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Posts posted by Cheops

  1. A lot of posts. Basically most apps are safe here at this moment. Not so much a couple of years ago. 


    Anyway, you should never keep big amounts of money in the account that you use the most for transferring money. 


    Banking apps are tied to the phone, so even if you give your login credentials and other codes to someone, that should not work. Unless a hacker cloned your phone.


    For the people who say: I will always use cash. That will change. In my home country already some shops do not accept cash anymore! Of course Thailand is quite far from being a cashless society 555

  2. 11 hours ago, david555 said:

    I was thinking I was paranoia when thinking the same as you explained the son way to buy and keep it his own secret from buying paying cash transporting discrete and even not paying with card ….. I feel relieved now I am normal person ( I hope ...:whistling::biggrin: )

    I think you both are very paranoid. Of course no need to show it around, but all those measures are a bit over the top. 


    Anyway, of course any safe is not safe if the thief awaits the owner and put a gun to his head to open the safe. 


    Money should be in the bank, unless you want to hide black money. You can rent a safe at a bank for your other stuff. 


    If you want a safe at home you should make it hidden and possibly install 2 safes with 1 as decoy.

  3. 7 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    I thought 20k, and you will be charged every time you withdraw money.

    Bangkok bank atms 25k.

    Kasikorn atms recently changed to 30k (at least in Bangkok. Dunno for other places).


    In case I need some money from my home country account I use the Aeon atms, which (at least near my location!) still 'only' charge 150 baht (exchange rates are ok). Aeon atm is max 20k, but I rarely need more. 

  4. On 5/3/2019 at 3:38 AM, GAZZPA said:

    Im entitled to my opinion and I'm speaking for myself, unlike you. Who are the collective "we"? If you don't like it say that. For me, AND in my opinion Thailand is getting worse and judging by the numbers of people leaving and not visiting i am not alone in my thinking am I. So rather then commenting on how negative you think I am maybe you should open your eyes and take a good look around you. Fact is there are better neighbouring countries with wide open arms, investigate for yourself. Unless of course you have been stupid enough to put all your eggs in 1 basket with no exit available to you, hence your comments.

    Yes, of course you can have your opinion. But YOUR opinion is just that! Because of YOUR bad experiences, you think that all Thais hate foreigners, which of course is bs.


    Actually, I almost never speak for other people on this forum, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of people do indeed agree with me and that they do no like negative bs posts. 


    As for your other comments (and you don't know anything about me 555), I can only say that at this moment me and my family choose to live in Thailand. If that changes I have options (in several countries actually including my home country).


    I will further stop discussing with you, since most likely, you won't believe me anyway. 

    • Like 2
  5. 40 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    So yes, she is wai-ing these juveniles who took pleasure in embarrassing her. Showing them respect. It's a very strange society and beyond my understanding.

    So, after 25 years in Thailand, you still don't understand Thai people?


    If you really don't understand: The return wai is to acknowledge their apologies and that she forgives them.


    We should drink a beer together sometime in Bangkok (I assume you live in Bangkok, Bangkok Barry?)

  6. 3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I bow to your wider knowledge, and acknowledge your confirming that Thailand is still what amounts to a Third World country with the vast majority of the population living close to poverty.

    Well, I just share some facts from my own knowledge and facts on internet.


    I didn't say that the vast majority of the population is living close to poverty, only that their salaries are mostly not as high as you think. 


    You said you lived here 25 years, so then you also know that until recently (2013), the minimum wage per month was about 6k baht.

  7. 23 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Thank you for telling me about a country I've lived in for over 25 years, including within a farming family. I agree that unskilled wages are low, but there are a very large number of skilled workers, a rapidly growing middle class, who earn very good money indeed. A sister-in-law gets 58,000 a month as a teacher and her husband received the same before he died recently. Not a bad family income between them. And a brother-in-law received 70,000 a month before he retired last year from a countryside school. That is very far from less than 10,000 a month and very far from being poor. Another relative has his own business building houses after qualifying as a designer and has an enormous house in Chonburi that cost over 21 million. He's not yet 40.

    You're in Bangkok, so you'll be aware of the huge number of restaurants and bars that are packed every night by these Thais that don't have two satang to rub together. And I've read that the night-life industry is struggling these days to find gyrating 'public relations officers' as the girls - unskilled workers who previously had no other way of earning 15-20,000 a month plus extras - can find plenty of decent-paying jobs outside it and don't need to resort to entertaining. Thais are getting richer and foreigners, due in part to exchange rate changes, are no longer as well off in comparison as they used to be.

    Congrats to living 25 years here. I'm in my 15th year and working all the time. I know exactly all salaries in our company over a wide range of job functions, so I have a pretty real picture about the salaries. Sure, different companies have different salaries, but these won't be far off.


    The teacher salaries that you mentioned would be in senior positions, especially up country! If you look here Teacher Salaries, I think your family might not not be completely honest with you, unless they were really in senior/director level positions.


    As mentioned previously, because you just know some people who do well, does not mean the rest of Thailand does well. If you Google the avg Thai salary, you will find that it's about 14xxx now. In reality about 5 to 10% has a higher salary and the rest, let's say 90% is below the 14k.


    Your comment about "unskilled night-life industry girls that can now easily get a decent 15-20k baht job" is just bs. Why? Because we have plenty of unskilled workers lining up for a job at our company, which will get them about 10k baht per month. So tell me: why are all these people eager to work at our company for 10k per month, while (according you) the higher paying jobs are easy to find? Of course the reality is different as I stated before. Maybe you still wear your rose glasses after 25 years here?

    You wrote: "Thais getting richer" 

    555 Yes, but only a very small elite group of people and the rest of Thais only get poorer with decreased spending power. After the 200 to 300 baht raise in minimum wages a couple of years ago, many things got more expensive. The result was a decreased spending power for all the minimum wage workers.


    As for your last qoute about exchange rates, that doesn't affect me, since I get my salary in Thai baht on a local permanent contract

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