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Posts posted by Bludshoteyes

  1. On 04/11/2016 at 0:24 PM, louloomis said:

    Hi Everyone,


    Thanks again, everyone, for all your advice and thoughts. Please keep it coming if it suits this board's purpose. All the information thus far has been very helpful.


    Specifically in response to the comments from the poster just above, Bludshoteyes:


    1. You asked "why are you even considering retiring to somewhere you don't know"?

    a) Respectfully, "considering" or the noun "consideration" which is to most people and by my looking it up just now so I can respond with consideration itself means:

    "careful thought" or "a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan".

    B) My asking about Pattaya, to me, is the act of "considering" itself. I am carefully weighing matters, taking into account information, in order to potentially formulate a plan. I think that is both ordinary and reasonable. I therefore do not understand your surprise at my request for information.


    2. You also use the term "know" in the phrase "retiring to somewhere you don't know".

    a) Respectfully, "know" which is to most people and by my looking it up just now so I can know what it means means:

    "be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information"

    B) My asking about Pattaya, to me, is part of the act of "knowing". I am trying to be aware through inquiry in pursuit of information.

    I think that is both ordinary and reasonable. I therefore do not understand your surprise at my request for information.


    3. Finally, about your comment "it ain't New York, baby. If you want somehwere similar, you're pointing in the wrong direction completely..."

    I am not necessarily looking for someplace similar in quite the way you are phrasing your statement. I am more looking at the issue of compatibility. By "considering" and "knowing", I hope to shrink the gap inherent in that compatibility assessment, if only at the academic level of analysis. However, that level of analysis is important to me because of the way I perform my long range planning. So I am not looking for New York City in Pattaya (I doubt it is anywhere but in New York City). I am seeking information about potential compatibility with regards to one topic:  location. 


    I appreciate you taking the time to make your contribution and for the positive motivation behind doing so. Thank you again for that.





    LL, from your reply I'm sensing you found my post slightly offensive, personal or unhelpful. Please accept my apologies if that was the case and no need to work your dictionary into a lather on my account. If I remember rightly, I was having a slightly off day and perhaps that influenced my response to your question. Just like any city, bad days & good are par for the norm here. As are - I would suggest - the characteristics you gave of your location in NYC, par for the norm in any 1st-world metropolis, be it Tokyo, Paris or Peckham. However, Pattaya - although donning the moniker of 'City' - is not a 1st-world metropolis. Far from it. But because you highlighted those factors as being of import, I felt compelled to emphasise the fact that Pattaya is very different. Hence the 'it ain't NY' comment.


    Fyi, your list can be completely ticked off anywhere in Pattaya as long as 'everything you need to live day-to-day' can be bought in a 7-11. They are literally <deleted> everywhere, I kid you not. As are local neighbourhood restaurants, dishing out the Thai food. But what I'm trying to say is, one man's meat is another man's poison and nothing you read will prepare you for the realities of life here. So, hand-on-heart my surprise is genuine that you would embark on such a change in circumstance without having put feet on the ground first. But hey, that's my opinion and I'm sorry if I came across as being a dick.


    So, good luck and all that and just for the record I live in Central: if you like the quiet life don't move here (the soundtrack to my life is wild dogs, cockerels, traffic and sound-systems). Jomtien is very pleasant, feels quite separate from Pattaya and has a distinctly beach/holiday kinda feel. Naklua is a kind of amalgamation of the two. That is all.


  2. With respect to all the advice given, why are you even considering retiring to somewhere you don't know? If you know Pattaya, you'll know where suits you. If you don't, then give it a whirl for a few months without committing to anything. Simple common sense. And just so you know... it ain't New York, baby. If you want somehwere similar, you're pointing in the wrong direction completely...

  3. 6 hours ago, johng said:

    If by  sweet little Thai pastries  you mean  "galee pup"  then I think you'll find some in Friendship supermarket.

    Yep, them's the ones. Cheers, I'll check that out

  4. Does anyone know of a regular street vendor selling those sweet little Thai pastries? There's a young lad I've bought from on Klang but he's a roamer so only ever see him once in a blue moon. Cheers

  5. Thanks, man. On the shelf in Watsons Central. Took me three laps to find it but there it was. Cheers!

  6. Sam Adams and The Mirror have surpassed themselves with this bit of rubbish journalism. Boom boom. It's a <deleted> all night rave, people. It doesn't matter what country it's in, what nationality the attendees are, or what the walking surface is be it sand, grass, mud, concrete or custard. It will be covered in shit afterwards. Fact. And like most other festivals, parties, whatever, this one gets cleaned up right after. There is no story here, just another example of disgraceful British Tabloid reporting. If you're gonna tie someone to the stake and wave pitch-forks, start with the author of the article and follow it up with his employer. <deleted> tabloids...

  7. I had the same interest, but couldn't find any either. Maybe the clientele - foreigners in BKK wanting business visa to CN - are too few for local agents to bother about.

    On the other hand, the new CN visa application centre in the Thanaphum Bulding on New Petchaburi Road is a quite pleasant and seems more efficient than the old one at Rama 9.

    I went a weekday late morning and amazingly had my application filed within 15 min!

    If anyone's interested… having just returned from the new Chinese visa application centre in Thanapoom Tower, I can concur with Globalist. They recommend you get there before 10:30 but suggest late morning/early afternoon. Well organised, staff helpful and efficient, no queuing, in and out job done. Easy...

  8. I had the same interest, but couldn't find any either. Maybe the clientele - foreigners in BKK wanting business visa to CN - are too few for local agents to bother about.

    On the other hand, the new CN visa application centre in the Thanaphum Bulding on New Petchaburi Road is a quite pleasant and seems more efficient than the old one at Rama 9.

    I went a weekday late morning and amazingly had my application filed within 15 min!

    Okay, cheers mate. I might have to suck it up...

  9. This topic has been approached prior but without any real resolution.

    I need to get a business visa for China, here in Thailand.

    I would much rather pay an agent to jump through all the hoops so can anyone recommend an agency, please?

    I've googled, searched, contacted everyone I can find but no joy...


  10. Nice to see, we have a p-ing contest going on here!

    But back on subject: I have spoken to far more than 20!

    And I would never come to a clear judgement on what they said!

    I guess, some are quiet happy about the amount they make...at least until they are over 30 and show the signs of ever present alcohol and drug abuse.

    Which by the way is rampant in the bars, I occasionally have a drink!

    One reason why I have trouble believing the "are happy"- part!

    If you need to booze or drug your brain out every night, I don't believe you are happy and like your job as much as you say!

    Just look at the culture of hedonistic escapism in most 1st world societies. People going at it hard on the booze and drugs every weekend to blot out their pointless existence in shitty jobs. Getting spanked because you hate your life is not restricted to sex workers...

  11. It's modern economics and the same story in all developed nations: more children wanted to increase consumption & tax revenue, in order to revitalise flagging economies and pay for aging populations. These are ecomomic reasonings because we're not societies any more, we're economies. But when does it end? Growth can't go on indefinitely; resources are finite and our host planet is already overpopulated with a parasitic species. What about community? Sustainability? They don't get a look-in because it's all about money and maintaining the staus quo for the big-boys at the top of the food-chain.

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