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Posts posted by harrybua

  1. Hi

    I will ride to phits tommorow from ubon

    any help with bar info would be great


    I don't know if this will help but i went there a few months ago

    If you go straight from the train station towards the river just before the bridge over the river

    on your left is alot of bars overlooking the river they are cheap and have some girls

    Hope this helps

    cheers any help is good

  2. My Brother-in law killed a motorcyclist and went to court - he was ordered to pay 50,000 baht to the deceased's family. It was my relative's fault.

    Why did you pay 300,000 baht?

    This maybe because in Thailand, the police can arrest someone and hold them in jail until the case goes to court.

    Usually the arrested person is given the chance to pay an under the counter fee to the police so as to keep them out of jail until the court case.

    I know of cases where people have been held in police custody, arrested but not charged, for over 3 years awaiting the court appearance.

    My daughter travels to work every day on her motorbike and so called drivers like the OP are a continued worry to me.

    Sorry to have to say this, but if it was any of my family or people close to me that was a victim of a fatal accident or seriously injuried by a negligent driver, then I would want the book thrown at that driver.

    My thoughts are with the tragic victim, not the OP.

    Hey big wheel man

    So called driver iam so your the expert

    If you are so concerned with your daughters safety buy her a car you will beable to afford it if your bank balance is a big as your MOUTH.

    You better pray you are never put through an unlucky accident MR PERFECT.

    Thanks to all the other helpful replies you have been great good luck to you all and will post the outcome


    Seems you have an anger, problem. Does this reflect your driving on the road?

    My condolences to the tragic victim and his family.

    no anger issues

    just dont understand how you can be so perfect and judgmental

    as i said pray you do not experience an accident and take a life

    i will never forget

  3. My Brother-in law killed a motorcyclist and went to court - he was ordered to pay 50,000 baht to the deceased's family. It was my relative's fault.

    Why did you pay 300,000 baht?

    This maybe because in Thailand, the police can arrest someone and hold them in jail until the case goes to court.

    Usually the arrested person is given the chance to pay an under the counter fee to the police so as to keep them out of jail until the court case.

    I know of cases where people have been held in police custody, arrested but not charged, for over 3 years awaiting the court appearance.

    My daughter travels to work every day on her motorbike and so called drivers like the OP are a continued worry to me.

    Sorry to have to say this, but if it was any of my family or people close to me that was a victim of a fatal accident or seriously injuried by a negligent driver, then I would want the book thrown at that driver.

    My thoughts are with the tragic victim, not the OP.

    Hey big wheel man

    So called driver iam so your the expert

    If you are so concerned with your daughters safety buy her a car you will beable to afford it if your bank balance is a big as your MOUTH.

    You better pray you are never put through an unlucky accident MR PERFECT.

    Thanks to all the other helpful replies you have been great good luck to you all and will post the outcome


  4. Just being nosey..

    Care to tell us what happened? who was at fault etc.... how you dealt with compensation for the family..

    I've been lucky but always figured it was only a matter of time before I hit a motorbike while driving at no fault to myself.

    Well a long story cut short i was turning to do a u turn and hit the bike just didnt see him.

    the insurance payed out 330k and me another 300k

    but iwill have to face something like not driving with due care and causing death in the process.

    what to hear aboutr anyone with experience or hear say on jail time or not.

    i have followed the family in the process of funeral and have also been a monk for 9 days to allow him to go to heaven so to speek. so we have not just walked away


  5. You will find that the next stage is the police asking for their cut to stop it going to court. You paid the family, the insurance paid the family also, where is Mr. policemans cut?

    I know there is always many cuts in the pie but is it possible for the police to stop it going to court in a serious accident?


  6. Are you saying it was your fault?

    and you are still a free man?


    yes i was bailed from the police

    i have settled with the family through my insurrance and also a cash payment from me.

    it will now go to court we have a statement taking by police and singed by the family that they dont wont to make any problems for me.

    can anyone give me an idea what to expect from the courts

    Can't help with the outcome mate but be ready for anything,

    havnt yet got a date for court


    They could change there mind in the meantime and the court will be with them

    Good Luck, when is the court date?


  7. Are you saying it was your fault?

    and you are still a free man?


    yes i was bailed from the police

    i have settled with the family through my insurrance and also a cash payment from me.

    it will now go to court we have a statement taking by police and singed by the family that they dont wont to make any problems for me.

    can anyone give me an idea what to expect from the courts

  8. Hi

    I was wondering if any one out there has any experience in being involved in a fatal accident.

    I was unlucky to be driving and caused a death on a motorbike rider.

    can anyone give me some advise of what to expect from the court process.

    thanks in advance.

  9. Gday All,

    I will be riding to Khon Kaen on wednesday can anyone tell me where the best place would be to watch the game.

    One other ? does the Kosa Hotel have safe parking for bikes.


  10. Gday All

    Just wanting to find out if there are any other expats around Ubon that ride.

    I have been living in Ubon for about 2 years and ride with a local thai lads which are are good bunch.

    Just interested if there was anyone out there thats interest in doing a few rides as sometimes it gets a bit boring as the only farang.




    i ride BMW K1200LT and there is one HD rder as well, im off from town and not coming there very often but riding often abt 3000KM trips up to all part of thai

    Ok i also ride HD and was heading up to north but with the weather in the mountains i have decided to go south to phuket.

    i work offshore doing 6 and 6.

    i try and spend as much time riding even if short 300 or 400 km trip


  11. Gday All

    Just wanting to find out if there are any other expats around Ubon that ride.

    I have been living in Ubon for about 2 years and ride with a local thai lads which are are good bunch.

    Just interested if there was anyone out there thats interest in doing a few rides as sometimes it gets a bit boring as the only farang.



  12. Hi all,

    My gf and I are both in our mid-twenties and her and her family have been talking around Ubon for the last couple months trying to find a competent builder for a 500k-600k small house, to no avail. If anyone has any recommendations at all, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm currently living away at the moment and her family is not knowledgable in construction, so the method of supervising some local farmer-constructors to avoid contractor costs isn't possible, plus we want the construction sound. She does have a pickup and will be able to furnish the materials for the contractor.

    Thanks so much :o

    Hi mate,

    I have a guy how is a good builder and works cheep but you must pay for materials.

    if you have the land it is possible to work to our budget.

    if you are interested in more info PM me and i will give u my email.

    he has dome work on my house and i wouldnt use anyone else.


  13. I live in a village called pindow off soi techno 5 min from big c nice villiage safe and secure.

    iam sure there are a few empty ones.

    im off shore untill the 29th so if u would like to pm me i will give u my number and let u know when i arrive home.



  14. Tagaa..... I don't think that Doc was replying to your post but more towards the post from Citizen33 and possibly mine.... If you look closely Doc had quoted Citizen33's post who had quoted yours... Doc just replied and quoted Citizen33's post which had yours tagged on and wasn't removed... At least that what it appeared like to me, but I could be wrong, as I have been wrong before, but only once.... :o

    Why does everyone always take replies so dam_n personal. Take it as opinions....and we know what opinions are like, right?

    Please don't let this incident refrain you from posting in the future, as if that's the case why even be on this forum? I like reading everyone's input as I like seeing other sides of the coin. Yes, perhaps I don't always like it or agree but it's still interesting to see others' views on different subjects.



    Well i bought one of Docs ss bbqs and i am Flamming happy with it and it isnt to expensive.

    u pay the same for the china shit that gets around.

    it is strong and very well welded

    the sevice i got from doc and the misses was great.

    and no doc was not a mate

    just good product and service which is a change


  15. As you are not married you would probably only get a single 90 day entry from Penang.

    Immigration would give you a one time 60 day extension to visit your child. But that is probably of little use to you.

    Ok gents

    I have enquired with the thai visa penang visa service.

    they have replied no problems they can handle the multi visa in penang for me.

    I have emailed them back to comfirm that multies are available so will keep u informed.

    I am offshore working for the next week so i will know more when i get on the beach.

    I am willing to give it ago will let u know the outcome surely it can be done or it wont look good for thai visa . com



  16. After you apply you will have a 30 day waiting period while your "application is under consideration" (what the stamp says they put in your passport telling you the date to come back). Maestro said you can apply for a single rentry permit if you have to go back to work before you get your final approval. If you can wait until you get the final approval then apply for a multiple entry work permit. You should apply at the immigration office that is nearest to where you live. Don't forget you need to show income for the application. If you are working I am sure you can get a proof of income letter from your consulate,

    The best option depends on your situation. I would say the one year extension is best because you don't have keep getting new visas plus it will start you in the direction of being able to apply for permanent residence if you desire to go that route later

    Visa application: 1900 baht Single reentry: 1000 baht Multiple reentry: 3800 baht

    Thanks mate all clear as mud.

  17. ok thanks

    so i get a non o in lao then come back and apply at any immigration office for an extension of stay for 12 months after the approval ask for amultiple-entry re-entry permit .

    ? is this my best option or go to KL and get a non o multi


    your advise is much appreciated

    After you get the extension of stay you must get a multiple-entry re-entry permit (fee 3,800 Baht, I believe) and it is then this re-entry permit that allows you to come and go as you please for the duration of your one-year extension of stay.

    When you apply for your marriage extension of stay you will first be given an extension of only one month while your application is being processed. For this short extension a single-entry re-entry permit (fee 1,000 Baht) will probably be sufficient for your needs.



  18. Is there any good bilingual school in Ubon which has a kindergarten that teaches at least 50% in english.Please reply with contact details from the school if possible.

    Yes mate there is its called YES youth exchanged school i live in ubon and my all aussie son 14 goes there.

    Im offshore at the moment but will email the wife and get u some details.



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