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Posts posted by Somebodee

  1. 1 hour ago, rosst said:

    Interesting that OZ is the country blocking travel for known offenders and yet our reputation is smeared with this defamatory story with doubtful figures in support???

    I am certain there are some Australians in this nasty despicable trade but let us be honest, there are more Thai involved than foriegners and twenty times more than Aussies.

    Total rubbish! It doesn't matter which study into these pedos you read 70-80% of all pedos are white males. Just as any Balinese business person in Bali, besides drugs and grog the other most in demand vice sort by Aussies is kiddy sex. 


  2. 10 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

    After many run ins with certain posters on other threads who deny that farang nonces are here in significant numbers, TNN's stats couldn't have come at a better time.

    Notice the attempts to divert attention from the story by comparing the numbers to those of native paedos.

    People trying to deny farang paedos are here in significant numbers.

    Note all the nonces are from farang countries. No Chinese, no Africans, no Asians. Much as it pains me to say, the problem has reached the point where drastic action is needed to protect Thailand's children from foreign paedo scum..........even if it causes the decent, non warped farangs to suffer the minor ignominy of being racially profiled.

    I propose providing the immigration service with read-only interrogative access to the sex offender register for each of the farang countries mentioned and that every white male entering the kingdom is screened against the databases.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Data in most countries support what you are saying: 


  3. On 13/06/2017 at 8:07 PM, natway09 said:

    Maybe it is time that Ozzies had to get a special visa to go overseas.

    Wherever the go they seem to get into trouble. I had a few very regrettable incidents in Bali with drunk

    Ozzies that ruined two of our holidays by them just being stupid, dumb, annoying & out of control.

    Hence, they can have Bali  on their own now

    You'll be glad to know there's actually been legislation passed banning  aussie pedos from travelling overseas. Bali has already been infested by aussies but at least this will reduce their numbers.  

  4. One thing that really impresses me with Thai culture is the lack of shoplifting or stealing in general. It's so liberating to be able to leave bicycles, bags etc around without chaining every single item to a steel pole like Australia where thieving seems to be a cultural trait. 

  5. On 26/11/2016 at 8:00 PM, jobsworth said:

    i am amazed that none of you seem to be aware of the vast operation being conducted by ICE against white people in the thailand. have you never noticed the many little groups of middle aged australian ladies pretending to be tourists and clutching their mobile telephones while they take photos of the suspicious white people. they are on the beach, in the restaurants, in the bars and outside the hotels. often they will be accompanied by a child or two from an orphanage or a thai lady ex bar girl. the lurkers on this forum will certainly know what i am talking about.

    I don't know who you refer to to as ICE. But I have seen the behavior you are talking about in Thailand, this is the way they behave back home in Australia.

    Not sure if you can call them true feminazis as they only follow their own malicious/hate regime and it's not only the white males they target.

    Australian women although not all seem to be a hateful lot.


  6. On 06/11/2016 at 5:30 PM, rak sa_ngop said:

    Just as likely to be a scam. Start screaming and shouting at 7.00 am, start threatening to go to the police, make yourselves out to be crazy farangs and the owners of some hotels would be quick to compensate the guests to prevent unwanted attention from the police. Paying out 20,000 baht to the guests is small money compared to all the other fines the police can get you for if they want to.

    Funny you said that. I stayed at two separate hotels and saw some australians pulling similar scams. The first was in Chiang Mai were they were accusing the staff of stealing an ipad, camera gear etc. Police were called and the two aussies were arrested when the police found the so called missing items under the bed LOL. The second was in Phuket when a couple accused the staff of stealing a handbag, luckily she was captured on cctv  pasted out on the footpath just in front of the hotel with her handbag LOL.  

  7. 13 hours ago, Spaniel said:

    They use that line to start a conversation with you.      Then it usually leads to him wanting to tell you your future  for a couple hundred baht.      Next time one of them approaches you play along with him for a few minutes and you will get the story first hand.      And yes it's always a Sikh gentleman as I guess the turban kind of gives off the fortune teller vibe.      A variation of this scam is run by the Filipino's around town.      They will approach you and ask you where you bought your shoes, or ask you where you're from and when you tell them Omaha or wherever  they quickly reply that they have a cousin, always a female, that lives there,  or they will tell you that they work at the hotel where you are staying.     Their scam is once they get you in a conversation they try to get you to come along with them to play cards where your  likely hood of winning is pretty low.      All good fun!

    On certain days the Siam area are full of these filo scammers, there are different variations but they'll all want you to go back somewhere with them.

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