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Everything posted by canthai55

  1. Sorcerer 1977 A Classic Remake of another classic - The Wages of Fear 1953
  2. People always compare bike - most auto scooter threads start with "How does --- compare with the PCX" The reason - they always compare it to the best available model, not the worst. Never been a fan of Click or any flat floor model - altho if I wore a dress I would look for one.
  3. My apologies if I came across as a bit of a coont in my previous post No insult intended or inferred.
  4. First link 11 years old. What possible argument can you make for putting this here ? Pot stirring MeThinks
  5. There is so much "clutching at straws' in this thread by the Believers that they must have a whole bale full by now.
  6. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-where-prostitution-is-legal So only 1 or 2 percent have come forward - of 42 MILLION To say your post is ... Skewed - is the understatement of the day Re: drug use - I am a 30 year clean addict I quit voluntarily - there is no other way to get clean, stay clean. And I know a Heck of a lot more than a dozen or so other people in the same boat. Your knowledge - from a "considerable time" - is miniscule
  7. How long have you been in Thailand ? Your home country DL is only good for a set amount of time. Many - if not most - insurance companies want you to have a Thai license when purchasing Thai motor vehicle insurance. Get your DL first - then get the car. Then you covered if/when something happens
  8. I can not believe some people - debating whether a mythical creature is being treated in a Racist manner. What Da Funk has to world come to ? Do people not have enuf things to make a noise about ? JRR is a fantastic author, and his books - and the movies based on them - are exceptional. All those 'Woke, PC, Pot-Stirring as a holes should be taken to task. What a Crock !
  9. As expected - did not even get a reply, so ... Am looking for a signal generator now. Freq range 25 Khz to 40 Khz Or someone who can build one for me Any ideas ? As tweeters are cheap I will just bite the bullet and experiment Thanks All
  10. Give up on people who are caught up in the use and abuse of drugs ? Of course NEVER help them. Fine and/or incarcerate 'Johns' - who perform private acts between consenting adults. Are you in the Taliban ? What next - bring back the Auto-Da-Fe ? Thought Police ?
  11. As I asked the question of the person who made the post, I expect him to answer.
  12. 555 - not the way I view this Forum, and some of the people posting here
  13. I never bothered to vote when I was living there, or even returning for the work season. Must say I am more than a little jaded with the whole system - people think their vote matters - I am sure it does not. Altho' from what I have been reading since Son of PET got elected the slippery slope is now VERY slippery indeed.
  14. And what - pray tell - is the Obvious thing to do ? Inquiring minds want to know
  15. Would YOU fell better if you offered an apology ? Seems to me you have nothing to lose and something to gain. If it is accepted graciously - both of you will feel better. If it is refused, or refuted - you are in the exact same place you are in now. Only difference is you realized you were wrong and tried to make amends.
  16. Not true - as your link states. Only Phuket On July 1st, travelers to Phuket could avoid quarantine if they could provide proof of full vaccination. The third part of the plan is to allow visitors to the remaining 5 pilot provinces to forgo quarantine if fully vaccinated from October 2021. It is still September
  17. Never took the plunge. Mostly up and on the road by 0600 and in the pool by 1500 but like anything else - buy quality ones. And how do you tell quality from Qrap ? Good question - brand names is what I would look for. Phillips, Osram, etc. D'iu ne lo mo - on the junk !
  18. The Serengeti Rules https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6838670/ MV Group
  19. Only ever in the missionary position, fully clothed, for reproduction only, with the lights out and the woman lying still as a corpse, following Queen Victorias advice "Lie back and think of England" 555
  20. Garage People https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11496136/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 MV Group
  21. Mine has an issue date - no expiry date.
  22. Whole wack of them in a Google search - along with YouTube videos
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