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Posts posted by redbarron

  1. 2 hours ago, james1995 said:

    So what if a few things fail. Capitalism has never worked for workers either.  I'm a communist(real one) and denouce my government's actions to destablize Venezuela.  They won't succeed.

    If you are a REAL communist then give all your money to your government and let them take care of you. If you don't do this then you are just another hypocrite who wants to impose his beliefs on others. Shame on you!

  2. 4 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Such a pity that these terrorists have to be killed - thus fulfilling their wishes to die as martyrs. Captured, tortured, humiliated and lifetime solitary confinement would be a better punishment. And 'to hell' with the do gooders of this world.


    Why would you want to punish taxpayers who will have to pay to keep them alive? And why do you say "to hell with the do gooders"? You sound a lot like a member of ISIS. Two wrongs don't make a right . . .

  3. 12 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Three things the OP needs to investigate as soon as possible.



    A Living Will.

    Power of Attorney.

    It's probably not an option for the OP,  but whomever reads this should consider purchasing long term care insurance. Some are international and some are not.

  4. 17 hours ago, bark said:

    Safe travels for Big Bikes, and riders. Hope it doesn't rain on you. And please wear helmets.

    You are brainwashed by the media and insurance companies. Helmets can be dangerous at high speeds due to the added weight and the natural weakness of the neck. Helmet use should always be a personal choice. But insurance companies figured out the fewer people that ride the more money they make. And well intentioned but misinformed people like you have a habit if using the force of the state to make people do what you want.

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