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Everything posted by canthai55

  1. Most - myself included - post their experience. . Don't worry - you are indeed "Special"
  2. Thanks - thought dogs were at a lower frequency
  3. Why oh Why do people give two hoots what other people say, think, believe !!!
  4. Schumacher 2021 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10322274/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3 His win in the Spanish Grand Prix will never be equalled
  5. Schumacher 2021 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10322274/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3
  6. In your opinion. Not EVERYONES - and there is studies that say it does have some benefit. Maybe quit trying to ram your own beliefs down other peoples throats and let them do what they choose.
  7. And so what ? This makes what she says more important - more relevant - than others ? She has that many 'fans' and you do not think they are influenced by what she does ? What she says ?
  8. https://www.efunda.com/designstandards/oring/oring_chemical.cfm?SC=none&SM=Buna-N (Nitrile)#chem
  9. For years o-rings have been made of nitrile. Tough, long lasting. My 2001 Dyna had them throughout the fuel system, and gasahol did not effect them. People just repeating old wives tales from the 70's and 80's about problems. New cars - made this century - am sure will have them, so no problem with ethanol
  10. They probably mean any o-rings in the fuel lines and into/out of the filters As far as the ECU I do not believe there will be any problems. I am not going to do nuttin' with mine until you can not buy B10 any more, and am forced to use B20. Then keep an eye out for any weeping and/or drips.
  11. I said different - in this thread - on page 2 Your broker is ... mistaken
  12. The subsidies are what is creating the confusion. As said above, what you bought before was B7 - it was just called diesel. B10 is the new standard, and will in time go the way of the dodo in favor of B20 Our DMax is 2004 - 3 liter - and it has caused no issues using B10 Never tried B20 but expect it too will run fine
  13. Rode my H1 off a 70 foot cliff - broke left leg in 3 places Broke a stop sign with my back T Boned 2 cars Not counting the gravel rash, road rash, broken collar bone Broke the shifter off with my foot on my Dyna getting side swiped by the worlds oldest Toyota pickup on the way to CNX
  14. Along with the Beatles, Rolling Stones, ... I could go on and on Who cares if the riff is from some 1920's song - the song sounds completely different. Most cases from the USA - the Land of Litigation
  15. I had to Google who she is. Why would you care what she - or anyone - thinks ? Another silicone filled, botox injected, 'Influencer' suffering from a Narcissus complex. Live your own life.
  16. Not in Thailand. The car is insured for all legal drivers, unless you specifically tell your insurance company that you will be the sole driver, or you and your significant other.
  17. Rode my bike there about 3 weeks ago. Health check just east of Pai - show ID card, temp check, where you coming from, where you going. On my Way
  18. Contact AA - I use Pattaya. Insured my second hand 7 year old Forza I bought last year First Class
  19. Our cheap car - 500,000 THB per person 10,000,000 THB per accident And that is only Second Class Plus
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