called 'thaivisa' ?

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