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Joe Mama

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  • Birthday February 21

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    Prachuap Khiri Khan

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  1. The most effective way to increase tourists & retirees spending habits while living in Thailand would be to reduce the outrageous taxes levied on the purchase of alcoholic beverages in Thailand! The taxes are so damn high that they are more effective than attending AA meetings to get me to quit purchasing & drinking alcohol beverages while living here in Thailand!
  2. My all time favorite Thai performing artist! I was fotunate to see him perform live a couple of years ago at a concert in Amnat Charoen! He'll definitely be missed, but his music legacy will live on forever!
  3. I would think that the primary financially responsible parties to this horrible tragedy would be the owners of the shopping mall, who are responsible for the security of their shoppers; as well as the parents of the minor who caused all the carnage! Attempting to associate the financial legal responsibility costs for this event onto Foreign tourists to Thailand doesn't quite compute???
  4. I see the motorcycle delivery drivers as the #1 threat to the safety of themselves & other drivers on Thai roads! They seem to belong to a different club than the majority of drivers in Thailand? They are generally always in a hurry, & speeding! They are constantly zigzagging, & passing other vehicles at any & all costs, as well as cutting in front of other vehicles! Red lights mean nothing to them as they are generally ignored! Alternative;y, start ups from a red light is usually accomplished 5 to 10 seconds before the green light appears! Frequently they are eye balling their phones rather than the road & traffic conditions! Is the timely delivery of food items really worth risking your life or incurring permanent injuries??? Why not try driving safely & courteously by following the rules of the road!
  5. Unfortunately there are financial scams all over the internet, not just on Facebook! How about passing some tough legislation to make companies like Facebook financially responsible for covering the financial loses caused to it's membership due to the criminal activity of the companies that Facebook supports and profits from!
  6. The 3 Thai tourist police officers involved in this incident did an amazing job of de-escalating a potential violent situation! They should be commended for their professional behavior throughout the incident! Bravo!
  7. Why are you picking on all of the 50 year old plus retiree's because of a couple of rogue motorcycle gangs? I would guess that 99.9% of the retirement visa holders in Thailand have no affiliation or intentions of ever belonging to a criminal motorcycle gang enterprise! That's a pretty weak excuse to punish thousands of law abiding Thai Retirement Visa holders because of the actions of a handful of criminals! Instead, how about implementing an outright ban on criminal motorcycle gangs within Thailand? You seem to know who they all are already as many have been recently identified!
  8. Any & every dog (family pet or Soi dogs) that violently attack a person needs to be humanly euthanized immediately & without question! The Pitbull's are a particularly vicious breed, & have caused many injuries & fatalities in Thailand! I love to walk for exercise, but fear walking around my neighborhood as there are packs of Soi dogs roaming around the area! Some of them even charge at my motorbike when I pass them in the street, and I have no idea if any of them have ever been properly vaccinated! No vicious dog should ever be given a second chance to maul or kill again!
  9. Wow! What good does it do for travelers to Thailand to purchase Travel/Medical insurance when it seems that most of the time these policies fail to cover the medical costs for treatment of their injuries???
  10. I'm generally opposed to the death penalty as there is no reversing it should the wrong person be exonerated after the fact, and I've heard of that happening several times over the years, especially with the advent of DNA testing methods for evidence! However, in cases such as this where there is no question or doubt as to the perpetrator of this horrendous crime, then I'm all for it! Besides punishing the convicted murderer, it sends a strong deterrent message to any future criminals as to what punishment they may expect to experience for committing similar crimes in the future!
  11. Wow...Charles is evicting his flesh & blood son Harry & his wife Megan from their royal cottage because they wrote an honest account of their miserable existence while residing within the British Royal Firm, & replacing them with his allegedly pedophile, disgraced uncle! Gee...Thanks Dad!
  12. Wow! The state of Florida is eerily starting to resemble pre-World War II Germany! Soon the book burning parties will ignite! I'm sure as hell glad I went to high school in the USA over 50 years ago, when about the only thing that was banned from the high school libraries was hard core porn! What's up next for Florida schools...a ban on free thinking???
  13. I always believed that David Crosby had the best voice of the C,S,N, & Y group! He will be missed!
  14. No one loves dogs more than I do; however, for the safety of everyone, the best future home for this particular pit bull is in heaven!
  15. The penalty If you're caught driving while your license is suspended or confiscated will only cost you 2 points is totally absurd...if you're caught driving while you license is suspended or confiscated, they need to impound your vehicle for 90 days!
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