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Everything posted by canthai55

  1. I have NEVER heard of fundamental rights being curtailed or suspended - and then some time in the future restored. When they are gone, they are gone for good - until Revolution happens
  2. "Oh yes the glory of America, how could we forget since you American people never shut up about it Here's US history in a nutshell : 1)millions of pounds invested in new British colonies 2)France tries to invade but Britain defends its colonies at the cost of 120,000 lives in the world's first truly global war 3) ungrateful colonists refuse to contribute to the costs of this war despite the wealth of the land 4) US propaganda brands king George a tyrant - the King who ended slavery and spent 40% of Britain's GDP buying their freedom 5) US revolts and is on the verge of losing its own revolutionary war until the French intervene 6) Britain occupied by total war with Napoleon and has its real armies on the continent 7) Britain cuts its losses and goes on to defeat Napoleon and restore the sovereignty of the nations of Europe 8)US claims victory and begins its life with a national attitude of arrogance 9) US continues slavery for another 60 years and has to have a civil war to resolve the matter 10) claims to be the greatest country in the world despite the fact that they established their nation on millions of pounds of stolen property, slave labour and genocide of the natives 11) does little to help France during 2 world wars despite France being instrumental in their revolution 12) content to let Britain and Europe suffer until Japan drags them into the war 13) goes on to completely mess up the world order for the next 6 decades 14) society starts to crumble, many live in poverty and social unrest plagues the nation.Yet it still screeches hysterically about its manifest destiny 15) world at large getting sick of their <deleted>".
  3. Old people can learn new ways of thinking too - you never stop learning (or you should not do) When I was a boy Germany and the German people were never discussed. This was not long after WWII. Still a very raw wound, as many family members were lost during that time. But I learned that it was not THE German people, it was SOME German people. An important distinction. But I will agree that anyone who holds racist, bigoted, sexist, misogynistic, beliefs is not worth my time. They have learned nothing, and at this late date will not changes their spots so to speak.
  4. Running out of argument space ? Quoting stats from over 50 years ago ? So tell us - how were things during the Roman Empire ?
  5. WOW - you are really Far Far out on your beliefs LGBT - wrong Not having children - Wrong Maybe read the UN Declaration of Human Rights - get a feel for what the majority in the world believes
  6. This is what is meant ... Freedom of speech and the right to freedom of expression applies to ideas of all kinds including those that may be deeply offensive. But it comes with responsibilities and we believe it can be legitimately restricted. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/free-speech-freedom-expression-human-right Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights
  7. The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8906722/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 A taste of what it is like to be black in america
  8. That is a very broad category - not just antivaxxers. Politicians, priests, police, doctors, drunk drivers, ... long list. Face it - Life is about risk, and how much risk you are willing to take on. Some cower beneath the sheets, locked indoors, double masked. Some say to Hell with it, I am going to live my life. Some ride bikes, some think you must be crazy to. Which one is wrong ? Or Right ? Neither. It is a choice.
  9. I have read no post here that says people should take Ivermectin. People have posted the results they had when taking it. I have read no post telling others to take it. People need to Chill Da ---- Out People in the USA take horse sized doses - that is not the fault of anyone but themselves. Maybe Darwin at work 'from sea to shining sea'
  10. Want to Laugh ? Village Without Women https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1776356/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 MV Group
  11. Rode up there a few times. Went all the way to the border, as I usually do. Pretty place. Don't go to bars so can't say - but doubt if there are any. Pretty much the same as any rural area here - rice fields, temples, mountains.
  12. I did not do anything - hence no guilt - but support them with my taxes. How many generations should be made to pay for this mythical "Guilt" Do we go back 100 - 200 - 500 - 1,000 years ? Do the people killed by Genghis Khan seek reparations from the Gov't of Mongolia ? It was a long time ago. Get Over It Wanna live in country X ? Then contribute to it - not just Take Take Take - More More More - while crying the same old song.
  13. Is your home country one that spends billions on no result, other than the same old same old ? Mine is. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein Known to be very shallow 555
  14. So ... throughout history people who have invaded land, killed or imprisoned the resident population, are thieves ? Way of the World and not just the human world, plants, animals, insects. What I am against is the never ending welfare handouts to these same indigenous people. How long has it been ? When are they going to learn ? If never, then in steps Darwin and poof - problem solved.
  15. In a nutshell. Post your opinion, and let the chips fall where they may. What censorship tries to do is FORCE people to adhere to one principal, one idea. All others are banned. IM not so HO that is what is happening today, with "Influencers" making peoples minds up for them. Post garbage, people see that X number of people follow you, and its "OH, he must know what he is talking about" 555 Just shows how many ignorant people there are in the world, trotting out the old concentration guard defense "But I was only following orders"
  16. You posted that people would be a collaborator - hence the Hogwash remark. Nowhere in the post I quoted did you mention the terms above. And where have they EVER existed on this planet ? The idea - yes. The practical application - never. I am a child of the 60's, MLK etc. Nothing much has changed - whitewash job and more talking heads now is all. Oh - and the terms used. "People of color" - well, that makes it OK then. 555
  17. Forum a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. I do not see this happening much - if at all. And the argument that you are "forcing" publishers to post your reply or opinion is a nice way to circumvent censorship. Nice try Tho'
  18. Agree timmyp - those pro lockdown remind me of anti abortion crusaders in days gone by. I am right - you are wrong. If you do not agree, you should be shot ... kind of thing. We do not have a clue what the vaccines will do long term - they are too new. We do not know what covid will do long term - it is too new. Your examples of Japan and Sweden are correct. Two of the only nations on this planet who did not do the "Chicken with their head chopped off" response. And to all the posters loading up with rock salt and bacon rind - I am vaccinated, and got the jabs as soon as I could.
  19. The Guilty 2018 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6742252/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 7.5 but worth at least 1 more. Excellent
  20. A good translation - "Praise Jesus, but keep your powder dry" 555
  21. Hogwash. Mind your own business, and let others mind theirs. I could care less if you want to dress in a chicken suit and swing from a chandelier. Just don't use my chandelier. Then it's my business.
  22. Don't watch broadcast TV for well over 20 years. Watch very few TV series as well, altho some are outstanding. Bron/Broen as one example - Peaky Blinders as another
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