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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. 1) right mouse click with pointer over the image then select "save picture as". Note that some web sites disable the ability ot save images. Once the image is saved then use the "attachment" function in whatever e-mail you are using to attached the image file to your e-mail.

    2) hhmmm, I've not done this on a TV forum post, but I suspect you need to be in the "ADDREPLY" or "NEWTOPIC" section then create a hyperlink. The text can be different to the actual hyperlink URL

    3) yes, you can take photos from the telephone and transfer to your computer. If your phone and computer have Bluetooth you can make a wireless connection between the two devices and transfer files between both devices. If you don;t have bluetooth then you'll need to connect the phone by USB cable (supplied with the telephone). Before doing this you need to install the Nokia software package provided with your telephone. If you don't have the software go to the Nokia web site and download the software for the phone model you have. The software lets you backup your phone data to the PC and manage files on the phone.

  2. seems the discussion has gone off topic somewhat. The point is that it is highly likely that the unfortunate guy was pushed off the balcony and equally likely the guy accidentally fell off. Not really enough information in the report to decide either way. He could have gone out for 15 minutes to get some company, or could have gone to buy some beer. Shouldn't hotel records indicate whether anyone went with him to his room, notwhitstanding the possibility of a fake ID. This is precisely why guys should not companin when their BG's are required to show ID.

    As for the anti-Pattaya tone, if there's pussy for sale and buyers, and each is happy with the transaction, then <deleted> ?

  3. Hey, sbk, can you explain the technique of how to grope the flight crew on a plane without everyone knowing. As some other respondents have said already, after many, many flights I have yet to spot any sexual harrassment, let alone any physical groping. (mind you, I have spotted some groping between the passengers under blankets with the cabin lights tuned down). I want to be sure I can spot and stop this terrible behaviour and do my bit for a better airborne workplace !!

  4. anyone with a high school education in economics should be able to understand and predict that in the current circumstances the US dollar will decline. This isn't about the Thai baht, which has not appreciated significantly against regional currencies, but the US dollar has declined against most currencies world wide. Such decline has, I believe, predicted by economists well before the Iraq war simply because for too many years the US has been spending more than it earns. Until this changes the US dollar will continue to decline and with the decline so the relevance of the dollar in world trade will also decline. Less relevance in international trade as other currencies become stronger (euro, yen, yuan or even an ASEAN euro equivalent) will see the dollar's decline continue over a long period.

  5. To OldAsiaHand, having just been issued with a Central Mastercard (I have a work permit) and currently going through the process to get a home loan, I can tell you there is a central registry of consumer debt in Thailand. It has existed for several years now and most financial institutions and lenders are members. An individual's credit record in Thailand is easily available to member institutions. Applications for credit are accompanied by a form authorising the credit check. No signed form - no loan.

    I don't think credit checks extend to farang's home countries due to the difficulty with privacy legislation in most countries. I had to separately authorise companies in my home country to provide information to the Thai bank (should they inquire) during the home loan approval process.

  6. hhmmm.....I've considered that feigning ignorance could be a way of avoiding a particular topic which they either a) don't want to talk about, or :o don't feel qualified to talk about. If it was an isolated incident I'd think she was joking, but it's not the first time for her or others.

  7. The wife, 28 year old university computer graduate, living in BKK and working for a multi-national, is telling me she does not know about the war in Iraq, or the war on terror for that matter.

    Is this really possible ? Often during discussion with Thais it seems many are not aware of events, current or historical, which are common knowledge amongst foreigners.

    Have others experienced the same ? Is this unique amongst Thais ? What explains this lack of information ? Is it simply disinterest ? I'm at a loss to find a reason ?

  8. The company is a multi-national involved in managed forestry investment with its group office in Bangkok. Due to continued expansion the company is seeking several expats (already in Thailand or wanting to live here) to fill a several positions. Positions available:

    Group Accountant

    International Sales Coordinator

    IT / Systems Supervisor

    Experience and good references which can be verified are essential. Salary negotiable.

    These are genuine positions. Only suitably qualified and experienced people need apply.

    Applicants can send e-mail and resumes to [email protected] or visit the web site www.touchwood.com for more details.

  9. When I first started looking around for a loan I went to K Bank. Their response was they only lend to foreigners if a) the foreigner is married to a Thai, or :o there are Thai children for which the foreigner is recognised officially as a parent.

    I wondered at the time what the women members of K Bank's board would think if someone told them to get a loan they must have a baby. I'm sure the imposition of this condition violates a woman's basic human rights.

    The girlfriend and I married as we disagreed with the bank's view that wanting a loan was a justifiable reason for creating new life.

    After submitting the loan application and paying a fee for valuation of the property, which was valued at significantly more than what we are paying, K Bank wrote us a nice letter declining our application and refusing to provide a reason for doing so.

    Consequently, today I no longer do any business with K Bank, including not using their ATMs.

    BKK Bank is currently being far more helpful, offering to loan up to 60% (or more) of my salary when the usual limit is 40% for a period of 20 years. There are several options for interest rate reductions over the first 1, 2 or 3 years with 3.75% for the first year being the most attractive. There are penalties for early repayment during the first 3 years but after that the loan can be paid out with no penalty. After the discount period the current rate is 6.75%. When calculating repayments and affordability BKK bank use 8% to factor in some excess.

    As far as earlier comments on banks being risk averse, understood. However, the bank will have security over the property which is in a Thai national's name. If I disappear for any reason then the bank sells the property as mortgagee. They're not likely to loose any money having loaned no more than 80% of the valuation. This risk of having to do this justifies the interest the bank charges. If they do their homework there's no reason the bank should loose anything, regardless of the statistics for thai/foreigner marriages.

    Perhaps the difficulties foreigners have in making a home in Thailand contribute in part to the stresses which cause the relatioship failures.

  10. well, thanks everyone for your valued contributions. Progress scores seem to indicate an overwhelming vote in favour of living upcountry. An expected result. Since I'm not worth a fortune I'm a little daunted by the prospect of giving up work. I'm not near enough to retirement age yet but would think ther are ways to have some cash coming in upcountry regardless of how remote the location. All in all, logically the decision to leave BKK should be easier than the decision to come to Thailand in the first place. Courage, boy, courage.

  11. I'd like to buy a house in BKK (in the Thai wife's name, of course). Have gone through the process once and been rejected after having met all the published criteria regarding valuation of the property, ability to repay, steady income, savings and assets etc. Admittedly, the wife's salary doesn't go near meeting the repayments, but combined we have no problem.

    The bank said since we are legally married our combined income will be considered. However, I have it unofficially from a source in the bank that the loan was declined because my wife could not service the loan on her own if we were no longer married.

    If this was official bank policy in Thailand then no farang/Thai couples could ever own a house unless for cash. But surely that's not the case.

    Does anyone know of a farang-friendly bank who will treat us as a couple ? Would help if you can provide the name of the bank, branch location and the name of the person I need to speak with. I know we meet all the criteria, just would like to be treated fairly.

  12. Am considering giving up the endless pursuit of money and success in Bangkok for a quieter life in rural Thailand. Would love to hear the comments of people who have done this. Any regrets ? How was the transition ? What are the best and worst things about it ? What do you miss ?

    I realise that people who may have dine this may not have access to this forum....but I'm assuming that people upcountry may still keep in touch through TV.

    thanks, hoping to hear some inspirational stories.

  13. I had an experience with the now ex-wife which I strongly suspect was a rip off Has anyone heard of or experiened similar ?

    In December I bought the now ex a new car for cash, in her name. Then I went back to my home country leaving the ex in Surin province. On my return I found the car had been financed. The ex's explantion was:

    a woman came to the village and asked me if I was interested in work. I went with her to a restaurant to discuss. During the meal she reached across the table and touched my wrist. The next think I remember was waking up in a hotel room in BKK the next day with the car sale documents on the table next to the bed.

    I didn't want to loose the car so I went back to the dealer who told me I was there the day before with two men and a lady and sold the car to them, but I didn't have any of the money. The dealer arranged to sell me the car through a finance company so I could get the car back.

    I didn't tell the police because they may do something bad to me.

    Is this a scam ? Smells like one to me which goes a long way to explaining why she's now the ex-wife.

  14. Thaksin is unlikely to resign, but could well be pushed by factions in TRT.

    He's now practically unelectable as head of TRT (of course his home town of CM will always vote for him). The question is how many of the TRT MPs will want to force Thaksin out to maintain their own chances of getting re-elected on a TRT ticket ? If Thaksin remains many current TRT MPs will loose their seats, especially BKK MPs.

    Since this is all about making money, and the best way to make money is to be an MP, if Thaksin doesn't resign I think we'll see many TRT MPs pressuring for a change of leadership, or leaving in droves in sufficient time to rebuild their chances of being elected again.

    Don't be surprised if thaksin cites health of family reasons for calling it quits. It's about the only way he can exit and save face. If he resigns with too much egg on his face, or is forced to resign he looses too much face which will also affect his ability to continue to do business in Thailand in the future.

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