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Posts posted by Americano555

  1. Just hope they're not trying to lull the bomb squad into complacency by placing out a few decoys, then hit us all with the real thing.

    That is exactly what I thought when I read the article. Not about the bomb squad though, I imagine they'll always take such things seriously, but about Joe Public; if there are enough false alarms people will stop suspecting abandoned packages.

    (I once was on the verge of evacuating a fair sized building in Melbourne not long after leaving England - I was literally standing in front of the fire alarm with all of my people halfway down the corridor towards the stairs when one of them stopped to pick up the briefcase he'd left by the entrance door. He really had no idea why I was so angry, and why I was evacuating. Once learned never forgotten, but does this one instance count as learning?).

    What's your point?

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