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Posts posted by Americano555

  1. 14 hours ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    The trashpackers have been successful at transforming about 1/4 of the most area into Koa San Road, and making it resemble anything but the rest of Thailand.  I doubt the people mixing the bucket drinks even know what is in them.  I walked by there one night after cloising, and expected to see a party that had spilled onto the streets as reported.  Hardly...just a group's of 8 farang guys without a girl or a clue.  Thug, roidhead bouncers often comp!iment roidhead amateur bucket drinkers.  "F."

    Did you read the question? 

  2. Bottom line is that the people are there in Europe.

    They need to get their heads out from where the sun don't shine.


    If they commint a crime, deport them, the whole family.



    It's time to change the laws of the countries. The European People  THEMSELVES are <deleted>.


    it's their COUNTRY.....SUPPOSE TO BE FOR THE PEOPLE......Not bring in freeloading barbaric people that have both hands out......but WANT MORE.....BY DOING LESS AND NOTHING.


    Not one Europen leader said they were terrortist?  That's the problem and the people will support to get rid of this scum.

  3. 22 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Yup, dogs can be useful.  Just a few months ago was sat upstairs at my desk, dogs were making an unusual, persistent bark sound.  I thought it might be a snake or something out of the ordinary, and sure enough, found they had cornered a common, Golden Tree Snake underneath the tire of my pick up truck.   Didn't have to coax that one at all, he/she slithered straight into my big fish net, and I let it go up a tree in my front garden.


    English is not your 1st language right?

  4. This is what happened to me.


    HK to Bangkok (30 days)

    Immigration Bkk (30 days)

    Cambodia (30 days)

    Kanchanaburi Extension (30 days)

    Cambodia (30 days)

    Northern Thailand Extension (30 days)


    So a total of 180 days, and when I was flying out to Myanmar, the lady gave me the riot act, and asked me when I was coming back. I said 3-4 months.......and she wrote something on the computer....


    Went to KL after 2 months and will wait 3 months to come back in.....

  5. I've noticed 1 thing having 1st visited Thailand 30 years ago.


    1) All taxi drivers have a hidden deadly weapon

    2) Al motorcycle taxi stand locations have hidden deadly weapons

    3) all tuk tuk drivers carry hidden deadly weapons.


    Earlier this year, the motorbike taxi stand next to the Marriot on Sukhumvit - 2 guys were sharpening their machetes on a cement block. And I doubt they were making som tum.


    It's becoming the Wild Wild West of the ArmPit of Asia.

  6. Used to spend 5-6 months a year in Thailand on business. Now I spend my time in Malaysia and only about 1 month in Thailand.

    And save a lot of money, because Malaysia is much cheaper, food, restaurants, beer, vitamins, western gourmet foods....etc..cheaper and better housing.

  7. 53 minutes ago, chrissables said:

    I am coming to the end of a three month motorbike ride around Vietnam.

    The prices are cheaper and in tourist areas the service better. 

    Their English language is either very bad or very good depending what area, the good better than in Thailand.

    The national parks, tourist places are priced the same, no ten fold double pricing, with a few exceptions where it is free for locals.

    Yesterday i took a cable car ride up a mountain. Entrance, buggy to the cable car, the ride up and return was less than entrance for non Thais to a Thai national park offering far less.

    There are no stupid rules about what time you can buy a drink and relax. 

    International food is far cheaper than Thailand, if that is your requirement. I would think due to less tax.

    Thailand in my opinion should open it's eyes to what tourists look for and supply it. As any good business model would work. 

    People will pay if that is the case. If not they will start or already are losing out to countries like Vietnam and Laos.


    Don't forget Malaysia........way cheaper.......money goes Waayyyy further......

  8. 20 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:


    yeah that was a good film...Gary Oldman at his slimyest...


    and then the 12 y.o. Natalie Portman who is a prepubescent fantasist when asked about her relation to Leon: 'he is my LOVER!'...she brought that one off well...leading to an award for the Black Swan later when she growed up...that one with the sublimely sexy Mila Kunis...


    Luc Bresson has some good films...the recent Lucy with Scarlett Johansson is worth watching...(anything with Scarlett is worth watching, preferably with 'painted on' action clothing, ooohhh them hips...)

    when she growed up..... ?

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