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Posts posted by Somebodee

  1. Another consideration worth weighing up is if you still retain a PPOR in Oz whether it's being rented out or not.

    I worked OS for several years and declared myself a non resident for tax purposes, for all those years I did not received

    the tax free threshold. But tax paid over those years was peanuts compare to what I saved on my return.

    On my return to Oz I claimed the 6 year ruling on my PPOR, that delivered a windfall of over $600K tax free.

  2. Those who have on going mold build up should also check if their drain hole/hose are clogged. On most evaporator housings there is

    a drain to let the condensation out. This is what makes the puddle of water when the car is parked.

    A charcoal impregnated cabin filter will remove external odours, the downside is these filters have smaller pores and tend to slow the air flow

    down a touch.

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