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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. Growing international company has a position for an experienced Executive Secretary. Must be a native English speaker (expat) with Thai language skills (may consider a Thai national with excellent English). Prefer a mature, stable person (over 30). All the usual duties and skills needed for secretarial duties and office supervision.

    This is a permanent position in the Chit Lom area. salary negotiable depending on skills and experience. Prefer degree qualified, with at least 3 years experience in a multi-national office working with expats in and outside Thailand. Excellent organisational and MS Office skills. Must be able to travel if required.

    Please contact Steve on <number removed> if you are interested in discussing further. Detailed Job Description available on request.

    Please contact poster by PM for contact details


    faced with any unexpected situation the human instinct is reaction. Amazingly the mental process of determning the reaction also seems to be able to assess the urgency of the reaction. Once it has been determined, in an instant, that an instant reaction is not required, then possible reactions can be considered with the intention of both choosing the most advantageous reaction and more importantly, not making the situation worse. Choosing the wrong reaction could be worse than not reacting at all.

    I hope this makes the point of my post clear to you.

  3. I think it was CI who tried to rip the wings off a 747-SP off the US west coast a few years back. Testament to Boeing, the wings were bent back by the speed of a dive brought on by the pilot incorrectly setting the autopilot, but landed safely. The plane was then flown to Seattle for repairs.

  4. I've used out of the box IBM desktops and laptops for the last 20 years. Never had a serious problem with any of them. Not one hard disk failure (I know I shouldn't say that....tempting fate). They come with Windows pre-installed, can be recovered to factory build state, have inbuilt backup and recovery and security. Excellent service and parts availability if you need it and optional extended warranty and onsite service options. Building a Pantip special really doesn't compare unless you like the nuts and bolts aspect of it. For a plug it in and go option I can't fault IBM.

  5. of the many ways to die it is said that drowning is one of the more peaceful ways to go, perhaps with the exception of dying in one's sleep. Everyone who goes in or on the water, be it ocean, lake or river, must realise that there is the chance they will not survive due to some unforeseen circumstance, could be an accident or something as simple as a muscle cramp while swimming. Similar events on land may not be life threatening, but water is unforgiving. Golden rule whatever happens is DON'T PANIC AND ASSESS THE SITUATION RATIONALLY.

  6. I watched a brother-in-law try do destroy his life. He was so far gone drinking alcohol wasn't enough, he doused himself in it as well, having witnessed him in a drunken stupor sitting in a chair and pouring whole bottles of vodka over himself. In all likelyhood alcohol can be absorbed through the skin, but I don't think that was the purpose, more likely just madness.

    I watched this guy try to quit unaided and this would last anywhere from days to weeks but without help, the result was always "falling off the wagon" and in spectacular fashion. One needs to understand that for an alcoholic who resumes drinking they pick up at the same place they left off. There's no such thing as just having a few...the body just takes over. same for cigarette smokers who try to just have a few a day. Soon enough they're back to the same quantity they were before kicking the habit.

    As many who participate in this forum also participate in the expat/bar lifestyle here I sometimes wonder how one even knows when one becomes an alcoholic. Should binge drinkers also be regarded as alcoholics even though for 6 days out of seven they can go dry, but drink themselves stupid on the remaining day.

    When does one actually qualify as an alcoholic ?

    One more thing I learnt through my brother-in law....once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.....the only difference is whether you're drunk or sober.

  7. Roamer, don't forget the other wonderful innovation on Suk 71, those cats eyes they put down the centre of the road which is commonly used by motorcycles heading in either direction. Now apart from swerving in and out to dodge oncoming traffic, the rider also needs to concentrate on missing the oversized catseyes instead on concentrating on the traffic around them. I wonder how many have lost their lives over this fabulous innovation.

    If the government wanted to reward some government politician who has a factory making these devices with a fat contract, why install them on Suk 71 where they do not contribute to road safety at all. Better off sending them upcountry where on a dark and rainy night, they might actually save some lives. Ah, but this is Thailand.

  8. Just took delivery of a Honda Jazz. Very impressed with the car. On a run to Kalasin it did 6.0l per 100km. Effortless to drive and well put together. Especially like the CVT auto transmission and the "tiptronic" manual control.

    The specs say the 1.5l engine produces 81Kw which is quite useful in a small car. Do any Honda fans know of ways the boost the output ? Prefer reasonable simple things but interested to hear what's possible. Can the engine handle more power the way it is built ? Is turbo-charging an option ?

    (sorry, justc realised this is probably better in the motor forum)

  9. Three things are key here which the embassy will consider.

    1. Proof of Relationship. If you have telephone records, hers showing calls to your number in Australia or yours showing calls to her number in Thailand that will be good. Photos are also good. Being that teachers are very respected you may find a letter from a school principal or district official stating they are aware of her ongoing relationship with you will be very useful in establishing the relationship as genuine. The embassy staff will quiz you both separately about the details of your relationship. Make sure your stories match.

    2. Independent Funds. She needs to be able to prove she has enough money at her disposal to take care of herself for the duration of her intended stay. My guess is this would amount to something like US$500 per week. She needs to have this money independent of you.

    3. Reason NOT to stay in Australia. A job to return to is good. Assets in Thailand are also good, especially a house or land in her name. A car or other "moveable" asset is ok but not as good. Letter from an employer, especially one of a few years duration is excellent. A child or dependent such as an aged parent is also a good reason. I wouldn't talk about the study as they might see this as temtation to stay illegally on a visitor visa.

    In 1999 my then girlfriend of 3 months was granted a visitor visa, so it's not impossible. It helps to contact the visa section at the embassy by telephone and explain the situation and ask them what documents they want to satisfy them. The embassy website and Austalian Government website also has good information on the sorts of documentation you should provide.

    Good Luck.

  10. The Constitution Court is already in TRT/Thaksin's camp ever since the asset concealment case even before Thaksin became PM. Since dissolving TRT would most likely be a precursor to a jail term for Thaksin don;t expect the CC to a)hurry or about doing their duty, or b)actually be able to make an impartial decision.

  11. You guys (I assume "guys": Donz, Rj 81, bkkmadness) are all so bloody sanctamonious. So you may have been lucky with your choices in life thus far. Not all of us are so lucky.

    For anyone who has genuinely offered to share their life with a Thai girl and end up bitterly disappointed like "swissie", I offer my sympathy.

    The world is full of scammers who have no respect for other people and take advantage of other's decency and humanity. Scammers like to call these people stupid or suckers.

    Thai women are as good at scamming as are the number of useless farang's scamming anyone who comes along. By that I mean causing misery for the sake of their own financial gain because they are too STUPID to make an honest living.

    Karma will get you if someone you scammed doesn't get you first.

  12. I can understand how you might reach that conclusion, but I assure you that is not the case. That is why I am totally stumped by the suggestion. I don't have any intention of "cashing in". Is she trying to bait me ? I don't think she could be serious for a moment.

  13. Spent all night out recently (yes, it is still possible to do in BKK). On arrival back home the next morning the wife accused me of playing up, which I denied of course (if I did, I don't think whoever it was would have been very satisfied judging from the headache I had next day).

    Anyway, the wife came up with a pretty odd suggestion. She said that if i was going to go out and stay out all night I have to "earn credits" to do so. 15 credits and I can stay out all night once. To earn credits I have to "perform" at home, 1 "performance" = 1 credit.

    I'm interested in hearing about any other unusual arrangements which wives/girlfriends have imposed on their husbands/boyfriends in similar circumstances.

    I was prepared for the yelling and screaming, objects being thrown, being chased around the condo, having to retrieve objects from the swimming pool, possible surgery, demands to go upcountry and visit the relatives, trips to the gold shop or other shopping extravaganze.....but not this. Totally from left field and knocked me for six.

  14. me 43, she (Thai) 27. no problems. It's a personality and maturity thing. I think it helps if these are complimentary. That is not to say they must be the same. In some cases complimentary means the same, in other cases it's opposites that atttract. Safe to say there is is no rule which can be applied. Chances are that if you are still happy after 1-2 years you have a chance of continuing happiness. Even if there was no significant age difference there is no guarantee there won't be incompatability problem in 10 or 20 years time. One thing I do know....don't worry what other people think. Not much of a problem here in Thailand, but in your home country it can be an issue. I remember having to choose between 2 girls several years ago. One was less than 15 years difference and the other was over 20. The age difference became a factor in my choosing the older girl to get serious with as I intended to bring her to my home country to live. I eventually married her, but the closer age didn't prevent us divorcing 5 years later. In the words of one of my favourite songs "Fear can stop your love....love can stop your fear." Go with your heart...that's what it's for.

  15. The date when the new airport REALLY becomes operation is not even up to the Thais. It depends on when the relevant international authority certifies the airport as operational. To what purpose are Thai politicians making pronouncements which they know are false ? As far as the government is concerned the airport opened on time when the Thaksin circus landed there last year. Personally, I won't be rushing to use the airport any time soon as there will always be teething problems.

    Besides, won't the authorities have to wait until the golf course is finished before it can be opened ?

  16. I bought a new Mazda 323 for the wife in 2000. Nice car, but she lost it in a scam. In 2004 bought a new Toyota Sport Rider 4x4. Also a lovely ride but very different to the Mazda. The Mazda was about double the price of the same car at home and the Toyota about half price. Guess it all evens up eventually. Lost the Toyota to the now ex-wife in the divirce settlement. Bloody woman got two cars out of me.


    One of myfavourite cars was my 1994 VN Holden Commodore. Lowered and in immaculate condition.


    Best car I ever had was a Nissan 200SX 1997. Did 120,000km in three very enjoyable years. Very quick for a stock 2.0l engine, and looked so much better than a WRX.

    Now have a Yamaha 110cc....figure it will cost me less when I lose it to the next Thai girl. :o

  17. Wozza, from memory the declaration you make at the embassy (in English) also needs to be translated into Thai then the translation "validated" (not sure what the proper word is) as a legal Thai document by the Consular Affairs dept. on Chaeng Wattana Road. Better check if this validation is required for the document, and any other documents which have been translated, before going to the Amphur office.

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